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12 years ago @ Big Government - In Memoriam: Andrew Br... · 0 replies · +10 points

Mr. Breitbart was a unique and amazing man. He will be greatly missed. My condolences to his friends and family. Thank you Mr. Breitbart!

12 years ago @ Big Government - 49.5% of Americans Pay... · 0 replies · +2 points

should read "nearly every economic trouble"

12 years ago @ Big Government - 49.5% of Americans Pay... · 0 replies · +7 points

I am not your brother and I came to these conclusions on my own. Idiot.

12 years ago @ Big Government - 49.5% of Americans Pay... · 6 replies · +9 points

Trying to reason with you people is like trying to reason with a dog turd.
Please define "fair share". Fair by what standard? By what right do you believe you can steal that which someone else has earned? Holding a gun to my head is no exageration at all. What do you think happens if you don't pay your taxes? The U.S. government will seize your assests(force), garnish your wages(Heck, that's not even taking money out of your pocket; they steal your money from you before you even have it in your pocket.), or they will throw you in prison(force).

12 years ago @ Big Government - 49.5% of Americans Pay... · 0 replies · +2 points

I'd go a step further and say the republicans have done little to nothing to show how they're different from the rino's, neo cons and compassionate conservatives that got us into this mess right along with the democrats, liberals and progressives of the last 100 years.

12 years ago @ Big Government - 49.5% of Americans Pay... · 0 replies · +8 points

Locked and loaded!

12 years ago @ Big Government - 49.5% of Americans Pay... · 10 replies · +9 points

4)Raising the minimum wage will fix nothing. The minimum wage laws are not only severely flawed, but they are immoral as well.
5)I don't make a lot of money, but I am a net contributor in income taxes. So when you rant about the "poor", please try and remember I would be considered poor to lower middle class and I "help" pay for that nice tax refund you get. You know the one. The one where you get more back than you paid in. Or possibly I "help" pay for your food stamps, or your rent, or a "free" cell phone ....whatever. That's my money. Mine alone. I earned it. I work for and pay for the things I need or want. The poor you're refering to are products of the decisions they made in life. Actions have consequences. Your faulty actions or lack of ability or bad luck don't give you any right to that which I alone earn. The income tax system is 70,000+ pages of social engineering. The same type of social engineering that has rendered a good portion of our country dumbed down, apathetic, and immoral.

12 years ago @ Big Government - 49.5% of Americans Pay... · 19 replies · +12 points

Let's see:
1) Helping people should be an individual choice. Forcing a person to "help" at the point of a gun is stealing. You do not get to decide for me what I choose to value.
2) Income disparity in and of itself is not a bad thing. Your argument, though, is that if someone has more of something than you do, you have the right to steal as much as you want of it.
3)You can attribute nearly economic trouble we have directly to the U.S. federal gov. and the state govs.. The only economic trouble some can't attribute to anyone but themselves, is the will to get up off their butt and work.

13 years ago @ Big Government - Right-to-Work Law Adva... · 0 replies · +24 points

It is absolutely astounding that individuals such as these could be elected to any office. Pressumably sane, grown adults actually voted for these tantrum throwing whiners?
Get your butts to work and do your damned job!

13 years ago @ Big Government - Red Alert: New Unconst... · 1 reply · +5 points

Is that what that hagard, wrinkled mess is that we see when they show pictures of Pelosi? I thought that was her face.