


44 comments posted · 4 followers · following 3

10 years ago @ SteamFeed - Here’s Why Your Blog... · 1 reply · +2 points

Thanks for the tips. I think most people start their blog for fun but if they want it to be successful it can be a lot of work and consume a lot of time.
I split my blog into three different sites to fit three different niche but maintaining and updating three blogs turned out to be too much. Family and work come first and there's little time for blogging :(

Sidenote, Love the theme here and when did intensedebate start supporting commentluv?
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11 years ago @ Derek Seaman's Blog - CloudVolumes Pt 4: Tes... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks for the write up, I too saw the post on Brian's site and have been trying to finish some other projects so I can test cloudvolumes. I'm looking at it to use with Xenapp so I don't have to silo my applications.
Can you test what happens if an appstack replaces an existing file on the gold image. Does the appstack win or the gold image?


13 years ago @ WordPress Howto Spotter - CommentLuv Plus DoFoll... · 0 replies · +1 points

I found this post well searching for commentluv and dofollow.

I've been running commentluv on my sites for awhile now, but I'd never heard of the Lucia Linky Love plugin I'll check it out. thanks!
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13 years ago @ http://aweeklyriddle.b... - http://aweeklyriddle.b... · 1 reply · +2 points

road rash

13 years ago @ We Got Served - Connec... - Viewsonic Boxee TV - H... · 0 replies · +1 points

Did you get any specs on the TV? I hope they don't make the same mistake Sony made with the google TV and make them 60hz not 120.

13 years ago @ Synactable's Voice - FeedBurner is Stealing... · 1 reply · +1 points

Thanks a lot, that makes a lot of sense now. I never saw my incoming links increase even though I left a bunch of comments.
Time to make some changes to my feedburner settings.

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13 years ago @ Google Android Blog - Samsung Fascinate buy-... · 0 replies · +1 points

Too bad Verizon won't buy out ATT contracts :(
My recent post The best USENET Provider

13 years ago @ Your Daily Word - Jesus Calls Peter by J... · 0 replies · +1 points

Very funny. I was wondering what it was going to be when I clicked the link. But I'm glad I did.

My recent post The best USENET Provider

13 years ago @ Shooting the Breeze - Link Love Sunday: Come... · 1 reply · +1 points

Found your blog via twitter may have been a bloggerluv link

My site is Benway Net

Stop by and and check it out, I'll be adding you to my RSS list.

God Bless

14 years ago @ Tycoon Blogger - Top Blogs and Most Ove... · 0 replies · +1 points

I think most blogger that their only purpose is to tell you how to blog and/or make money are over rated. Because most of the time, they just rehash the same information and once everyone is doing the same tactic it has very little benefit.
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