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8 years ago @ Daily - CU football: Buffs bac... · 0 replies · +1 points

If they want to win the close games it's not on the officials because the clock ran out. It's on the coaches!

Wasting two timeouts in a row early in the second half undermined any chance they had of winning. I couldn't help but think after the second timeout was burned, "What are they doing? All the wasted, preparation, conditioning and practice with an emphasis on winning the close games down the drain because of stupidity."

Even if the players made too many mistakes during the game they were in scoring position in the end and had they had those timeouts they had a real shot.

If the coaching staff were more organized and Liufau didn't get so flustered as he seems to do game in and game out they would have had those precious timeouts. To win the close games not only do the players have to play better, the coaches have to be on top of their games as well.

Once again this year Liufau does not seem see open receivers! Hence, he throws it out of bounds, tries to run, throws it in the ground....wasted downs. They need a quarterback with moxie, a quarterback who can make the big plays when it counts even when he is under pressure not just a quarterback who knows the playbook inside out and preforms well in practice.

Put in the freshman quarterback and the freshman running back now and in no time with a more mature team around them they will turn the Buffs around with a much needed spark.

8 years ago @ Daily - No Headline---05DCSCU1... · 0 replies · +1 points

Stronger, Faster, More Experienced and more Mature!! Gonna win those close games in the fourth quarter!!! Totally unorganized. Wasted time outs when they were needed in the end. That's all on the coaching staff.

The players might be better prepared physically but the coaching staff appeared not to have done their jobs again and they seemed as confused as ever at key moments in the game.

How can Mac be so out of touch with reality? Every year the same thing.........dashed hopes after the brutal actuality of their ineptitude in almost every facet of the game hits them square in face all over again.

Emphasis on turnovers. Well they did turn the ball over more, but you have to tackle first. Instead of making what appeared to be a routine tackle of a Hawaii receiver on his way to the end zone the Buff defender went for the strip (emphasis on turnovers) and the receiver went in for a touchdown. Did anyone mention to the players tackling comes first?

Unfortunately, during the off season when they replaced the defensive coordinator they also should have brought in a new offensive line coach as well as a special teams coach.

And, then the game plan. Huh? So many times it was run when they should have thrown and thrown when they should have run. Not enough passes in the 10 to 15 yard range. 3 yards, 2 yards, 4 yard, 1 yard, Mistake... end of drive. They are not good enough to constantly put together long drives made up of 1, 2 and 3 yard plays without drive ending mistakes. They have to get guys open in the intermediate range regardless of the defense

Why was Powell in their at all. Couldn't the coaches see in practice he is not the running back of the future? Did they actually think he's the best they've got? Wasted downs, wasted plays. Don't throw an interception, instead throw it out of bounds or in the ground. When a team or a player is trying not to lose instead of trying to win the player or the team loses more often than not. Doesn't anyone on the staff or team realize that EVERY PLAY COUNTS! You only get so many.

8 years ago @ CU sport... - CU football: Punt retu... · 0 replies · +1 points

Is this really the most important statistic?

If, "in 2014, 50.4 % of the Division I teams in 2014 registered 20 returns or less during the season...," then, accordingly about 49.6% of the teams registered 21 returns or more during the season.

That's pretty close to half the teams either way. There will always be half the teams with winning records and half the teams with losing records aside from a few ties and those that ended up winning and losing the same number of games.

So, a more relevant statistic and question regardless of whether there were less returns than in past years would be whether the teams that won more than half their games in 2014 were also the teams that averaged more than 21 returns.

It is often just won big return that changes the outcome of a game not to mention the momentum a decent return can bring to a team. The more returns a team attempts it stands to reason there will be a greater opportunity to break a big one and change the field position especially if a team makes it a practice of working on their return game week in and week out.

Looking at this from another perspective, how often does a team that begins all its drives around its own 20 yard line go all the way down the field and score? And on the other side of the coin, how many times does a team score when it begins a drive on the opponent’s side of the field?

8 years ago @ Daily - CU football: Punt retu... · 0 replies · +1 points

What’s really the more important statistic?

If, "in 2014, 50.4 % of the Division I teams in 2014 registered 20 returns or less during the season...," then, accordingly about 49.6% of the teams registered 21 returns or more during the season.

That's pretty close to half the teams either way. There will always be half the teams with winning records and half the teams with losing records aside from a few ties and those that ended up winning and losing the same number of games.

So, a more important statistic and question regardless of whether there were less returns than in past years would be whether the teams that won more than half their games were also the teams that averaged more than 21 returns.

It is often just won big return that changes the outcome of a game. The more returns a team attempts it stands to reason there will be a greater opportunity to break a big one and change the field position especially if a team makes it a practice of working on their return game week in and week out.

The Seattle Seahawks seem to agree with this philosophy.

9 years ago @ Daily - Colorado Supreme Court... · 1 reply · -5 points

A double standard! Employees cannot fire their employers for indulging in their free time!!!

9 years ago @ Daily - Boulder Food Park seek... · 2 replies · +7 points

Lessons never learned!!!

The idea of a food truck or the ice cream truck for that matter is to bring eats to where people work and live so they can conveniently grab a quick bite and get back to work or whatever they are doing in a timely manner and not have to drive anywhere.

If you’re going to have to drive somewhere to go to lunch or grab a bite ….ahhhhh let’s see……I think I’ll drive to a food truck park that’s sort of out of the way and eat a burrito on a picnic bench or go to a restaurant? That’s a tough one!

