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12 years ago @ Mormon Coffee - God's Offspring · 1 reply · +1 points

Oh boy Violet,
Please don't take this wrong but you just set basic orthodox Christian doctrine back a couple of thousand years. A person can only have the Holy Spirit "in them" if they are born again by the Spirit of God through faith in Jesus Christ.
Now a Mormon can be influenced and led to Jesus by the Holy Spirit but the Holy Spirit only indwells believers. Mormons can't be believers because they don't acknowledge the God of the Bible. They have a different Father, Son and Holy Ghost. In fact, in Mormonism there is a Holy Ghost and a Holy Spirit the latter being a force likened to electricity.
I'm not meaning to be argumentative in anyway but what you choose to believe should have some sort of Scriptural foundation. While I like Shawn McCraney, author of "Born Again Mormon", I think you'll find that Shawn was indeed born again while a Mormon because he was led by the Spirit to a relationship with the Biblical Jesus not the Mormon Jesus. He didn't remain a Mormon because what he believed when he was born again couldn't fit into Mormonism.

Are we still friends?

12 years ago @ Mormon Coffee - Exchanging Mystery for... · 0 replies · +2 points

There's a particular form of thinking that goes on in aberrant religious sects and cults the result of which makes everything fit perfectly for the believer. No explanation can be too far fetched or nonsensical to a true believer. Mormons have plenty of mysteries but they are all covered by conviction that Mormonism is true. So to those of us outside of the Mormon church; what is so obviously fraudulent to them is confirmation of what they believe.
I've tried to grab hold of that type of mind-set just to get a feeling for how these folks think. A person really has to do a Vulcan Mind Meld in order to think like a Mormon. It's a pretty ugly picture once it all starts to fall apart for the Mormon believer. It starts with a trickle and soon becomes a torrent.

12 years ago @ Mormon Coffee - Exchanging Mystery for... · 1 reply · +1 points

So then there's the matter of God. As pointed out above, the Mormon God is handcuffed by laws of the universe which he and all of the other gods must submit themselves to. So are these laws or principles of the universe really god? I don't know what Mormons think about that because I don't think they really think things through.
I remember learning about God in parochial school. The awesome God I learned about bears no resemblance to the Mormon pantheon of gods and goddesses. God clearly reveals Himself in His Word. We don't know, nor will we ever know everything about God. We can grasp some of His attributes which reveals to us the fact that He is loving, merciful, kind, benevolent and all powerful, all knowing and ever present, not limited by time or space. We also see in God's Word reference to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Now there's a mystery! The early Christians understood that there is One God. For about four hundred years they struggled to find the language, the theological terms to express what they knew to be true.
When I contemplate what the early Christians went through to find a way of expressing in precise terms who God is, I stand in awe and wonderment. Mormons think they have a really hot piece of information when they say that the word trinity is not in the Bible. Frankly I don't get the problem with that. It's a way of expressing the nature of God, that's all. It's a word that encapsulates a complexity of thought.
That's what's so neat about who God is. We ultimately can't define Him. He defines Himself. We can only struggle in a very inadequate way, to express who He is. And here's the real mystery. We can know Him in a personal way, with our limited intellect. Jesus said that God would live in us. That's a real mystery. How does it work? But the beauty of it is that I don't have to fully comprehend any of it in order to receive the gift of eternal life that God offers.

12 years ago @ Mormon Coffee - Exchanging Mystery for... · 0 replies · +1 points

Well let's try this out for a mystery. Can a person come to Christ in faith without getting a burning in the bosom? In-other-words, can I have a certainty in my eternal destiny without having an emotional and physical reaction which Mormons teach is necessary in proving the truth of Mormonism.
I didn't feel any sort of bosom burning when I came to Christ in faith. I felt a total surrender and relief in finally pulling the trigger, after much searching, My certainty and what I know comes as a result of what God's Word says about my hopeless condition in sin and His plan for offering me eternal life. The Word says, in the writing of the Apostle John, "I write these things that you may know you have eternal life....." No mystery there. It's not a mystery because I know it. I know it in a different way than Mormons claim "to know". Mormons claim confidence in knowing because of their physical/emotional reaction. There's nothing in God's Word to support their technique of knowing either in style, substance or experience.
I'm not much for mystery solving of spiritual matters based on my feelings or physical reaction (to those feelings). Mormons have taken a metaphor (bosom burning) and turned it into a test for the truth and a methodology for solving mysteries.

