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12 years ago @ World In Conversation - Voices From The Classroom · 0 replies · +1 points

I feel not celebrating State Pattys Day is absurd. There is no reason for us to sacrifice a holiday that we came up with just because of the scandal. I feel that State Pattys Day has no correlation with the scandal. Yes I know people think we are disgrace because of the riot but there were reasons behind the riot. Everyone was just mad of how the board of trustees handled everything. State pattys Day is already to big of an event to stop for one year. Half of the people that come to state patties day dont even go to penn state. I remember last year a kid from bloomsburg was selling t-shirts for state patties day. Like people that dont even go here are egging it on so if people from other places talk it up then there is no way its going to stop. Besides when profit comes into play the bars dont play around. State pattys day is one of the holidays that brings in the most money to state college. The bars are willing to put up with a few pukings and a few disorderly conducts or people that are just too drunk. The money is worth the hassle . I honestly feel there is no correlation between state pattys day and the scandal. State Patties Day is already to big of an event to put it on pause for a year just to show the world that psu students are not a disgrace. Im sorry i know what WE ARE and i do not need to prove it to the world. I feel the media already knows how big of a party school we are so its not a surprise. There is already and event for State pattys day on facebook already. If you didnt know it on February 25th. Im not gonna lie i said im attending, but not only am i attending but so are 7,000 other friends, families, and students. Even if there were people that didnt participate there will always be the majority of the people that will and that will over power the ones that stay in. So in my eyes i feel no need to stop, and i would have disagree with sam. I hate disagreeing with him but on this have to. I guess we'll just have to wait and see if state pattys does make a difference. I personally feel it wont but Sam was really passionate about the idea that this year if we do celebrate it will put us under water. So this year I will participate, and hope to remember. What i will remember is that how close the student body became and if you dont go to penn state you just wouldnt understand

12 years ago @ World In Conversation - Voices From The Classroom · 0 replies · +1 points

If sandusky were to be black or latino I feel the situation would worse. I know it would be taken seriously but being black or latino I feel people make bigger deal about a situation if the person committing the crime is black or latino. To be honest i cant put a finger on why this is so but you can damn straight agree that people would consider the situations more seriously. Not gonna lie if sandusky were to be black or hispanic I have a feeling his ass would be in jail right about now. He wouldnt be at house in his own comfort waiting for the this case to be taken place. I think in general if a generic crime is committed by someone people tend to say it worse when a black or latino do it. They end up saying things like figures its a black man or woman, or it would a latino. When it comes to white people its kind of like oh they did that? Then they just brush of or just push it under the carpet and dont speak of it. Its a shame to think that society would take something more seriously depending on race. Since when was race included on the acts or crimes that are committed? They way i see it is whoever commits the crime whether black, white, hispanic, asian, indian, all punishments should be equal and people should look at the situation on what was committed not who committed it. If sandusky was black or latino i feel the heat would be taken off joe paterno. For some reason its just a gut feeling but i've heard of too many situation on crimes where race has mattered and it terrible to think that way but it just the way society goes. It bothers me so much because it should not matter if sandusky is white. All crimes should be handeled properly and to be honest this crime has not been handled properly. I could just imagine how bad this would be handled if sandusky was black or hispanic its mind boggling because they say things have changed according to race but i guarantee they have not. Just like when people thought all muslims were terrorist! All because of a few men people thought all muslims were part of it so I feel the same would occur for black and hispanics. People would start associating them with child molesters.

12 years ago @ World In Conversation - Voices From The Classroom · 0 replies · +1 points

I support legal immigrants coming to the United States for a better lifestyle for themselves and for their children. I mean pretty much my whole family are legal immigrants. They moved from Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic. My mom at the time was born in the U.S and my dad was still living in the Dominican Republic. She went down to vacation there and met my father. Once they met she kept on visiting for a while. My mom waited for my dad for about 2 years and when she went back down they got married and she was able to bring my dad back. He ended up having to leave his mother father and sisters and brothers. The last of my family members to move to the U.S was my aunt and her three sons. It took years to get them here. So i guess I understand why people just try to sneak in to the country because the process of becoming legal is hard, long, and difficult. Instead they take their chances on sneaking in. Now what bothers me is that illegal immigrants that make it into the U.S come with children. Now these children end up being drawn into gangs because their parent are working jobs that no one wants to do but since the are illegal that is the only job they can find. These sometimes last 12-14 hours a day leaving the child only to be brought up on the streets. So im okay with legal immigrants but when it comes to illegal thats where i draw the line. Our safety it being reduced and gangs such as Mara Salvatrucha are rising and becoming more violent. So illegal immigration needs to be reduced for our safety. I understand people wanna come here for a better life but we need to make the system easier for them to get citizenship which will reduce the amount of illegal immigrants in the US. I remember waiting years until i saw my and cousins in the US. My grandmother was very sick and she was holding onto her life just to see my aunt again. She wouldnt stop fighting her sickness until she saw her daughter near her. This is a reason why the system needs to be fixed family members are dying but since they dont have citizenship they cant see them. Years is too much time to gain citizenship, luckily my grandmother was able to hold on until she saw her daughter but i dont know what my aunt would do if she didnt see her mother! I guess you can say that was my grandmothers last wish, and thank god she was able to have it. So in general illegal immigrants would not have to sneak into the country if things were easier, but until then we will always have illegal immigrants.

