Don Dodge

Don Dodge


260 comments posted · 38 followers · following 2

12 years ago @ Don Dodge on The Next ... - How early product fail... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yes, I remember StickyBits. Cool functionality, but really just a feature, not an economically viable product. I didn't know the team transformed into Turntable.FM. Great move.

12 years ago @ Don Dodge on The Next ... - How early product fail... · 0 replies · +2 points

Greg, That is a great example. I didn't know that about Flickr.

12 years ago @ - What's Next? · 0 replies · +1 points

Great news Paul. Congratulations! You have great investors and advisors in Tony Hsieh and Mike Arrington. I'm sure you will do well.

I like the idea of a startup diary. I mentioned to Erick that TC should do a startup diary from one entrepreneur, and a VC "day in the life" column. Good stuff.

I will be reading your stuff and cheering you on. Very excited for you.

Don Dodge

12 years ago @ Don Dodge on The Next ... - TC Disrupt SF 2011 eas... · 0 replies · +1 points

Ram, Great work! At a conference like DEMO where they publish the attendee list it is smart to target the people you want to meet.

Several companies at Techcrunch Disrupt sent emails to me before the show requesting meetings. Smart move.

Conferences can be a huge value to startups if they work it.

12 years ago @ Don Dodge on The Next ... - Acquisition success de... · 0 replies · +1 points

Goyal, Good point. I will add a reference to Slide and DodgeBall.

13 years ago @ Don Dodge on The Next ... - Ironically, Facebook a... · 0 replies · +1 points

The team is working on it, but I can't say anything about a date.

13 years ago @ Don Dodge on The Next ... - Twitter litter - do fo... · 1 reply · +1 points

Rich, not sure what we disagree on here. As I said in the post, the thing that is nice about Twitter is that everyone can configure their follower list to meet their needs. For me that means keeping it to under 100 that I read everyday. For Robert it means following 32,000. I don't see the point in following that many...but that is just me.

My main point is that people who "follow" hundreds or thousands of people aren't really reading most of them. And people who think they have thousands of followers...really don't. It is all an illusion.

13 years ago @ Don Dodge on The Next ... - Twitter litter - do fo... · 0 replies · +1 points

Robert, You are the one who got me started blogging, and got me on Twitter. I have watched you manage your Twitter streams and I admit you are amazing. You manage lists better than anyone I know.

But, following 32,000? You must have trimmed down considerably :-) That 80,000 number was from March of 2009. Even for you 32,000 is a lot. What is the point of following so many people when you can't possibly read all of them?

13 years ago @ Don Dodge on The Next ... - Twitter litter - do fo... · 0 replies · +1 points

Andrew, you are probably right. Pretty sad. I never thought of that.

13 years ago @ Don Dodge on The Next ... - Twitter litter - do fo... · 0 replies · +1 points

Orlando, that $500M was from a post more than 2 years ago. The valuation is probably 10X that now. I disagree that they will never come up with a profitable business model. I believe they will. But, this post is not about Twitter's valuation or business is about the follower model.