


36 comments posted · 9 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ - Boulder & Me · 0 replies · +1 points

Great post Chris and thank you for all you do.
Any week you find a hole where nobody takes you up on that beer just let us know. You have a standing sudsy invite...

13 years ago @ RoundPegg - A Fear of Machines in ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks Karen. I'd love to read the study. Do you recall where it was or what it was called?

Appreciate you adding to the conversation.

13 years ago @ RoundPegg - A Fear of Machines in ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks for stopping by and adding your thoughts. Technical competence is certainly a big part of the game. Only a non-asprin-taker would say you shouldn't rely on that. But for most positions in the knowledge working world we're talking about people who are on the good side of the normal distribution of intelligence and skills. The differences in both won't be as great as many imagine. The marginal benefits of selecting someone who fits will far outweigh the marginal benefits of someone with only slightly greater skills/intelligence.

We need an equation. Any ideas?

14 years ago @ RoundPegg - How to Hire Great People · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks Mark, glad you dropped by. We've recently thrown up a 15 minute webinar around how to make great hires and what RoundPegg is all about. We'd love your thoughts and feedback.

14 years ago @ RoundPegg - What Employees Want Fr... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thank you Mark, it's great to have a fellow Coloradan stopping though.

I love Cave Creek's line about helping people find the culture and people that fit them personally as well as professionally. I believe so strongly that that is far more a key to our success than the skills we possess. Keep beating that drum - we'll get there one of these days.

14 years ago @ RoundPegg - Why Feedback Fails · 0 replies · +1 points

It is a great shot. Interesting on many levels. Well done. Thanks for stopping through and glad you enjoyed the post.

14 years ago @ RoundPegg - Do What You Can, Not Y... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks Skippy. I really like the idea of consciously injecting play into your work. One of the other things it does is help to level the playing field. When our actions aren't bound by our typical work constructs our baggage and hierarchies tend to disappear (or at least become diminished). This is not only a release valve for stresses, but provides people a safer environment in which to make suggestions that may otherwise be considered risky or 'off-the-wall.'

14 years ago @ - Master's Track Nationa... · 0 replies · +1 points

Good luck Ingrid! Congrats on getting back to that level and for the newfound appreciation for the sport.

And, most importantly (to me at least), thank you for introducing me to cycling and all the coaching you've given along the way. It's not hyperbole to say that it changed my life - physically and mentally. It's been a fun year and a half. Looking forward to riding again after the championships.

Go get 'em!

15 years ago @ RoundPegg - When \'A\' Players Mak... · 0 replies · +1 points

I'm with you. I don't ever like these things getting aired publicly, especially 5 minutes after crossing the finish line. But I took it as Lance (and Levi too) having completely hit their limit with Alberto. I'm sure Alberto's cowboy act has grown old and that things are actually far worse than any of us realize. He was probably also steaming after seeing a dutiful teammate in Kloden get treated the way he did.

I wouldn't be surprised to hear in tomorrow's announcement that most of the Astana team goes with Lance on the new American squad. Alberto may be great, but he can't do it alone and I wouldn't be shocked if all these veterans just don't want to ride for him.

15 years ago @ RoundPegg - To Be A Leader, Be A T... · 0 replies · +1 points

Funny, I got to thinking I should've concluded with my own prediction. I think you're right about Contador attacking again, but I'd really like to see his team let him go and pull Lance right back into the mix where he takes control. Ultimately Lance takes Contador in the GC because Astana worked for him instead.

But I agree, Contador is riding elsewhere next year and his failure to grasp team and tactics will be brutally apparent.