


22 comments posted · 4 followers · following 5

14 years ago @ Life in Student Ministry - My take on Haiti's "De... · 0 replies · +1 points

Like you I have been immensely changed by my trips to Haiti and experienced first hand the spiritual warfare that the Haitians experience because of Voodoo. When I was there the last time in 2004 I was listening to a message about how "we, modern Christians" do not practice or give any thought Jesus teaching about, what ever is bound on earth is bound in heaven and whatever is loosed on earth is loosed in heaven. I thought nothing about it that morning but that afternoon we walk through the property of a Voodoo temple to get to a piece of property on the other side and it hit me. So I prayed that the Voodoo going on there be bound. A couple of days later a man came over to the mission I was staying at and told my friend that the Voodoo Priest at the temple took a small number of people and went in woods and would not come back and practice Voodoo while I was there.

Like you I have been told by numerous missionaries and Haitians tell me of this pact with the Devil and that President Aristide renewed that vow in 2003. God can do what ever He wants to do and whether the earthquake was caused by it or the prayers doesn't matter in long haul but that the spiritual revival is occurring is all that matters. Thank you for your work and promotion of the people and plight of Haiti.

14 years ago @ ChurchCrunch - Business Card Giveaway... · 0 replies · +1 points

I need some new business cards so this would be cool!

14 years ago @ ChurchCrunch - ... · 2 replies · +1 points

Which Wordpress URL shortener plugin do you use?

14 years ago @ Human3rror - August Desktop Backgro... · 2 replies · +1 points

I sporting an old Relevant Magazine desktop.

15 years ago @ Collide Magazine - The Church In 2034 · 0 replies · +2 points

Extremely interesting. Though it doesn't take into consideration where the church is free to meet as it is today. Now I'm not an end times guy but I think any talk about the future of the church might need to talk about where or not the church will be underground and thriving like our brothers and sisters in China, India and others in the 10/40 window.

I wish some degree of the health of the church as a whole would have been discussed. Are we perceived the same in 2034 as we are today or will we be perceived to be more like Jesus?

15 years ago @ Ragamuffin Soul - Hairy Saul · 1 reply · +1 points

Wax it. Joking. Definitely looks better clean.

15 years ago @ Life in Student Ministry - An idea for creating a... · 0 replies · +1 points

I have a friend here in FL that has multi-generational small groups based on New Hope Oahu's Life Journal ( that has a children's, youth and adult version where they spend time reading the bible, journaling (scripture, observation, application and prayer) and then discussing what the read and journaled.

15 years ago @ Life in Student Ministry - Enhancing communicatio... · 0 replies · +1 points

I've never heard of the live stream plugin for Wordpress before. Thanks for the resources and thoughts behind what you're doing and why you are using specific services.

15 years ago @ ChurchCrunch - - Super Easy... · 1 reply · +1 points

Interesting concept, I've heard of mofuse before, but have found a couple of mobile themes for wordpress that auto redirect through a plugin that look really good and work really well with a lot of different mobile browsers not just the iPhone.

15 years ago @ david norman blog dot com - Mark Driscoll on Churc... · 1 reply · +1 points

Great video, great content and call to planters. Wish more people understood his heart here.