


23 comments posted · 2 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Rifqa Bar... · 0 replies · +2 points

I just hope she can stay away from them until she turns 18. Damn libscum loiyah will try to send her to her death.

14 years ago @ Malzberg for America - Upcoming Events · 0 replies · +1 points

Are there any rallies or meeting in the New York City/Long Island area?

14 years ago @ Malzberg for America - Petition · 1 reply · +1 points

I will leave this country is Obama is not removed from office, one way or the other.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: ALA, pane... · 1 reply · +3 points

Libraries will soon go the way of the electric typewriter, as should their dhimmified opinions on Islam.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: ALA, pane... · 0 replies · +7 points

Yet there was total silence from the Muslim community when an American Muslim shot two soldiers, killing one of them, at the military recruiting station. I'm sure the German killing will result in riots in the streets all over Europe.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: ALA, pane... · 0 replies · +9 points

You are a schmuck. And probably a Muslim. Not that there's any difference.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: CAIR asks... · 1 reply · +1 points

Susan, I don't think they believe there is any stopping them. As for the first amendment, take a look at this bill that's in the works. If passed, it could effectively shut all these kinds of websites down.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: CAIR asks... · 0 replies · 0 points

Thanks, me again. I appreciate that.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: CAIR asks... · 0 replies · +1 points

Sorry Abu, I don't know why that happens sometimes. Thanks, that's why I call it Bare Naked, nothing politically correct about it. I'm sure it will come as no surprise that the Beheadings section gets far and away the most hits almost every day. 9/11 Censored isn't far behind. It just tells me that the media is wrong about Americans not wanting to be reminded about 9/11. They very much want to think about it.

As for the Beheadings, I guess that's the shock factor. Although, personally, I never look at them again after I post them. Sometimes I have nightmares about them - the sheer savagery is without equal.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: CAIR asks... · 0 replies · +1 points

SG, funny how CAIR had little or nothing to say about the Muslim who shot the two military recruiters. And all they could say about the 4 Muslims who planned to blow up a synagogue and some planes was that the FBI set them up. Of course they wasted no time condemning the Nazi who attacked the Holocaust Museum.