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5 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'Going Post... · 1 reply · +8 points

Considering the contents of guano, I'm kind of surprised ol' mr golden river didn't buy the lot for enhanced compost. Or that the Post Office isn't now a Jumanji replica

5 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'A Hat Full... · 1 reply · +6 points

*photosensitive high-fives* I would not be able to leave the house without my sunglasses. Even on rainy days, because the glare off clouds & puddles is awful. I hope you can cope with windows and computer screens.

5 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'A Hat Full... · 1 reply · +31 points

And people have proven before that they can't handle it. That plus an entire day with a strange child - who Granny took off her hat to - and then "driving" her back, coping with her motion sickness, with her other body far away - I have social anxiety and that sounds exhausting and scary *without* the "are we going to manage living together for years/ will she freak out" aspect of it.

6 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'Monstrous ... · 0 replies · +4 points

I hate that site, but Polly punching the priest got me to click :) it was lovely, thank you

6 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'Monstrous ... · 0 replies · +2 points

Ohmigods Minty! Thank you for the rec

6 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'Monstrous ... · 0 replies · +9 points

In this sense, Jackrum's ambiguity of gender (is he just too used to talking about himelf, and acting, as a man, did he find out that his comfort in the role went deeper than he expected, does he just not want to change very old habits? I vacillate on these constantly) mirrors his situational morality and "soldier's sins" very well. I don't think Pratchett was being very enlightened about gender because of the ways he's resorted to the cheap joke and panto parodies before, but I do think he might have improved later without the Embuggarance's effects and affects (disclaimer: I haven't read RS or later books, so I could well be wrong).

6 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'Monstrous ... · 2 replies · +25 points

I think having Shufti around seems to have changed a lot. Payl is there, so the inn is safe for the family, but also Shufti has established herself as the kitchen manager, and presumably if something happens to Polly's father, it is still going to be safer in terms of management & planning. It feels to me like Shufti is an adopted sister sort of.

6 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'Monstrous ... · 1 reply · +27 points

It's one of the things I liked, that he showed how awful it is and how hard it is to stop. Kissin' don't last. (Edit: it made a nice contrast to Jingo and Small Gods. There was a miracle, but the miracle didn't stop the people being people, and a complex situation like this is very different to the Jingo set-up.)

6 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'Monstrous ... · 1 reply · +19 points

Yes. The (mostly) single POV, and Polly being pretty observant, helped a great deal to cement the first impressions, as it were. And I have to admit, Mark estimating himself being wrong 75%, and then his Reaction, got some good cackles out of me.

6 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'Monstrous ... · 0 replies · +6 points

Same! I remembered that the reveal was a shock, but I had forgotten what it was like to read Jackrum... unambiguously? More simply, anyway.