


3 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent · 3 replies · +3 points

The birth certificate issue is very relevant because if he is allowed to stay in office (and does not end up being a tyrranical dictator and actually bows out after losing an election) then he sets the precedant that it doesn't matter what country you come from in order to be President. His Presidencey, if it is true he is not a natural born citizen, at the very least is unconstitutional.

Our military took an oath to defend the Constitution against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic. Aside from the birth issue he has walked all over our Constitution and has already made anti-Constitutional statements saying that he believes it is fundamentally flawed. All they have to do is act on it. They have the authority to remedy this situation in theory.

What would be nicer though is if Congress grew a pair and impeached him....for starters.

And yes, the riots will start. Just look back on how the Black Panthers paid a visit to a voting precint back in November. It's not's fact. All one has to do is just look at the footage.

BTW My brother is serving in the NAVY as well. He's based in Hawaii.

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent · 0 replies · +1 points

If they are prepared for such an occurance, our military has the ok to defend itself, in theory according to the rules of engagement, without the ok of the President. But, if the troops are in the dark and unprepared for such an attack b/c they are not being told about it then how are they supposed to defend themselves? They are sitting ducks! This is exactly why I'm very upset.

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent · 3 replies · +2 points

It's not in the news everyday, but it worries me none the less since our country's leadership acts like it's a joke. North Korea. My stomach was literally in knots when I first heard the news that they had missles aimed at Japan and Hawaii. My brother is in the NAVY and based in Hawaii. I asked him what he knew about the situation. He said that they have been told absolutely NOTHING! He didn't even know Hawaii was a target until I told him. Commanding officers are not informing the men of this situation. They learn more from people that live on the mainland than from their own people. Now, he has been in the service since 2003. He should get out in 2010. I just hope he makes it these next few months without an attack. This administration is purposefully keeping our military in the dark. These men are willing to die to protect our nation and they are being sabotaged by our own President!