12 years ago @ World In Conversation - Voices From The Classroom · 0 replies · +1 points

Whoever says hanging out with a another group of people or race makes them a poser i feel should learn to open their eyes and see from the inside out, not from the outside in. If a white guy hangs out with a bunch of black people I feel this dosnt make them a poser, if anything he could be really interested in the culture. A poser is someone who tries to be someone else that they are not for attention. Many people really do like different cultures so they'll hang out with them. You can learn so much from so many different people if you just step out of your comfort zone. I feel people who see someone hanging out with a race that isnt theirs and judges is just narrow minded. Deep down i feel that they would like to be a part of or friends with a different race but are just so damn wrapped up in stage 2 or 3 I think that just stay with their own race. In all honesty Im hispanic and damn proud to say that I can relate with many different races. Why? Because i make an effort to out myself out there out of comfort zone to learn. Ill be damned if someone called me a poser for hanging out with a certain race. Im proud to be who i am no need to change that but their is need to learn the ways of others and be able to relate because in the long run it will just make a better person. You may think im lying but somedays when i sit down and people watch, and i see two different races talking or look like best friends it amazes beyond belief, especially white and black friends. To think that many years ago you would never see that, a white and black person best friends. Now you see it everywhere, so if someone were to call someone else a poser i feel is wrong. Unless you spoke with that person and really broke it down then there is not right to assume or call someone that. If thats where they feel comfortable then so be it, dont hate on someone that is branching out to other cultures when the other person is probably staying in their comfort zones. I hang out with whites, blacks, my hispanic people, and many other races. This doesnt not make me a poser. If anything i feel im well rounded. I like learning from different people and many other people should try it. It doesn open your eyes a lot. When it comes down to it I am not a poser, I am someone who is open minded and is willing to see other peoples perspective on different situations rather than one perspective of your own race.

12 years ago @ World In Conversation - Voices From The Classroom · 0 replies · +1 points

To be honest when i look back at what i a say and do i can honestly say i do use racial labels. I am not racist, i dont hold race against anyone, or think less of any race but i do use them in racial labels. Im not too sure why but i guess it helps the listener understand your story better. You can say that when racial labels are used they are often associated with stereotypes. For instance a lot of people say black people are loud and obnoxious. I am not agreeing but its just a stereotype that many people know of. So if im studying lets say at the hub and there is a group of black people being loud and not letting me focus on my school work and i cant get anything, then i go and tell a friend I will most likely say they were black.....I know i know its wrong but it helps them understand. I would say, "damn i was trying to study at the hub but there was a group of black people being loud to the point where i couldnt get any work done." Now if i said there was a group of white people it just wouldnt make sense. I know it sounds wrong but it makes the even more understandable. Just like if you are driving in a car on the highway and you get cut off and you see the driver is asian, you automatically say, Asians cant drive. If you were to retell the story the person would damn i got cut off by an asian....figures because they cant drive. Racial labels play hand in hand with stereotypes unfortunately. What makes this even worse is that no one really uses "white" as a racial label. If i tell a story for some odd reason i dont feel the need to say the person was white if an even happened between us. Then again if the person was of race there i go throwing in the racial label like its nothing. When i really think about it i guess i want my listener to really visualize my story, but now i ask myself if the person is white why doesnt this matter to the story? There are a lot of aspects to this topic and many ways it can be taken. I feel people arent being racist when they use them, well most of people, but just feel the need to add in that extra detail when its not necessary. I dont think people will stop using i feel it kind of grew into our society because even the media uses racial labels so all in all its not going to go away. If people arent being racist towards the person then i feel its completely fine to use them.

