


140 comments posted · 7 followers · following 2

10 years ago @ http://thoughtsonlifea... - Marty\'s Top 100 Post ... · 1 reply · +1 points

Very cool that I was one of the top posts from last year, I always enjoy networking with other bloggers and learning about their goals, trials, frustrations and it is a struggle and so many burn out, but the few that stick with it really shine.

10 years ago @ Basic Podcasting Tips - Unbelievably Devoted T... · 1 reply · +1 points

I am trusting aren't I, right now Brian Alford and Victor Salazar (Victor has been a content contributor for my site for over 2 years and Brian 1 year) run the Dragoncast for me. The recently attended Gen-Con as press for Dragon Blogger and representing the Dragoncast and have been getting interviews with Game Company developers and Independent Video Game artists for the show. Brian does a great job, he has business cards I sent him and a T-Shirt for my site.
My recent post 10 Of The Worst Sci-Fi Remakes Of All Time

10 years ago @ Basic Podcasting Tips - Unbelievably Devoted T... · 3 replies · +1 points

I wish I had the time to listen to podcasts more, but with 7-8 hours of conference calls per day at my day job, telecommuting so never have a drive and after work it's a dive into family stuff I just really don't have the time. I can't even manage my own podcast for my site, and rely on a dedicated team who produce my Dragoncast for me and I haven't even been a guest on my own podcast show for my site yet, how sad is that!
My recent post 10 Of The Worst Sci-Fi Remakes Of All Time

11 years ago @ http://www.inspiration... - Moms Win on Wednesdays... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks for letting me list the Summer Video game giveaway.

11 years ago @ SteamFeed - Think Blogging Doesn't... · 1 reply · +2 points

Blogging provides a way for a business or individual to reach audience and to have fresh content continuously be made available to Google to help keep your brand, niche and information showing up in the SERP. As you say, linking blogs to social media can be an effective way to help make yourself immediately relevant to others, get noticed and gives you the ability to have instant feedback and conversation.

11 years ago @ http://www.williamm49.... - DAILY POEM \"THE DARKE... · 0 replies · +1 points

I have written such poetry in dark places myself and certainly saw some of my own past poems in this one.

12 years ago @ KMP Blog | Keep Me Pos... - Father's Day Giveaway:... · 0 replies · +1 points

Favorite Denzel quote comes from Book of Eli "People had more than they needed. We had no idea what was precious and what wasn't. We threw away things people kill each other for now. "

12 years ago @ Inside the Secret Life... - Make Money with Sponso... · 0 replies · +1 points

The new SocialSpark 2.0 is much more likely to attract advertisers with traffic than old version, some questions:

Did you setup your 10 tags for your blog (these are important), did you setup Google Analytics for your blog in SocialSpark, did you set it up to allow direct publishing (you can just create an author account and give SocialSpark access, don't need to do an Admin account in Wordpress).

How many leads do you get per month average?

At first I wasn't seeing as many opps, but now earn way more not only per post but more leads and direct offers than on SocialSpark 1.0 for me.
My recent post Stock Photo Trial Subscription for Bloggers

12 years ago @ Inside the Secret Life... - Make Money with Sponso... · 0 replies · +1 points

SocialSpark by far is my most successful blog earning platform for sponsored reviews, I have made thousands of dollar since 2008 from SocialSpark alone and it is my top recommended company for sponsored blog reviews, all reviews have nofollow links and full disclosure. Quality advertisers and decent payout rates, plus they don't just want blogs with high PageRank (since all links are nofollow) they care more about blogs with traffic and those that reach the audience the advertisers want.

12 years ago @ Inside the Secret Life... - Staree - Make Money Sh... · 0 replies · +1 points

I joined Staree myself and am testing to see how viable it is as an earning platform, whether it will get the users to click on the link from the Facebook posts is yet to be seen. The other thing is when posting via email it doesn't share the uploaded photo's by default and there is no easy way to "manually share them instantly across your Twitter/Facebook" with 1 click.