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5 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - Mr. Tito\'s PHAT WWE N... · 0 replies · +3 points

I will respectfully disagree on your Mauro opinion. I think his over the top play-by-play is perfect. He's a fan, he's excited, and his reactions are genuine, for the most part. He's NXT's JR, I think, and I find he really adds to the show. Just my two cents.

Great review of the show though, you were spot on! That super kick Cole gave to Ricochet mid-moonsault was astonishing. Killer timing, great selling. I want to see those two fight again. Wow. Summerslam was a pile of crap in comparison to this show.

5 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - WWE Monday Night Raw R... · 0 replies · +9 points

You nailed it!! Love it. Big push upcoming..

5 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - SummerSlam Matches You... · 0 replies · +3 points

It's pretty bad when a Reigns/Orton match is forgotten after 4 years...

5 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - Dean Ambrose Set to Re... · 0 replies · +29 points

Considering NXT has been way more watchable than WWE lately, you're probably right. Ambrose deserves better than the crap booking he'll receive when he gets back.

6 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - *LIVE COVERAGE* OF TON... · 0 replies · +9 points

RAW has been so bad, it wouldn't surprise me if they did this stupid brawl crap for the entire first hour..

6 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - *LIVE COVERAGE* OF TON... · 0 replies · +6 points

I'm really glad I waited to take a p*** for this match...

6 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - Johnny Gargano on gett... · 0 replies · +7 points

Please fix this stupid layout. The old was one way better.

6 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - Big Casket Match Annou... · 0 replies · +16 points

It should be Undertaker vs Woken Matt in a Lake of Reincarnation Match with Taker losing and coming out of the lake as Mean Marc Callous.

6 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - Mr. Tito\'s PHAT WWE W... · 0 replies · +5 points

I think there's a huge MARK hiding under that table....

6 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - MR. TITO STRIKES BACK ... · 0 replies · +1 points

The Battle Royals are the biggest waste of time on Wrestlemania. Sure, it's good to get everyone on the card, but what purpose have they ever served? Cesaro benefiited most, only to have his momentum destroyed by creative who shifted him to a heel. Otherwise, they haven't been good, and belong on the pre-show.