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2 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Is Stupid Wokeness to ... · 1 reply · +2 points

James Carville is part of the problem as he desperately hangs onto the past. There is little difference between the Republicans and Democrats. They are two groups of financially well to do who are just mouthpieces for their wealthy backers.
There is much superficial talk about the Infrastructure bill adding to the Federal deficit. Neither side questions the additional $100 billion approved by Biden to upgrade the fleet of ICBMs poised to destroy western civilization. Ah but they'll never be used so why worry right?

Truth is America is the current empire in decline. Like every previous empire the US has over extended militarily as domestic infrastructure collapses. The military budget is around a trillion a year when you include the black budget. James Carville and Biden would never question that allocation of cash. All the Dems have to do is bicker with the Repubs as they all ignore the probable current $60 trillion deficit piling up. All they really have to do is keep raising the debt limit right? And you better pay your taxes.

The police will not be de-funded but they need to be restructured. The right wing focused on the word de-fund as if one small segment speaks for the rest of society.

The duopoly (Dems & Repubs) manipulate us all to keep us bickering with each other. Abortion is a prime example. The evangelicals don't respect life, they respect their version of ancient mythology here in the modern world. Abortion is just a wedge issue within the electoral process, as are sexism and racism and crime and illegal immigrants. The duopoly stress the tribalism found in the old testament. It's all about controlling us peons. The duopoly both fund Israels' elimination of Palestine and they use your tax dollars to pay for a greater Israel.

James Carville is in the way as are all the normal people who think infinite economic growth is possible on a finite planet. Capitalism is successful the way cancer is successful. Both are expansionist and patient Earth is hinting the current human socio/economic structure is a problem. All the normal people who actually think we live in a democratic system are confused. After all, the billionaires own the electoral process and in the not too distant future a trillionaire will be calling the shots.

The electoral college insures a third party candidate can never win the presidency. Unnatural selection has given us survival of the fattest. Time to wake up, it's all a lie with greed as the prime mover and of course Joe Manchin knows coal is the future. The Republicans and Democrats need each other but we don't need them. We're stuck with them for now and I suggest you ignore James Carville.