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13 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Video: White Liberal: ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Don't all true Americans know by now, this is the only excuse the DemoRats can use and still get a comment from the Conservatives? It is their last and ONLY thing they can come up with. The USA will never prosper as long as the "supposedly leader" has no idea how to. You who voted for him should have know that before you voted. He hasn't even lead a hill of ants, no way he could lead us.

13 years ago @ http://patriotupdate.com/ - "U.S. Supreme Court co... · 0 replies · +15 points

Don't forget, Obama has already appointed Two of HIS people on the Supreme Court. We dont' have a chance to get this man out of our lives. Soon, he will talk another person to retire so he can just put another one of his people up there. The only way we can prove this is that if OUR GOD will help, and we don't know what he thinks should be done, or at least we don't know what he thinks, YET! The Supreme Court comes in second when we speak of our LORD! I will bet this won't even be heard until 2013 and then he will win. Gee I hope I am WRONG, that would make me so happy to even think we could get him our of our LIVES.^_^

13 years ago @ Floyd Reports - Left-Wing Blog: Should... · 0 replies · +7 points

No this I believe it will come to an Impeachment, I would like to throw in a note. When and IF it does happen, his name as Barack Hussein Obama AND Barry Soertero (spelling?) should be named on the impeachment. WE really STILL do not know the mans right name. Also, his ORIGINAL LONG FORM Birth Certificate must be shown in order for him to remain in the seat of the President of the United States of America. That is all we really need for him to stay in that seat, but WHY would he not show it, I MEAN the REAL one?

13 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Biden Says Stimulus Fr... · 0 replies · +2 points

I haven't heard that there has been an Audit of the Stimulus, BUT maybe VP Biden has, OR maybe he audited it, think? They continue saying there are still millions of the money that hasn't been spent, yet we have no idea where that money is. Never mind, I will just write VP Biden, I feel sure he can straighten it all out. (???)

13 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Obama's Auto Czar to P... · 0 replies · +2 points

Maybe I do not understand this. Didn't this CZAR practically admit to his wrong doing, by deciding to pay them $6.2 million? O. K. I guess I just don't get it. But, to me this Muslim in the WH will not accept A SINGLE WORD that has anything AGAINST any of his goonies.

13 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Video of the Day: Sen.... · 0 replies · +3 points

For goodness sake, somebody get this idiot out of our Federal Government.He has no idea what he is supposed to say or do. He is no better at this than he was a comedian. Somebody please get this man out of our HAIR!

13 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Video of the Day: Sen.... · 0 replies · +2 points

Sen. Franken, How the He!! did you pull off getting this seat? You just stated that the question you asked told the man he was referring to page thirty of the ten page item he entered!!! Does that really make sense to ANYONE?

13 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Video of the Day: Sen.... · 0 replies · +2 points

Mr. Rockefeller; You do not know what you are talking about. YES, NBC, ABC, CBS and CNN need to be talked to about their LIBERAL nonsense. However, FoxNews is the ONLY station we can go to get the honest real news and you will not hear remarks coming from Fox that you hear everyday and night on MSNBC. Their remarks are so Unbelievable, they just bring in the dumbest people that want to hear trivia that means nothing to anyone. Maybe you do NOT realize that ALL stations except FOXNEWS gives you the things that this administration wants you to BELIEVE, such as all those LIES that comes from the president of the USA. They and he will never tell the truth about any subject, it always tells ANY good point, but never all the bad points.

13 years ago @ http://patriotupdate.com/ - "State GOP leaders gra... · 0 replies · +4 points

You are so right, BUT it has been almost three years we have been talking about this. Don't you think that SOROS has had plenty of time to RIG up a FAKE birth certificate for this Muslim and it would pass the eyes of the entire Congress. They would do this because they are SCARED to death of Obama AND SOROS and do not want to die! I truly believe we should all be scared of what is and is going to happen to the USA! One hope, God!

13 years ago @ http://patriotupdate.com/ - "Sen. Lisa Murkowski o... · 0 replies · +4 points

Laws are not made for MURKY WATERS because she makes them up as she goes along, WITH OBAMA!
We, that is people with any interest in our country KNEW she was not going to vote as a Republican, so now who will take the responsibility for putting her BACK IN THE SEAT that does NOT belong to her. As we have heard nearly nothing from the Obamabats about voting for him, I feell sure it will be the same in AK. Someone should tell her to her face, YOU are not wanted, didn't you lose in the Primary and if people could spell your name, as I have seen some on ballots, maybe you are just what some of them said. I have read some of the names on votes that were counted for her with nothing that even sounded like her name, and if anyone called me by that name, I would hide my face and disappear from AK.