123p45 comments posted · 14 followers · following 0
9 years ago @ Malay Mail - Kalau betul berani, ke... · 0 replies · +2 points
9 years ago @ Malay Mail - Who are Silicon Valley... · 0 replies · +2 points
9 years ago @ Malay Mail - Zakat terus kepada asn... · 0 replies · +3 points
Sebab inilah jabatan2 agama ni perlu diaudit dengan lebih terperinci daripada jabatan lain. Ini kononnya pembela Islam. Tak boleh audit dan tak boleh tegur. The business of religion amat menguntungkan sekarang ini.
9 years ago @ Malay Mail - Apple fans brave Sydne... · 0 replies · +1 points
9 years ago @ Malay Mail - Silverfish drops Alvin... · 0 replies · +4 points
9 years ago @ Malay Mail - Time for change at the... · 0 replies · +5 points
You have only started practice in 2012. The emphasis as a young lawyer in the early stages of practice is to learn as much as possible in order to shape the type of lawyer that he or she will be. Especially so in a big firm like zulrafique and doing 'complicated' corporate work. Try to volunteer for the e various comittees in the bar. Work your way from the bottom. Screaming and writing like a know it all will not endear yourself to your peers especially when you have not even proven yourself as a lawyer. Work hard and try to be a good lawyer first. There are no short cuts. Even lawyers like Dato Hafarizam and Tan Sri Shafee worked hard to be where they are. One may not like what they stand for but at least they did not take shortcuts and they worked to make a name for themselves. You on the other hand are a nobody young lawyer who seems to be trying to make a name for himself through conceited, self satisfying pseudo intellectual writing that is devoid of merits.
There are many committees run by the Bar. The constitutional committee, legal aid, syariah committee and many others. All to serve the public that needs such services or to improve aspects of the particular areas in general. Have you volunteers your time and energy into these comittees? Perhaps you should do it before screaming for change.
Read the statement again. There is nothing against the judiciary. It was more a criticism of the prosecution. The Bar president has a right to do so and save for the 90+ in your group, the majority of the bar seems happy enough. There is no request for an egm as i know it. Btw... You are only short of about 50+ members to requisition an egm. C'mon! I am sure that you will have enough friends to gather.
By the way, you said that by being surprised by the decision of the Federal court, that in itself is an insult to the judiciary. I guess its a bit much to expect a corporate lawyer to understand the intricacies of litigation. There is nothing wrong to say that a decision is surprising. Did the president say that the decision was wrong? Did he make any assertion that the judges did not consider all aspects? No he didn't. He qualified himself by saying that he didn't have the benefit of the written grounds and that it was based on public perception. You are merely bit picking to suit your agenda and use it as a means to critisize and grand stand. Really.. Its a storm in the teacup.
10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - The Malaysian Insider · 0 replies · +10 points
Cermin diri sendiri dulu.
10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Why The Malaysian Insi... · 0 replies · +96 points
"Tai Zee Kin is a political observer" - err... eh? everybody who reads about politics is a political observer no?
10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Putrajaya revokes pass... · 0 replies · +66 points
10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - No private school plea... · 0 replies · +11 points