Bill Erickson

Bill Erickson


74 comments posted · 38 followers · following 1

13 years ago @ Ed Schipul - buy gold - thanks t.u.... · 0 replies · +1 points

UT isn't responsible for the rise in gold price - they're an investor in the market just like everyone else. US policy is responsible for the rise.

What makes this newsworthy is that they took delivery of ACTUAL gold, not simply holding gold derivatives or, as most speculators do, buy the contracts and then sell them before delivery, using the cash to buy more future contracts.

We're definitely in for a slow growth economy, but I still think we're better off than any other developed nation. If we default on debt in the short term it's because of our stupid politicians not raising the debt ceiling. There's a very real chance Portugal or Greece will default due to their huge debt load and forced depression to pay it. To pay the debt, they must raise taxes and cut costs, which decreases economic activity and lowers tax receipts, making situation even worse and raising their Debt / GDP (GDP will fall faster than they can pay off debt).

Since they're stuck with the Euro they can't inflate their way out of it like we can. The outer countries of the EU (everything but France and Germany) are totally screwed.

In the long term we're screwed too if we don't get our act together, but what will happen to us in 10-20 years is happening in Europe right now. I'm hoping that the Euro explosion will show our politicians what will happen if we don't take care of our debt.

I'm optimistic about the US, relative to the rest of the world. While I think we're in for slow growth and another big dip in the economy when the Fed is done with QE2, we're in a better position than almost any other developed nation.

14 years ago @ Ed Schipul - West Palm Beach · 0 replies · +1 points

Wow great photo!

14 years ago @ Bill Erickson, Wordpre... - Thesis Tip #14 - Add R... · 0 replies · +1 points

Can you send me a link to the site in question?

Bill Erickson
Wordpress Consultant

14 years ago @ Bill Erickson, Wordpre... - Thesis Tip #1 - Custom... · 0 replies · +1 points

Can you email me the code you're using? It should work. The only issue I can see is if you put the post image outside of the loop (it needs to come after while ($posts->have_posts()) : $posts->the_post();).

Bill Erickson
Wordpress Consultant

14 years ago @ Bill Erickson, Wordpre... - Thesis Tip #2 - Additi... · 0 replies · +1 points

View the source of your page and compare the widgets WordPress produces with the one you're doing. If you can make the code identical, the styling will be the same. 

For example, make sure your "before widget" code includes

Bill Erickson
Wordpress Consultant

14 years ago @ Bill Erickson, Wordpre... - Thesis Tip #12 - Addin... · 0 replies · +1 points

Sorry, this code works only with the Thesis theme ( ).

For non-Thesis themes it will be different. You'll need to edit the actual theme files. 

- First, identify the proper theme file to edit. Use the Template Hierarchy image ( ) to figure it out. (category-id.php comes first, then category.php, then archive.php...)
- Then put the code where you want it. You'll only put what was inside the function, not the function and hook itself. 

Bill Erickson
Wordpress Consultant

14 years ago @ Bill Erickson, Wordpre... - Thesis Tip #12 - Addin... · 0 replies · +1 points

No, it goes in custom_functions.php. Do you have the right category slug? 

Try removing the if statement, so that the header shows up on every category page. That will determine whether your if statement (with the category slug) is the problem, or it's something else.

So just try:

function category_intro() { ?>
This is the category intro text.
<?php }

add_action('thesis_hook_archive_info','category_intro');<br clear="all">

Bill Erickson
Wordpress Consultant

14 years ago @ Bill Erickson, Wordpre... - Thesis Tip #3 - Multip... · 0 replies · +1 points

Are you sure the code is in the custom_functions.php file? It doesn't look like it is, since the <h4> is still on your Brokerage page.

Bill Erickson
Wordpress Consultant

14 years ago @ Bill Erickson, Wordpre... - Thesis Tip #13 - Using... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks, I've been using Intense Debate for a few years now, since they were in private beta. They were funded by my friends up at TechStars so I tried them out when they had their first version ready. 

While Disqus is a great commenting system, I usually recommend Intense Debate because it is now owned by Automattic (the company behind WordPress). This close relationship with WordPress means you'll never have to worry about it not working with WordPress in the future.

Bill Erickson
Wordpress Consultant

14 years ago @ Bill Erickson, Wordpre... - Thesis Tip #1 - Custom... · 0 replies · +1 points

All the function does is break <h4>'s into div's, which can then be styled with the custom.css file. So in your instance, I would do page-specific css that was applicable for your specific situation. So on the about page, do something like:

.custom.about #content-0 { }
.custom.about #content-1 { }

Bill Erickson
Wordpress Consultant