


38 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - World-Lines · 1 reply · +1 points

It's so great to have RC back Jim! Loving the new Halo reach set up. Did you forge that map yourself, or did you find it? Keep up the good work!

13 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - World-Lines · 0 replies · +1 points

I'm still here, just haven't been commenting very much! I've checked RC everyday since I clicked that link on, even though I knew Jim's computer was out, just in case there was something new :)

13 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - Mark IX · 0 replies · +2 points

NEW RC!!! All of my wishes have come true! So glad you're back. Have been looking forward to this for a while. But I do have to say I see a typo. First panel, purple Cavalcada, should be disPlayed on your hud. Other than that great set of comics, keep it up!!

14 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - 252 - Stone Epitaph, P... · 1 reply · +1 points

Loving the new posts Jim!! I must say, RC is such a badass here. Would be nice to know who he's killing and why though. And what the heck the black sector is.

I know, I know, all will be revealed in time. Shut up

14 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - 248 - Faceoff · 1 reply · +1 points

Gotcha, that's what I thought, just wanted to ask.

14 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - 248 - Faceoff · 3 replies · +1 points

Another great comic Jim!! I don't want to be critical, but didn't we learn a while ago, that RC couldn't take very many more hits because his armor was almost gone? I think it was when he was in the basement of sandtrap, but I could be wrong. Still, loving this RC overdose!

14 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - 246 - Pursuit · 4 replies · +1 points

Primes?? Who are they? And again, loving this massive dose of RC.

14 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - 245 - Pursued · 7 replies · +1 points

WOW!!! I just checked RC out of habit, not thinking there would be an update, but wa la!! It is so nice having two in a row. Looking forward to the rest.

And I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't speculate as to what the important thing is, so here goes.

Could it be that last Cavalcada? Because, if I'm not mistaken there is still one he needs. Just a thought, I know I'm probably WAY off base. lol

14 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - Reclaimer - Delayed · 1 reply · +1 points

I'm so sorry Jim. As many of the other posters here, I too grew up with dogs my entire life, so when we had to put down our 14 year old dog it was really hard. I completely understand about them being more than pets.

14 years ago @ Reclaimer - An Alterna... - 238 - Between Two Points · 0 replies · +1 points

Thank you Jim, and no, it's not that big of and issue, but in 236 someone pointed out that the shoulders were wrong, and Jim said he fixed them. I was just pointing out that they were still wrong. I didn't want RC to have the wrong shoulders forever. lol