Years ago at many intersections in cities across the country there would be three or four a service stations on the corners. One, two or even three would always be struggling and more often than not one or two of them would go out of business. How many years did it take for the people doing the zoning and the people opening service stations to learn it’s a bad idea to have boarded up service stations all over town not to mention the small business owner’s losing their investments and their livelihoods?

So, let’s put all the trucks in one spot where some are certain to go out of business and the choices left will be a burrito or a burrito wrapped in a different type of wax paper. And, let’s make it so people have to drive to the food trucks defeating the very purpose of a food truck to begin with. Sooner than not there only will be only one or two trucks left standing and the food truck park will be empty with only left over burrito wrappers on the ground.

For that matter then, why trucks at all, why wheels……just open another fast food stand without wheels that serves burritos and beer with picnic benches that looks like a food truck picnic park.

Louisville Colorado, you’ve got a Home Depot and a Lowe’s within a couple blocks of each other and one of them is struggling. If one were on the other side of town people would not have to drive as far and they’d both have a chance to be doing better.

Let the trucks drive! It saves everyone time, it save gas and it reduces pollution not to mention the greenhouse gases produced by everyone driving to eat at the food truck where the trucks don’t drive.

9 years ago @ CU sport... - Buffaloes fall to Seat... · 0 replies · +3 points

When the going gets rough, the tough get tougher.

Up to this point Coach Boyle has had some decent players during his tenure at CU with some going to the NBA or ball in Europe and as a result his record reflects this but it does not seem he has replaced them with like players. Evaluating talent at the high school level is essential if a coach is to win year in and year out. But, talent should not be a recruit’s only asset as a positive attitude and some fire under the hood can go a long way on a team looking for leaders.

Not only is it important to recruit top notch talent but a coach also has to be able to get the most out of the players he has when he has not gotten the players he may have wanted. That is often the most difficult task. Some players don't put out 100% effort, some players don't buy into the program, some lack confidence, some have negative attitudes which can infect other players, some have a hard time being leaders when they are called on to do so, etc., etc.

A good coach has to be a top notch psychologist as well so as to deal with all the intangibles needed to motivate each and every player in his own way to get the best out of them every game. It appears as if Coach Boyle is struggling with this aspect of the job with this current team.

A bad apple can spoil the bunch.

An X- Duke player said recently the most important thing Coach Mike Krzyzewski requires of each and every player in practice and in games is that they play defense. Defense, DEFENSE, DEFENSE!

Something sorely lacking with this Buffs team. The Buffs defense is mediocre at best and at times, key times, horrible. If you can't stop the other team more often than not you’re not going to win as often as you might. A good defensive stand not only stops the other team but it also breeds confidence and in turn improves the offense on the other end.

When you’re ahead at the end of the game with a good defense you have a better chance of winning and when you are down at the end of the game you can't win unless you stop the other team.

It often appeared the Buffs defense floundered toward the end of games when they needed defense the most. Defense should be 24/7.

Next year will come down to everyone buying into playing better defense including the coaches, how well the coaches are able to get the players they have on the roster to preform and whether one or more of the new recruits can step up and offer some of what is missing from this team - a shooter, a leader, a go to guy in crunch time and a positive voice.

And for Buffs sake!; play a little more zone if not for playing zone because you like it, but just to learn how to better break it down when its thrown against you so you become comfortable with it. The zone often seemed to stop any flow the Buffs might have had whether they were able to score against it or not.

9 years ago @ Daily - Colorado considering l... · 3 replies · +8 points

Teach less, ask for a raise. The US ranks below many 3rd world countries and is falling fast in the rankings.

The new High School math curriculum for Colorado - Freshman year learn - 1+1=2, Sophomore year - 2 X 2 = 4, Junior year - 4 / 2 = ????????? – That’s okay if you didn't get it right. It’s been deemed too complicated and beyond the ability of our overworked kids and the poor teachers, Senior year - Review.

High School English - Freshman year - Spot went up the hill, Sophomore year - Spot went down the hill, Junior year learn how to spell Spot and hill. Senior year - Review.

That ought to do it, now everyone passes and graduates. Yay!!!! Colorado will rank first in the US for the percentage of kids graduating High School!

Shouldn't it be, teach a challenging curriculum on par with the best in the world, students get good grades, teachers get a very good raise?

The question should be; how do we achieve these lofty goals so our students have the best chance in the world ahead of them? We shouldn't be lowering standards so more students pass and complete school knowing less than their counterparts elsewhere just so they can get passing grades.

If it is being done elsewhere; we should be able to do it here!

9 years ago @ Daily - Two CU football assist... · 0 replies · +2 points

Maybe it's a blessing in disguise and an opportunity for an upgrade without having to make that very tough call to let a coach go as the defense was the main reason the Buffs did not win more games this fall.

The offense put enough points up to win more games; the defense did not stop the other team. If the defense had played better and made more key stops not only would the Buffs have won more games but they likely would have scored more points given better field position they would have gotten from time to time.

9 years ago @ Daily - Top 10 local news stor... · 0 replies · -2 points

The people in Boulder, instead of worrying about fracking should be much more concerned about the fluoride in the city's tap water. Flouride has been linked to a number of health problems and studies have shown flouride in municipal water supplies does not improve dental health and may do more harm to the teeth than it does good.