


30 comments posted · 1 followers · following 4

16 years ago @ The Feds Studio Weddin... - Pug weclomes Anne Ruth... · 0 replies · +1 points

Great see you again Krista We had PUG withdrawals in Dec.

Kate Mike was to Hott for the blog! I didn't want some lady to see him and steal him from you. :)

16 years ago @ The Feds Studio Weddin... - Get It Off Workshop · 0 replies · +1 points

I'll talk it over with Doug maybe will do something like that.

16 years ago @ The Feds Studio Weddin... - ATTENTION: New Product... · 0 replies · +1 points

I can't believe how many people are currently interested this is awesome new product. I'll send you emails with the product pricing and info soon.

Kelly we are all Mac around here. My windows computer is a great coffee table though.
They are just USB drives so you just plug it in and your computer sees it as a hard drive, pretty easy.

16 years ago @ The Feds Studio Weddin... - To See or Not to See, ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I know if Kate and I did it over we would have done it that way.
I'll never forget her coming down the isle(While the little stone path)

16 years ago @ douglaslevyphotography - A Fenway Wedding · 0 replies · +1 points

Glad you would able to come thanks for helping out. I hope you had a good time.

16 years ago @ douglaslevyphotography - Quote of the year · 0 replies · +2 points

True but did Mercedes really brand their product on premium quality? Or the feeling one gets while in their car. In today's world everyone wants to feel great when they, Drive, wear, or experience anything. They also want to be better then someone else and if they can stretch their money(or payments) to do that it is worth it to the consumer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5C0I7Ef4gQI

Also I struggle with raising prices not cause of justifying cost but justify the price of 10hrs at the wedding. People don't see the work that goes into the product(images)

DJ told a story at the Freedom seminar that will stick.

One day, Picasso was sitting in the park transferring the beautiful images he was taking in onto the canvasses in front of him. A lady happened by and recognized him.

"Why, you're Picasso," she said. "The famous painter. Oh, would you do me the honor of painting my portrait?"

Picasso was happy to oblige. He picked up a new, clean canvass and with a quick, rounded stroke of the brush, completed her portrait.

As he handed it to her, she gushed. "Oh my. This is so beautiful. It captures my essence completely. Thank you."

Picasso replied, "That'll be $20 please."

Incredulous, the woman responded, "Twenty-dollars? It took you all of 10 seconds to do this portrait."

"No," Picasso replied. "It took me a lifetime."

*$20 in 1900 is about $1000 today

16 years ago @ The Feds Studio Weddin... - Free To Succeed · 0 replies · +1 points

Krista it is totally true with everything, yes there are right and wrong ways but everyone has their way, and it is right for them if it works.
Ya Perfection leads to procrastination, so true, so true.

16 years ago @ The Feds Studio Weddin... - Sandra and Greg's... · 0 replies · +1 points

It was easy. You two were awesome!

16 years ago @ The Feds Studio Weddin... - Sandra and Greg's... · 1 reply · +1 points

There was a group of about 25-50 people that stopped and watched as I pretty much laid in a puddle. :)

16 years ago @ The Feds Studio Weddin... - The Feds on Vaca · 0 replies · +1 points

M&M's all the way! Little ones, big ones, Dark ones, Pink ones, whatever she could grab.