


26 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

15 years ago @ Rise Up Rochester - Rep. Dan Maffei Reads ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I guess he surprised us.

15 years ago @ Rise Up Rochester - Medical Marijuana in N... · 0 replies · +2 points

People have a stronger desire, or so it seems today, to pass off their responsibilities to others. Social Security, Welfare, Medicare, Medicaid, government funding of scientific research, they are all ways for the individuals of the society to pass off their responsibilities to others. Therefore it isn't surprising to me that society would ask that the government take the responsibility of telling the individual what they can and cannot put in their bodies. If an individual has a belief that a specific action is necessary it is their responsibility to act. Society has become lazy.

Look at what is going on right now. A boy doesn't want to go through the torture of chemotherapy and his mother isn't going to make him. A court ordered her to get her son treatment. Now she is a criminal for taking her son and running. We no longer have a right to life or death in this country.,2933,521258,00.htm...

Mass. man who fled chemo speaks about Minn. teen

15 years ago @ Rise Up Rochester - Kokesh for Congress · 0 replies · +1 points

I had the pleasure of witnessing Adam Kokesh speak at the Ron Paul Freedom march on Washington D.C. last year. He was by far the most powerful speaker I have ever heard. He's going to have my full support.

15 years ago @ Rise Up Rochester - Miss California, Carri... · 0 replies · +1 points

Alfonse, thanks for the comments but I hardly ever hear of anything Alex Jones says. So you have proven yourself ignorant. Everything I wrote in this article was completely original with no input of anyone's opinion but my own.

Philippa, I appreciate your critique. I'm not a professional writer so I hope you can excuse my sloppiness. Your point is well taken, I should have been more to the point in the opening paragraph. I should have saved my Perez Hilton bashing for later. I'm glad you agree with me that the state should not have any part in private marriages.

15 years ago @ Rise Up Rochester - Miss California, Carri... · 0 replies · +1 points

My sister read the article and had this to add...
Minnesotans for Limited Government Position Paper on Gay Marriage

15 years ago @ Rise Up Rochester - Miss California, Carri... · 0 replies · +1 points

thanks Andrew

15 years ago @ Rise Up Rochester - The Liberty Movement i... · 1 reply · +2 points

"It’s about freedom, liberty and living the American dream." Well said.
This is about educating people. Knowledge is nothing if it is not shared.

15 years ago @ Rise Up Rochester - Rep. Dan Maffei Reads ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Be sure to check out the read the bills act so next time we can all find out what congress is voting on.

15 years ago @ Rise Up Rochester - Budget Expands Governm... · 1 reply · +1 points

Seriously, how much longer can this government continue to function spending more money than it takes in?

15 years ago @ Rise Up Rochester - Freedom Under Fire, Ma... · 0 replies · +2 points

Right on Andrew. Ben do you think that the president should be able to fire you from your job? Or does it make more sense that your boss should be the only one able to do that?