


163 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

9 years ago @ Daily - Boulder County restric... · 0 replies · -20 points

HAHA Suck it Chief... Bet he didn't get a permit for the new station on 4 mile road. By the way how long is that thing going to take to build

9 years ago @ Daily - To make room for bikes... · 0 replies · +4 points

This has Stephane and Brian written all over it LMAO

9 years ago @ Daily - Two years later, perma... · 1 reply · +8 points

We are collecting for a memorial to a squirrel that has hit by a car in our neighborhood. Mr. Nuts.... That's what we called him. Mr. Nuts was a good squirrel and for those that new him would agree. anyway we have not been able to raise very much money and were hoping for your help. A memorial will help ease the pain of the memory of the accident... Oh the horror of seeing our poor Nuts spread all over the street.

9 years ago @ Daily - Two years later, perma... · 0 replies · -1 points

didn't attention home just do a big remodel

9 years ago @ Daily - Two years later, perma... · 1 reply · +7 points

I'll donate to a memorial BBQ. MMMM Elk Yummy.

9 years ago @ Daily - Two years later, perma... · 0 replies · +7 points


9 years ago @ Daily - Cororner: Body of man,... · 1 reply · +34 points

This unfortunate death has nothing to do with being homeless. It is about drug abuse. Although they at times seem to go hand in hand they are not synonymous. The major issue in this town is not the homeless it is the transient drug addicts that are living on our streets.

9 years ago @ Daily - Boulder plots path to ... · 0 replies · +7 points

As long as housing in this town remain un-affordable to the masses that work in Boulder. Commuting will increase and there fore so will gas emission

9 years ago @ Daily - Longmont firefighters ... · 0 replies · -1 points

Hay Boulder, we will keep our Meth heads in Longmont if you keep your bums in Boulder

9 years ago @ Daily - Work begins on Four Mi... · 0 replies · +1 points

How can the fire district enter into a contract for 1.5 million with only 1 million in the bank. What happens if they don't obtain the balance? Does the contractor only build 2/3 of the building or is the district get sued?