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13 years ago @ - GOP Rep: Romney Will F... · 0 replies · +1 points
Good for Romney.
With all the other candidates, minus Santorum and Paul, attacking Capitalism, Romney is showing how much of a Conservative he is over the others, minus Paul and Santorum.
13 years ago @ - Breitbart's Post-Debat... · 0 replies · -1 points
13 years ago @ - Breitbart's Post-Debat... · 5 replies · -17 points
If you want to see Romney's real record, go to . They are covering his record on abortion and traditional marriage. They say there will be more soon.
13 years ago @ - Jon Huntsman Responds ... · 0 replies · 0 points
Then I moved up to Alaska. That was an eye opener on what Alaska thought of Palin. I still think she is a great voice for the conservative movement, even if they didn't like her up here as governor. She would have been a great governor if she stayed in office and fought for tort reform, the issue that pushed her out.
13 years ago @ - Romney Rivals Pile On ... · 0 replies · -4 points
We need to get behind him. Just look at his record of turning economies around in a Conservative manor.
13 years ago @ - Romney Rivals Pile On ... · 7 replies · +4 points
The odd one would be Ron Paul, excuse the term "crotchety old man who slouches and stammers. All of them have their quirks, everyone. Polls have shown that he has the most Presidential 'presentation' though.
As for RomneyCare, that makes him the most eligible to debate Obama. Especially on states rights and the constitution on it. He definitely has to be clearer and find better lines to use but his experience with it gives him the best shot.
The quote that Romney's plan is like Obama came from WSJ columnist that has endorsed Obama and Steve Forbes who has endorsed Perry. Art Laffer who endorses Gingrich has said that Romney's plan is also very good, he just favors Gingrich's. They have also said that Romney has broadened his scope to take on all aspects of the economy and not just one part, which no one else has done.
Yet Romney has the experience of turning around economies, including dozens of businesses, Bain Capital itself, the Olympics, and Massachusetts in a huge way. All failing, all succeeding after he was done with them. (Minus a few businesses that that were far past saving... 4 of them)
The NYT, Boston Globe, MSNBC, and other liberal media outlets are attacking Romney daily. So is the Obama machine, they are leaving everyone else alone.
13 years ago @ - Paul Supporters' Unaut... · 0 replies · -7 points
He has been in Congress two times, almost 30 years... only passed one of his bills... says alot.
He has not executive experience, unless you mention his radical/racist newsletter, which he said he failed to monitor... says a lot
Sits on the fence on things like if he will run third party... says alot.
Unethically puts earmarks in bills he won't vote for yet he knows will pass just to launder more of our taxpayers funding to his district... says alot.
Partnered with Barney Frank on a defense bill and inserted, I think 7 Soros officials in high positions... says alot
(Funny, he is right about Gingrich though)
13 years ago @ - Ron Paul Calls Gingric... · 8 replies · +1 points
He has been in Congress two times, almost 30 years... only passed one of his bills... says alot.
He has not executive experience, unless you mention his radical/racist newsletter, which he said he failed to monitor... says a lot
Sits on the fence on things like if he will run third party... says alot.
Unethically puts earmarks in bills he won't vote for yet he knows will pass just to launder more of our taxpayers funding to his district... says alot.
Partnered with Barney Frank on a defense bill and inserted, I think 7 Soros officials in high positions... says alot
(Funny, he is right about Gingrich though)
13 years ago @ - ABC News To Romney: Pe... · 1 reply · +1 points
As governor he was great on both abortion and traditional marriage. He fought against pro-choice legislation in Massachusetts. he was also on the forefront against Gay Marriage. Here are two videos put out on these two issues by . The videos are on their site.
13 years ago @ - Taking Aim: Romney Rip... · 0 replies · -1 points
What do you think about Gingrich liberal positions. Individual mandate and climate change.
Did you hear that he took the section on Climate Change out of his upcoming book after being pressed on it: