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7 years ago @ Clever Manka - Mid-week check-in · 0 replies · +3 points

I am ready for it to be November and to be able to take some time off work to read lots of books.

7 years ago @ Clever Manka - Mid-week check-in · 2 replies · +3 points

This week has not been great. The new library assistant at my workplace started last week, so I am no longer doing two people's jobs, but am still doing more than I would normally be as she's getting up to speed and requiring quite a bit of supervision (and is making lots of mistakes). People seem more stressed than normal at work and are snappy. Things are very busy at the moment and will be for several weeks to come, and I am tired of it all already. I have hardly managed to visit here at all, which makes me sad, and we are having a heatwave in London this week and it's horrible (and giving me lots of general climate change anxiety).

7 years ago @ Clever Manka - Being a Weirdo on the ... · 0 replies · +3 points

The internet is a handy place for those of us who don’t much like people but don’t want to be isolated, either. - it me. I am so grateful for the internet, and I would be a much lonelier person without it.

The exquisite weirdness of internet language is still one of my favorite things.
Yes, I love this! When I applied to do English at university I strongly considered researching and writing about internet language, and while I sadly never got around to it, it is so cool to observe and think about.

I read this article about the Spice Girls recently, which claimed that "because it all happened before social media, which enabled girls to organise into “fandoms”, there are no Instagram or Vine clips" (etc.). The author knows internet fandom existed in 1996, right? And "social media" is an unnecessarily vague term, but there were definitely places on the internet where people could talk to each other. It's not like there was just nothing until Facebook came along.

7 years ago @ Clever Manka - Friday Open Thread · 0 replies · +4 points

Yes, she said on Twitter the other day that she's currently replying to tote enquiries with "let me know if you don't have it by September" (or similar).

7 years ago @ Clever Manka - Friday Open Thread · 2 replies · +4 points

I have received nothing. I'm in the UK, and thought Nicole said all overseas people would be emailed (as shipping costs might meant it would cost more/less than we paid), but haven't heard from her.

7 years ago @ Clever Manka - Friday Open Thread · 1 reply · +7 points

I have not been as good at coming here as I would like (need to get into a proper routine), but I would certainly be interested in hearing the details of your life changes.

7 years ago @ Clever Manka - Friday Open Thread · 2 replies · +8 points

I just joined Twitter and am still feeling my way around it; it's all a bit overwhelming so far, but if any Toast alumni want to interact on there, I'm @veritysp.

Today I found out that the other library assistant at my workplace is leaving, having been hired for a job which I saw advertised recently and strongly suspected he would go for. I will miss him as a person, but I am also freaking out a little; he has been there for about five years, compared to my one (I started full-time at the start of last September), and I still go to him with questions all the time. Now I will not have him around to go to for help, and we're probably going to get a replacement library assistant to whom I willbe the responsible, knowledgeable one. This is probably good news for my career (more responsibility!) but I am feeling pretty overwhelmed by it.

7 years ago @ Clever Manka - Friday Open Thread · 1 reply · +4 points

Yay! Brighton is lovely.

8 years ago @ Clever Manka - This Week in Feminist ... · 0 replies · +4 points

Men at each station pulled the emergency cord and pleaded for her to speak, putting her 22 hours behind schedule.
I love this.

8 years ago @ Clever Manka - This Week in Feminist ... · 0 replies · +3 points

I first saw extracts from "Are Women People?" on The Hairpin, and I have loved it ever since. It's so great.