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7 years ago @ - AJ Styles Talks WWE Su... · 0 replies · +1 points

I am by no means a cena fan and never will be. But holy hell. The moves he was pulling out was stuff he's never done before and I didn't even know he was capable of. I don't like the guy, but after that I can't help but respect him. Top off the fact that he put over styles clean. I love it. I'd even go as far to say that it was his best match. Even better than mitb 2011 with punk. Nonetheless. I respect him now.

8 years ago @ - Triple H Announces WWE... · 1 reply · +6 points

Has anyone seen the 2k17 pretty order?whole commercial with Goldberg. Does that mean he's working with wwe again?

8 years ago @ - Update on a Pregnancy ... · 1 reply · -1 points

Big Johnny has a son. He plays in the NFL, last I knew for the rams, but that was a few years ago.

8 years ago @ - Backstage News on TNA ... · 0 replies · +3 points

Honestly, all these guys should leave, Sue tna for everything they're worth ( which isnt much these days), get their money, and put this disgrace of a company outta business.

8 years ago @ - *LIVE COVERAGE* OF TON... · 0 replies · +8 points

Surprisingly awesome match between Kalisto and ryback. I already knew Kalisto could work, but I don't think I've seen ryback at that level in a few years.

8 years ago @ - *LIVE COVERAGE* OF TON... · 0 replies · +2 points

Ya know, I'm realizing. Not being able to draw much heat in a heel corner really kills the suspense of a hot tag, and really makes tag team wrestling boring.

8 years ago @ - Two Stars Qualify for ... · 0 replies · 0 points

Lol yeah. Wasn't hornswoggle the last one to hold it?? That'd be career suicide.

8 years ago @ - Video: Doc Gallows and... · 0 replies · +23 points

Lol walk in, f**k s**t up, walk out.

8 years ago @ - *LIVE COVERAGE* OF TON... · 0 replies · +5 points

Cult of personality at that!

8 years ago @ - Baron Corbin Talks And... · 0 replies · 0 points

He's always been liked. The problem was he was still green and didn't appreciate the talent he had. He didn't deserve it at that point. Plus, that was like over a year ago. Opinions can change in a year's time.