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14 years ago @ Big Government - Democrats Gone Wild: R... · 0 replies · +1 points

This definitely woke me up. I have never participated in politics, even though I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Pre-Law from the University of Houston-Clear Lake.

14 years ago @ - Another Democrat Congr... · 0 replies · +2 points

All I know is that I was new to San Antonio and new to his district. I have no party affiliation and no political affiliations. I did not know the women with all of the knowledge about Health Care. I was truly trying to listen.

Papers slammed in my face and yelled at by a U.S. Congressmen. What a way to welcome new people to your district.

I am waiting for a personal apology Congressmen Rodriguez.. Not just one, but two.
1. For slamming the paper and yelling at me.
2. For writing this off as two disgruntled constituents. I did not even know the other woman and had never in my life been to a Town Hall Meeting.

14 years ago @ Big Government - Democrats Gone Wild: R... · 1 reply · +2 points

No, he never did apologize. I did try to wait around to speak to him privately, but he was busy talking with others. Of course, that doesn't mean it wouldn't.

If this incident accomplished one thing, it woke my eyes up to what is going on in the world. I have been reading everything I can get my hands on and watching all sides of the issues closely. I have many excellent ideas and some of these issues are close to my heart.

I have always been proud to be an American.

14 years ago @ Big Government - Democrats Gone Wild: R... · 1 reply · +2 points

This is just my personal opinion after dealing with true professionals over the last 30 years.

When an individual is in a position such as Congressmen Rodriguez's, that person does not lose their professionalism just because someone speaks to them inappropriately, therefore, it does not matter if the woman accused him of lying or not. Professionalism is professionalism.

14 years ago @ Big Government - Democrats Gone Wild: R... · 2 replies · +2 points

It was more like he just lost control. He seemed totally unprepared for the questions that were asked. I believe that it is probably just his personality. This is just my opinion.

From my limited knowledge of Congressmen Rodriguez, I would not say he was the type of person who treats people badly, he just seemed overwhelmed by what was going on around him.

14 years ago @ Big Government - Democrats Gone Wild: R... · 3 replies · +2 points

I am actually surprised this video didn't come out before now. There were several people with FlipCams. Maybe I can do something to help? Any suggestions? There is a little more to the story that has not been told.

14 years ago @ Big Government - Democrats Gone Wild: R... · 0 replies · +1 points

You must realize that this man was not trying to intimidate anyone, he just lost control of himself. It was a strange experience. Because of my background in education, I have the skills needed to recognize when something is getting out of hand. My intention was to prevent the situation from getting worse. Sometimes when you district the person who is out-of-control, it allows that person to stop and think about what they are doing.

14 years ago @ Big Government - Democrats Gone Wild: R... · 5 replies · +2 points

I would estimate about 20. Not sure what I expected a Town Hall Meeting to be like, but definitely didn't expect anything like this. As I said before, I had no idea who the congressmen was, and did not even know he was up for re-election. I have been in education for 18 years, the last few as a school administrator in the Houston area. This was definitely one of the most eye-opening events in my life.

What a way to welcome someone to your district!

Just please tell me that there is another candidate to represent us??????

14 years ago @ Big Government - Democrats Gone Wild: R... · 7 replies · +1 points

I was the person on the other side of the table. The one who called him "UNPROFESSIONAL". He went ballistic on the woman who asked him to be honest, and when he started going toward her I spoke up. It scared me when he slapped that paper down in front of me. It was obvious he was not in control of what he was doing and saying.

I might have confused some people in my earlier post. I was not the woman who asked him to be honest.

14 years ago @ Big Government - Democrats Gone Wild: R... · 2 replies · +5 points

I was actually the person you hear in the background calling the Congressmen down.

I recently moved into the district from Houston, Texas. A friend asked me if I would like to go to a town hall meeting and I said yes. I have never been to a town hall meeting and have never met the Congressmen. I was absolutely shocked at his outburst and unprofessional behavior. I just could not believe someone in his position would act that way in public.

What happened was that he started to get up in this woman's face and I was sitting on the other side of the table that you see him slam his paper down on. He was extremely agitated and it appeared to me that he was going to keep coming toward her, that is why I spoke up. You can hear the rest on the video.

Needless to say, I definitely would not vote for this guy.