


5 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ Helping you get unstuc... - LAUNCH52tv #10 - Colle... · 0 replies · +2 points

Well, you could not have picked a more perfect episode with which to launch an audio-only version. I am legendarily video-averse! I take this as a very auspicious sign, my new friend David. It's gonna be a great year.

Thanks for an awesomely fun time, yakking it up—both on the Skype and in the hills overlooking Los Angeles. We are living in wondrous times, ain't we?

14 years ago @ Michael Hyatt Blog - 10 Ways to Create a Be... · 1 reply · +2 points

What was very helpful to me was to think of the "about" page as an "about this *blog*" page, as a few people have hinted at, and my bio page as the "about *me*" page.

My "about this blog" page—the top link in the nav bar—explains what the site is about and why people might find it useful. I link out to everything else from here: bios (short and long), where else I can be found on the web, interesting places to start exploring, etc.

I agree that it's a good idea for a separate "about"-style page for Twitter, and am a big fan of making that one's Twitter policy page. Everyone uses Twitter differently, but not enough of us realize that; clarifying my own usage also allows me to slip in a few tips and ideas for newbies. Bonus!

14 years ago @ Michael Hyatt Blog - Using the iPad to Take... · 1 reply · +1 points

I love Evernote as well, but have had problems with the iPhone camera on my 3G taking legible closeup photos. Am I doing something wrong, or is this just another point in favor of upgrading to the 4G? :-)

16 years ago @ Mr Business Golf - 7 Things You May or Ma... · 2 replies · +1 points

Aha! So that's what that link was!

That was an awesome list, Scot--and you know that (a) I won't shine people on, especially when it comes to writing and (b) I know my way around a list!

Thanks for the kind words and the tap. I already got tagged by Stephen Smith, after I'd just been tagged by another friend, so I'm kind of tagged out.

Can't I just tag you to do another one? I think you should write more posts like these! Also, invite me to dinner!

16 years ago @ I Quit for LIJIT... - 6th Photo Meme · 0 replies · +1 points

Oh, I hate memes. And this is the second in, like, a week. Ah, well. I will cooperate in a half-assed fashion. And I think I may swear off them entirely in '09.