Destinfisherman, I have known Kim Brown for years and I know she has tremendous respect for your father. She gets mad when I get on here and rant, but sometimes I just have to. (so I know how you feel) Just to clear the record, I don't even think anyone has been laid off. So many people on this blog have an agenda. They are mad that their good ol boy system is being threatened. Your dad was right to speak up. No one called anyone on the board for a response before printing the article. I know that Kim has lost sleep over the emotional and legal issues the department will continue to go through. She expends so much time and energy on every aspect of her job, If the department ends up in financial crisis I'm sure she will give up her pay. I just don't think a few disgruntled people should be able to pressure her into having to juggle another job. She doesn't have a lot of money, but the woman's got heart and she really cares about the district and the employees. The Citizens of Destin, and the Firefighters couldn't have a better champion. Do a little research folks, so many boards receive compensation. I think its great the Mike Buckingham can afford to waive his stipend. He's a good guy. I haven't talked to anyone who gives a rats a** weather or not the commissioners get a stipend. As long as they aren't vacationing on district money....who cares? This Departments biggest problems don't have anything to do with finances. Be watching in the months to come...
One more thing.. doing a public service and receiving compensation don't have to be mutually exclusive.
As someone who knows commissioner Brown: She is just a hard working citizen who cares. Why does that mean she should work for nothing? This isn't a charity. Most fire department boards get a small stipend. (so do other boards as well) From what I can see, there are so many problems at Destin Fire.....who would want the job? I know Ms. Brown is a hard working person who gave up a job for this one. Why do people think this job should be done for nothing? Does anyone remember who was on the board years ago? How many of you would do this for free? No one who's complaining, I'm sure. It's sad that things have come to this. BTW - I think its great that Mike Buckingham can afford to - and does - give up his stipend. Why does that mean everyone should? Again, I have to ask...How many of you would do ANYTHING for free?? You good ol boys suck!
gopro - The fact that your writing and grammar indicate no more than a 1st grade education - I find it hard to believe you have ANY clue about the most basic accounting or budget issues. The fire department is far from in the red. In fact, why don't you use your incredible detective skills and check into the amazing one million dollars the department was hiding in order to make things look even worse than they were.
Here's the thing, The Lifeguards are great, they do a good job. They need to raise the money to go, not ask the district for so much money, when all they are talking about is budget cuts. They need to be working on ways not to have to make cuts - Commissioners Brown, Anderson and Nielson are can you talk about spending $10,000 on a recreational competition when there are going to be cuts in necessities? This is a FIRE Department. beach safety gets a lot of money from The TDC and the city. Saving lives is what's critical here, not going to California.
Firefighters/Paramedics train hard and have to pass a physical agility test every year. Why don't you call a life guard when you're having a heart attack or your house is burning down? You don't call them because they can't help you in those situations. Why are you attacking firefighters? Competition IS good, but it's also 10,000.00 - this is a budget thing. Everyone has a pretty good idea that the average citizen isn't going to make the "plush recliner" comment. Who at the Destin Fire Control District is going to bash Firefighters...Hmmmm...I wonder?!?!?!?!
I hope you are kidding.
Destinite, I see we have a comprehension problem. Imagine I am speaking very slowly. What lie did
Mrs. Metz actually tell? I don't think I'm the slow one here :) And please, I'm begging you, don't explain why she lied again.
I didn't ask why you think she lied, I asked what exactly was the lie? What claim is false and do you know because you have investigated? If you have, you are the only one who has. So maybe in your next blog, you may want to share with the rest of us, the exact nature of her lies.
destinite.....what exactly did she lie about? Just curious. As far as I can see, no one has looked in to her allegations of sunshine law violations or workplace hostility.
Bobbie Metz caused all of the problems at the Fire Department? GET REAL! Don't divert attention away from the truth.
Morale has been an issue for years. The Chief has been with the Department for over ten years. Sasser brought things to an all time low, with the help of his cronies. Any problems Bobbie Metz may or may not have caused pale in comparison to everything else that's going on. No matter what anyone thinks of Alex Metz, the Chief could have handled it better. He promotes people who do worse things than Alex did. Yes Mrs. Metz got angry. It would have been better if she had brought all of this out before, but at least it's out. The department is rotting from the inside out. Any legal fees will be on the Chiefs head (and the attorney who doesn't care what the allegations are) Fire Sasser and give the financial administrator her job back. Get a new Chief with some integrity and the Taxpayers won't have to pay the untold thousands.