


11 comments posted · 36 followers · following 0

8 years ago @ The Toast - An Open Thread, and Se... · 0 replies · +2 points

ALSO I just want to add I read every single one of your comments on the piece I wrote; I wasn't sure if I'd comment on it myself, but I just want to say each filled me with love and appreciation. I am so honoured. Thank you so much.

8 years ago @ The Toast - An Open Thread, and Se... · 0 replies · +2 points

Friend! I really can hardly express how beautiful this is. That you would use your wonderful ability and skill to make my words so lovely is a true honour. Thank you so much.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Link Roundup! · 0 replies · +5 points


Also, if you have me as a Toast Post friend, please include your return address if you'd like me to write back! I've got a few lovely postcards and I'm unsure if people want me to write back.

Thunderkont (I hope i got that right from your handwriting) -- please write me again or join me on Twitter (@gyip) to DM your address so I can write you back!

8 years ago @ The Toast - Cocktail Hour: Open Th... · 0 replies · +2 points

Friends! I am late as I have been in Halifax and had ADVENTURES, including with a fellow Toastie, and dipping into and falling into the Atlantic Ocean (from a beach shore, don't worry). It is very cold, I am reluctant to report.

I will be in Montreal as well over Canada Day so I don't know how I'll get into the OT on time, but I'll try my darndest, and I am Determined to share my contact info before the end. Please follow me on Twitter (@gyip) or if you ever come to Toronto, email me gyip (at) hotmail (dot) com and we should hang out! There's also a Toronto Toastie Facebook group that I try to check.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Cocktail Hour: Open Th... · 0 replies · +10 points

That SUCKS! Ugh. I'm sorry. It's such a violation.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Cocktail Hour: Open Th... · 3 replies · +10 points

I love your table SO MUCH. The foot caps!

8 years ago @ The Toast - Cocktail Hour: Open Th... · 17 replies · +21 points


I've been away for a Very Long Time because work browsers now no longer work with the Toast. I'm trying to figure out a way around it, because, wow, updates.

Uhhh. It sucks for me right now. You may remember that throughout the year, I asked for a lot of advice around dating a married man. Lots of stuff has since happened - I realized it was hard for me and I never felt secure, he told me he was in love with me and loved me, he realized he self-identified as poly and was more open to more and more romantic relationships, and ... I stopped it. The last time we talked, I was so stuck, he told me that best case scenario, we were on hold, and worst case scenario, we were broken up. He'd wait to hear from me? I think? The moment he went through my door, I think I felt it was over.

It's been not even a month since we talked. It's one of the hardest things I've done in the past year since my first break-up with my longtime live-in partner. I miss him a lot. I have a letter written to him about what I felt over the past year, but I haven't sent it yet.

A little after this latest break-up, I met a man I developed a hard crush on. Interesting, smart, educated, sexy. We lived close to each other and saw each other several times in almost no time. It took a little time to realize I felt uncomfortable -- his humour was sharper than mine, I was looking for kindness in a way I recognized, and his style in bed ... overwhelmed me. The last time we slept together, I had a bad time.

I wanted to see him and talk to him, probably to stop seeing each other but not sure. He was prepping to leave the country on a trip so when I texted him, he asked what was bothering me, and I just .... skipped right to the "I'm not interested in dating" part. He texted back, "K, good chat. Best of luck." It was awful. I feel so awful and guilty about how that happened. I wish I had a chance to talk to him. That was just a few days ago.

I think I'm a little messed up right now. Feeling incredibly lonely and longing for comfort and intimacy but also feeling like I'm unable to have any because I'm probably a little too vulnerable and sad. It's so frustrating.

So yeah, that's my comeback comment. Hey. How you doin'.

9 years ago @ The Toast - Loco Parentis: In All ... · 1 reply · +26 points

"girls steal your beauty"

"boys will replace you with their wives"


9 years ago @ The Toast - Rupert Giles, MLS · 0 replies · +69 points

I'd take these classes and write "LOVE" on one eyelid and "YOU" on the other just like that girl in Raiders of the Lost Ark and close my eyes inappropriately constantly.

9 years ago @ The Toast - Wearing the Pants: A B... · 0 replies · +7 points

Pants are overrated ...

I do like them. But ugh, choosing ones that fit, that stretch with my body throughout the day that don't get baggy with wear/wash, that don't wrinkle like crazy where my body folds in half when I sit, that don't have tight/high crotches. Pants that look good with shirts tucked in but don't show the fabric bunched underneath. Pants that are slim-fitting but don't show panty lines. PANTS.

Low-rise pants for women are the devil -- so uncomfortable.