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12 years ago @ World In Conversation - Voices From The Classroom · 0 replies · +1 points

The idea of trying to prevent statey patty's from occuring this year is almost impossible for many reasons. One of many reasons, is that this holiday is actually a student-created holiday which encourages getting highly intoxicated and partying from early in the morning. Now obviously the university has always tried to stop and prevent this holiday from happening. However, trying to control over forty thousand students from participating in drinking doesn't sound like an easy task. Of course, in the Penn State in the meantime is going through so much, and is at one of its worst conditions throughout history due to sex scandals that have been spread all over the country. That being said, the media spotlight is all over penn state looking for the slightest error or wrong doing of pennstaters and to eventually report it nationally. So, the idea of cancelling State Patty's this year is definitely a good idea and would help so much in recovering the students' reputation after it has been extremely tainted as a result of rioting over Joe Paternos firing. The probable solutions of preventing the holiday from taking place would either be explaining the stigma and bad reputation they currently have nation-wide or maximizing security on that day. However, many argue that not celebrating the holiday won't be recognized as a sacrifice, because it brings no good to the recent scandals. Also, security is usually maximized during state pattys yet even though it helps a little bit, it doesn't succeed in stopping the event from happening. The only reasonable thing that students should know is that in order to restore our broken image, we must act responsibly and not let the media hold any more negative reports about us as penn state students. We should emphasize our positive sides, like participating in THON, rasing money for kids, supporting child abuse awareness. We must prove the media wrong and show our true image. In short, the whole idea of preventing state pattys from happening sounds impossible, few of many reasons are that students don't feel they should be held accountable because of one person, and the whole idea of not celebrating wouldn't be recognized as a sacrifice because it doesn't really relate to the scandal. Yet, it might hurt the image of Penn State students in this vulnerable phase we are going through.

12 years ago @ World In Conversation - Voices From The Classroom · 0 replies · +1 points

The sex scandal has definitely been one event that has shocked the Penn State community as a whole. Many have taken the blame for a disgusting act by a single individual. The consequences have not only reached the individual thats responsible, but all the staff, members and the penn state community, unfortunately. Yes, the situation could have been handled better by Joe Paterno, but from my own stance, i am not one to judge as I am not fully incited on the every detail of this disgraceful case. This past event is what i like to consider a wake-up call for all the students, staff, and everyone that has known or heard about it. It is a reminder that there are innocent kids that are sexually abused every day. This past event, even though very sad, has added more spotlight and drew attention to those sexually abused. Now more poeple are aware, even kids, will hopefully now be more encouraged to speak out if they notice any uncomfortable acts and behavior from elders. Personally, i am now more aware that there are kids that are being taken advantage of, even more surprisingly and sadly you can never neglect attention of your kids even in supposedly safe places. I say that because, some of the victims of the previous event have been taken advantage of in "The Second Mile" a club for the unfortunate and poor kids to hang out, socialize, and develop themselves. I have also been reminded to immediately report or try to find out about any suspicious acts that could end up with serious consequences. A lot of people try to ignore what they see, not because they don't care but because they don't want to be involved in any problems with authorities or investigations. But, looking at how this has ended terribly and sadly, a small amount of neglect has resulted in the abuse of many of those innocent kids having their lives ruined, yes ruined, some people tend to not understand how serious this problem is. Also, leading a chaos to a university. In short, it is the responsibility of every individual to report any suspicious behavior of any sort or try to at least find out about whats going on if possible. I for one hand, consider it a responsibility to report any thing suspicious, and this event has definitely refreshed my intentions to be a part of the community and be responsible, because being a part of a community is taking care of it, from what i believe.

12 years ago @ World In Conversation - Voices From The Classroom · 0 replies · +1 points

The Pennsylvania State University is currently going through a very hard time. A sex scandal that goes against everything a major educational institution such as PennState teaches. Integrity, equality and great education is what pennstate is known for until a major scandal has surprisingly and shamefully spread all over the media. An act of a certain individual that has shook the whole pennstate community from faculty and staff to students and alumni. A disgusting act that took place on the grounds of pennstate. This will certainly and undoubtedly taint pennstates image and reputation, after it has been one of the most respected schools in the nation--if not the world. However, we are being displayed by all kinds of media throughout the united states from all news channels in a very bad way. A lot of misinterpretation, misconceptions and false news has been spreading these past few days. We are being shown as a rioters that are violent, we are shown as that we don't care about the victims, we are shown as students that care about football more than anything else, and that it is our priority. A lot of the news channels are definitely looking for the most interesting news to get more viewers and thus only show the riots which seems to intrigue viewers attention. It saddens me that THON on the other hand is not even relatively close to being covered by the news, when we collected over TEN million dollars last year for kinds with cancer, not to mention that it is a completely student run program. Yes, i have noticed a lot of negative reactions on the news, tv shows, and blogs. Such a reaction is definitely expected, however, the media is acting as if the whole PennState community is responsible for an act of one individual, or a few more.
Personally, my opinion as a PennState student, i feel that i am responsible to better the image of my school, by the way i act, by the way i share conversations with non-PennStaters about this case. Also, the media is neglecting the fact that we are actually thinking of the kids, but as i mentioned earlier, they are looking for what is exciting and intriguing which is the violence and barbaric acts of a few students. In conclusion, one individuals actions do not speak or reflect the behavior of over 90,000 members. Also, the media is majorly responsible for ruining PennStates' image and reputation.

12 years ago @ World In Conversation - Voices From The Classroom · 0 replies · +1 points

This country was built on immigrants, meaning it wouldn't be what it is today if it wasn't for the heavy wave of immigrants from different places uniting and building a great country. In the beginning, there were no regulations on to whether you could immigrate or not, because laws were still being made. Nowadays however, immigration is still on the rise to the United states, legally and illegally. Some people sympathize the illegal immigrants by saying this land is all immigrants. Personally, i disagree with the whole illegal immigration idea, because this country is now built on a law and an economy, and illegals don't participate in any of that, therefore causing problems, legally and economically. Yet, I still believe that every person should have the right to immigrate in the dream of having better opportunities, improving the quality of their lives. Yet, I don't agree with immigrating illegally in the pursuit of this dream, because it simply doesn't help the country or its people. I believe that illegal immigrants should make their way to immigrating either by working or doing the best they can to achieve a legal status. It is still very understandable to see many illegals immigrate illegally because of how bad of a condition they are in and how easily their lives would improve if they came to America legally or illegally. In any case, everyone has the right to immigrate in pursuit of a better life without exceptions, but that doesn’t mean they have the right to come here illegally. Because most of the new era immigrants have strived and worked hard to come here this is unfair to them, if illegal immigrants just come here without working for it at all. The difference between now and then is, back then, the country was still being built and didn’t have a stable economy. Contrarily, nowadays, there is a law and an economy that is based on the citizens where immigrants could have negative effect on it.