


21 comments posted · 123 followers · following 0

9 years ago @ Malay Mail - Saying ‘all Mala... · 0 replies · +17 points

It fills me with hope that we have a new generation of Malaysians from all races who can objectively assess and come up with solutions for issues which have maligned this country for far too long. As someone who is not much older but have chosen to take the easy route of leaving the country for greener pastures abroad rather than risk life and limb (often quite literally in Malaysia these days), I sincerely hope that their endeavours will bear fruit. Perhaps there is still hope for all of us yet.

11 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Learn to swim if you d... · 0 replies · +47 points

Like you said, what else is new? Same old issue with obvious solutions which will unfortunately never be implemented because the Malay people have leaders who will gladly trade the future of their people to line their own pockets.

Better education and awareness is a pipe dream and they will do everything in their power to prevent that. If you are an inept one-eyed leader, you can still rule as long as you keep every other person blind.

12 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Mobile - Opinion - Tas... · 1 reply · 0 points

I am surprised you have just noticed, now that it involves someone you care about just how deep rooted the problem of racism in Malaysia is. You remark about the failure of national unity campaigns but how does a country achieve unity when at the same time it overtly discriminates against its own citizens?

Racism plagues all three majority races in Malaysia but the discriminatory attitudes of the minority is a consequence of being discriminated themselves albeit in different forms. How does a parent teach their children equality and unity when they and their children face the exact opposite every single day?

13 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - The Malaysian Insider · 0 replies · +2 points

Sadly, in Malaysia where education is part and parcel of a politician's game in gaining political mileage, the best interests of the future generation takes a back seat as long as the policies vouched for panders to the masses, for good or worse. And even sadder still, both the ruling party and the opposition are not above trading the country's future for political power.

13 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - The Malaysian Insider · 0 replies · +6 points

it may be so but don't count on the crooks handing over the reins voluntarily. If history is anything to go by, they would sooner cheat, oppress and turn on the people than let true democracy take its course. One can only hope that at the very least there can be a peaceful transition of power and Malaysia can finally live up to its potential. Perhaps then there might be pride in introducing oneself as a Malaysian again.

13 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - I will never trade it ... · 0 replies · +5 points

Easy to say as you are from the majority race and thus enjoy all its unequal privileges. You say that your family can practice Islam freely here and that is true. You say that the US and the UK (which I am currently residing in) is not free from racism and xenophobia and that is also true. But consider this, there are mosques in London just as there are churches in Malaysia. Take a walk down a street in London and there are countless people in hijabs, turbans etc.

However my dear author, can you get arrested for allegedly conspiring to elect a non-Christian leader in the UK? Well in Malaysia apparently you can even if all you do is to organize a function with church members in it. And would there be a day when you read a UK paper telling its minority citizens that they should be discriminated and accept it? The answer is no and the day you do would be the day the editor of the paper faces a very quick firing. No such luck in Malaysia though. Like I said, its easy coming from you, not so much for us.

13 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - The proof is in the wr... · 0 replies · +6 points

To be fair, does it actually raise any eyebrows how abysmal the standard of English is in Malaysia today? When most of the country's ministers can hardly string together a proper sentence let alone a speech and politicians make a mockery out of the education system by using it to gain political mileage, it is unfortunately the people that suffer. It has been long coming and could not be more evident today. And to think that many people are still under the illusion that most Malaysians speak good English to the extent that we are able to mock our 'lesser' neighbours. Malaysia Boleh indeed

13 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - I am an unwanted step-... · 1 reply · +39 points

Well said Henry. I, like you used to think that I miss Malaysia but I think today I realise that what I miss is my family back there, definitely not the country. And if one day they do uproot and leave, I will no longer have any reason to return save for holidays.

And to those who chastising him for not contributing to the country let me ask you this: Why should one contribute to a country which has offered him nothing but racial discrimination and continuously threatens the racial minorities including himself with the most absurd and despicable of threats? Henry's parents and forefathers like many of us have helped build this country with their sweat and tears all for the hope that their offspring will be regarded as citizens of this country like everyone else, not with extra privileges, not with special treatment or regard but just like everyone else. Is that really too much to expect from one's 'own' country?

Now his adopted country like many of us who have left be it Singapore, Australia, NZ or the UK have welcomed us and actually appreciate and acknowledge our contributions. Yes racism is well and alive in certain parts but at least I know the government here will not tolerate any ministers waving a dagger threatening me to toe the line. We are allowed to compete on equal terms even when we ARE foreigners here. So tell me you deluded 'patriots,' why should I fight this lost cause and contribute to better a country that has already forsaken me?

13 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Living in my kind of c... · 0 replies · +12 points

Firstly Kaycee, well said, few could have said it any better. The most striking point from your article was how you left the country in the 60's and today 50 years later I am staying abroad for the very same reasons. It is amazing how the country has stagnated over the the last half a century.

And Jayass let me tell you what is wrong with your statement. Running away is not the answer that is true but our parents and forefathers have fought for the same issues since independence and tell me where that has got them? Some are still under detention without trial, most are told to toe the line under various despicable threats, all are told to continue accepting discrimination and being grateful to be even considered second class citizens in a country their parents helped build.

Fighting for a just cause is worthwhile but fighting a lost cause is a fool's errand. So what if there are no minorities left? We were never welcomed anyway. Abroad, most of us are still minorities but great measures are taken to ensure our contributions are appreciated and that we feel at home. Once your beloved country can offer us that, perhaps then your statement would bear more significance.

13 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Malaysian. Chinese. To... · 1 reply · +5 points

Judging from your name, which needs an extra 's' by the way, you have obviously not gained much perspective from being oversea(s). Have you heard of koreantowns, curry mile etc besides chinatowns? These places were not built to allow people of a single race to congregate. They are large areas where businesses of a certain type are concentrated there eg Chinese restaurants, indian curry houses and so on. It is not to facilitate racial segregation, it is actually a tourist attraction in its own right. In short, chinatown is not a settlement like favelas you dolt, it is a business area.