12 years ago @ Mormon Coffee - Sacred Mormon Garments... · 2 replies · +2 points

In Mormonism, the test of whether or not something is true is dependent on the feeling it generates. If something generates a good, warm, positive feeling (a tingling feeling is even better) then whatever is prayed about is true. Now what happens if someone gets a negative feeling. Well then it's not true and even said to be of Satan.
But here's another clause in the Mormon contract. If someone reads and prays about the BoM and gets the warm fuzzies regarding it, then at that point "everything" in Mormonism is true. So actually nothing else has to be prayed about, in theory.
So if someone gets a negative vibe about the temple ceremony where slitting of the throat and disembowelment gestures are made, that negative feeling is not of Satan, because you've already accepted the Mormon package. What happens, I wonder, if a Mormon doesn't want to wear the "sacred garment" because they get a negative feeling about it? Well you're stuck with it.
I'm wondering if a Mormon can get into the Celestial kingdom and become a god without wearing the garment. In Mormonism, the Blood of Jesus is only really effective if all other criteria for godhood are met. Now the criteria is a little unclear and hence Mormons are kept in a constant state of tension as to if they have done enough including, I guess, wearing the garment.
For the interested Mormon, here's what the Bible tells us about the forgiveness of sins and the obtaining of eternal life. It's done through faith, period. No rituals to perform, no costumes to wear. No specified amount of money to contribute or callings to fullfill. Jesus is sufficient! In the Mormon system, becoming a god is earned. Nobody gets to be one without jumping through a lot of hoops including wearing a special set of underwear.
If you're tired of the Mormon grind, which is false, and all the guilt and shame associated with the Mormon program I'd suggest coming to Jesus in faith. He said his yoke was light. It's really an insult to God, considering all He has done for us, to think that we can in anyway participate in our salvation. He did it all. Now we need to decide if we will accept it.

12 years ago @ Mormon Coffee - Sacred Mormon Garments... · 0 replies · +1 points

So Mormons can't trust the Bible because there isn't any Mormonism in it but they will trust the word of any man who has worked his way through the Mormon political system and is now said to be a prophet. These prophets don't even have to be right. Christ warned us about men coming saying they were something that they are not. But if a person doesn't trust the Bible in which Christ's warnings appears, then what. They are easy marks for anyone who is convincing enough and can make them feel good.
Without Christ there is no forgiveness of sins and no eternal life. Any Christ will not do. Not trusting in and believing God's Word, His revelation, leaves a person wide open to any form of religion that can produce an emotion.

12 years ago @ Mormon Coffee - Sacred Mormon Garments... · 1 reply · +4 points

The whole Mormon deal is phony from beginning to end any way. Ask a Mormon how he/she knows that the garment wearing or BoM whatever pick something is true and you'll be told that God revealed it to them. That's pretty much it because when you up the ante with evidence to the contrary, they last about five minutes tops and it's back to the burning in the bosom witness. As I've pointed out countless times, this makes the Mormon feel special and superior in their spirituality but it's all built on a foundation of sand.
Is there any Mormon that can convince me that Jesus and His disciples wore the garment and that this was a regular part of Jewish or Christian life? No, of course not.
You see anything can be proven by a personal revelation accompanied by intense feelings if a person wants to believe it.

12 years ago @ Mormon Coffee - Sacred Mormon Garments... · 1 reply · +1 points

So stay with me here...............we got a guy who used to be a treasure hunter (Joseph Smith) whose technique was to use a magic seer stone to look into the ground (for the treasure). According to Grant Palmer, author of "An Insider's View of Mormon Origins", Smith never found any treasure. He would always have an explanation for just why the treasure wasn't where he said it could be found.
At some point he joins the Free Masons and lifts their rituals and garments and rolls the whole deal into his new religion which, he says, is the restoration of original Christianity. OK so occult symbols are on this under garment and occult symbols are on several Mormon temples.
Now wouldn't you think that a few alarm bells would go off in the minds of Mormons? It's really not that difficult to see what's going on here, is it? Now the problem is that Mormons think they are spiritually enlightened for accepting these occult symbols and rituals. What a totally illogical conclusion to come to. But it's all driven by feelings that these folks suppose are confirmation from God that all of this mumbo jumbo is light when it's really darkness.
There's enough evangelical fervor, so says Grant Palmer, in the BoM to flip some people's emotional switch. There's were the deception comes in. It's been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the BoM is anything but a real history of a real people.
Thankfully many Mormons are figuring out the scam. Too bad Donnie and Marie don't get it!

12 years ago @ Mormon Coffee - End of the world…as ... · 1 reply · +2 points

He just calculated wrong. Saturday was a day of judgement not the rapture. They guy messed-up.

12 years ago @ Mormon Coffee - Sacred Mormon Garments... · 0 replies · +3 points

There's a song that goes:
"Put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Lift up your voice to God. Praise with the Spirit and with understanding, oh magnify the Lord."
As believers in Christ Jesus we put on that garment of praise when we exalt, magnify and hold Him up as the One to be worshiped. We clothe ourselves in righteousness. We put on the full armor of God. You know, the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the shoes-the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and we carry the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.
Counterfeit religious cults like Mormonism draw their "wisdom" from several sources and in the case of "Mormonism" that source is the occult. Why in the world would anyone want to put on a garment borrowed from Free Masonry with occult symbols on it? This isn't wisdom from above. It is earthly and demonic.
Mormonism is a very effective counterfeit. It's borrowed enough from Christianity, especially evangelical revivalism of the 19th century, to provide a "feeling" of spirituality. There's just enough religion and it's characteristics in Mormonism to get the folks to think they're really on to something. Unfortunately for Mormons the basis for Mormonism isn't the God of the Bible. He is the source of our faith and the author of our salvation. Without Him all a faux religion can offer is some temporal spiritual satisfaction, but no forgiveness of sins and eternal life.