


75 comments posted · 2 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ Stuff Christians Like ... - Elbowing someone durin... · 0 replies · +1 points

"Everyone knows the verse that says, “Don’t elbow me about the splinter I have when you’ve got a plank in yo’ eye.”

I don't know if you have your versions right, Jon - I thought that was the New Bling James Version


13 years ago @ Stuff Christians Like ... - What do you do for a l... · 0 replies · +2 points

Hair Stylist/MUA and singer/songwriter/worship leader in Atlanta, GA. Man my description seems lame in comparison to some of your descriptions! lol I love seeing the diversity - I should have put something like ... vuvuzela vendor at the World Cup games in Nelspruit S. Africa.... but that would be lying. :)

13 years ago @ Stuff Christians Like ... - Treating youth ministe... · 0 replies · +1 points

I THANK GOD for "Miss Ashley" although I served along side her it was still amazing to see how God used her in the life of those kids. It ministered to me in a retroactive way since I never had a "youth pastor." (I love you Goonie!)

14 years ago @ Stuff Christians Like ... - Too much grace. · 0 replies · +1 points

My prayer for you, Jon, is Psalm 119:37,39 (ESV) "Turn my eyes from looking at worthless things, and give me life in your ways . . . Turn away the reproach that I dread, for your rules are good."

A friend of mine had me listen to a sermon which was being preached to missionaries. One of the things he said, I believe, echoes your sentiment.

"we know that we can pick the worst of all out of all the lot, the worst person on the face of the earth, and we know that we would make them look like a choirboy if it were not for the grace of God in our lives."

14 years ago @ Stuff Christians Like ... - The North vs. the South. · 0 replies · +1 points

HI-larious, Tom. loved the "EVERYONE in TX...EVERYONE in the north is a Northerner." so true

14 years ago @ Stuff Christians Like ... - The North vs. the South. · 0 replies · +3 points

Amen! about the difference between North and South. Lawdhammercy! lol I grew up in the North too but my family and I moved to Florida when I was 12. Can you say "rough time in life to transition?"

Here are some things I've noticed:

north: going to church most likely meant "Catholic" I never heard the term "born again" until I got to Florida.
south: going to church most likely means "Baptist" though could very likely mean "Mormon" or "Jehovah's Witness"

north: the people who dressed "old school" prudent were most likely the Mennonites or the Quakers
south: the people who dress "old school" prudent are the ones who tend to give side hugs

north: chewing the Eucharist ("Christ-Chex") after receiving communion was frowned upon because it was a mastication of Jesus' body (this was the widely held opinion of my 3rd grade friends who were much more "Catholic" than me)
south: Publix bread and some grape juice serve just fine as communion

north: a relationship with God means you were most likely baptized as a Catholic, own a rosary that hangs on your rear view mirror, and pray once in a while, usually when you're ticked off.
south: a relationship with God is raising hands or clapping or whatever on Sunday morning, professing His name, talking Christianese, then upon leaving church swearing at the &^@$*! driver who just cut you off on your way to Sunday Lunch.

north: if you say you're abstaining from pre-marital sex the response is "what are you, a priest?"
south: if you say you're abstaining from pre-marital sex the response is "oh, you must be a Christian."


14 years ago @ Stuff Christians Like ... - Wishing they'd stop re... · 2 replies · +1 points

yikes!! Cristine, I was being sarcastic!! you are so right! that just by removing elements of sin does nothing to touch the actual heart of the matter which is the worldview.

14 years ago @ Stuff Christians Like ... - Wishing they'd stop re... · 2 replies · +1 points

I think it would just be interesting to have an option on the TV that "Christianized" each movie automatically - American Pie would probably just completely disappear! lol

Seriously though - Nicholas Sparks movies might actually be able to stand up to that filter. Can you imagine, Jon, Kirk Cameron in a Nicholas Sparks movie? Perhaps the fact that Mandy Moore already starred in one (as a terminally ill Christian) is what threw off the people who watched "Saved." lol

14 years ago @ Stuff Christians Like ... - Wishing they'd stop re... · 0 replies · +1 points

haha so true, though I do recall in Austin Powers, the femme bots had "secret killer breasts"

loved the visual about the balloons - there was a Christian retreat who actually did that as a way to let some of the women (who had miscarriages, had abortions, or had something significant in their life aborted) forgive, let God forgive them, and memorialize the children that were terminated before coming to fruition.

my roommate described almost the exact scene from the retreat. beautiful.

14 years ago @ Stuff Christians Like ... - Wishing they'd stop re... · 0 replies · +1 points

I hope God silences the people who are condemning you. It makes me wonder if your experience in having a real struggle with God and having to choose to trust His goodness is poking at the places in their heart where they've stood on religion vs. their relationship with Jesus. I don't mean that in a vindictive way, but in a "God will prove himself true" kind of way. I'm not married but I've learned a lot about marriage and God through my roommates. The two main ways God has proven his character to me have been through our fights and our struggles together. When we struggle, we share with Christ in his suffering (kind of like soldiers who bond during a war), and ultimately have to choose to trust God when we're at odds with each other. I am now wary of any relationship that doesn't have struggles or fights. Praying for you Calypso, so sorry for your loss and thank you for being "real"