12 years ago @ World In Conversation - Everyone Respond to Th... · 0 replies · +1 points

Im literally amazed!! When I think of haiti, I wouldnt ever think of entrepreneurs. I mainly think of farmers, and maybe even people who make little crafts like necklaces, bracelets, and ornaments. After watching the videos I was beyond impressed! To see them making bags and even clothes blew my mind, as sam would say, " this going to blow your mind!". The haitian people are achieving so much, yet with so little. The machines they are using are not up to par with what we have here in the U.S and neither are their working conditions. What really impresses me is that they are doing everything we do, but they are doing it under the circumstances that are far worse than ours. I could only imagine what Sonia or Clorene could do if they had the right equipment! Clorene doesnt even have her own label, which is a shame because if i would have hard on something I would at least like my name on it. Its like your finished masterpiece an artist finishes. They always sign their paintings, so it should be fair that these entrepreneurs at least get credit. Even with the screen printing, its going to wash wash because the technology just isnt there. I feel the U.S needs to help these people because they are busting their asses. Its not like they lazy and just getting by with life, these people are hard working and want to better their lifestyle. What I find ironic is, Sonia and Clorene are making these shirts, bags, and lunch boxes with machines that are absolutely terrible yet the product comes out like it could be sold in the U.S. They really have talent but their talent only goes so far with out the technology. If people in the U.S saw this I think they would be just as impressed as I am. Its so damn mind blowing. I honestly feel that if the word was spread around more we can really help change a lot. If more people too initiative especially younger people like college range, a lot can be accomplished!
National aid could definitely help, I feel that is people understood that if we help them now, they will be able to provide for themselves. Its just a matter of helping them get the outside resources. You can picture as a bike with training wheels. You can ride the bike with the training wheels and then once you learn how to ride the bike you can take them off. Thats how i can picture us helping haiti. They just need a little push, and that push can come from us! Figaro also impressed me because she paying tuition for her boys yet when she makes pastries she needs a shofar. That driver cost more than the total of her pastries. So im not sure how she makes money but if she a way of transportation on her own then I feel she would be able to actually make a decent amount of money and help her sons get through schools

12 years ago @ World In Conversation - Voices From The Classroom · 0 replies · +1 points

That goes to show that anyone can play a sport as long as they athletic in my opinion, there will be some exceptions but there are too many to name. My advantages for cheerleading is my size, I’ve put on 30lbs since freshman year and if you want to toss a girl around like a rag doll you need to have decent size on you and strength. I’m not a small guy but I can’t just put on a helmet and play football, yes a pickup game im down for but people need training. All in all if you are athletic and have the right coaching you can succeed in a sport. If you aren’t athletic or don’t have hand eye coordination Im sorry sports won’t work out.

12 years ago @ World In Conversation - Voices From The Classroom · 0 replies · +1 points

I could have been amazing at baseball because im talented at even without the coaching, but if I had it I would be successful at it.I feel if you are athletic pick a sport and work at it. I don’t want to seem cocky but if I was given a sport and time I can do pretty damn well. Yes people who are born with height have an advantage at basketball and football, but that doesn’t mean someone is not as tall can’t play the same sport. For example Devon Smith who is on the Penn State football team is 5'7" 153. Now does that look like a football player? No but give him the ball and he'll run his ass off. He has a 4.3 40 yards dash time, so he may be small but he can definitely help out.

12 years ago @ World In Conversation - Voices From The Classroom · 0 replies · +1 points

I truly feel you have to have certain characteristics to be an athlete! I don’t care what anyone says you can be 6'4" 230lbs but if you are not athletic or have hand eye coordination you will not be a football player just based on height and weight! My one friend was that tall and he played football and basketball. In basketball he couldn't dunk and in football he was slow. So he may have a great body frame for those sports but the athletic ability wasn't there. Back in high school I played baseball, track, and cheerleading. I played baseball since I was 6 and started cheering in 7th grade, my baseball coaches weren't the best but when it came to cheerleading I had the best coaches in the area. Baseball is my absolutely favorite sport

12 years ago @ World In Conversation - Voices From The Classroom · 0 replies · +1 points

When Obama was running I for president I truly wanted him to win. To be honest i wrapped around the whole first black president view. I can say that i didnt know much about his views or what he was planning on doing i just wanted a black president. I know it sounds bad but thats all i really knew. What shocks me the most is that i had no clue his middle name was hussein. Can you believe that? We go to war with a man known as Saddam Hussein, capture him then our very own president has his name as his own middle name. So many people made this such a big deal. I honestly did not care or change my opinion on him. He is still a great man and doing his best to restore america. Once i learned his view points and what he wanted to do with america I can say that i'd vote for him,so in the beginning it was just because he was black but now i understand his viewpoints. Once i hear his middle name i was pretty shocked not gonna lie. A middle name should not change anyones viewpoint on him. I just can believe as president he was asked for his birth certificate. Are you kidding me??!! That has never been asked or done before but because he is black they wanted to make sure...come on that is just ridiculous! I love how judgmental america can be! (sarcasm). Its crazy how skin color and race can change someones opinion!!