


39 comments posted · 6 followers · following 0

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Dishonourably discharg... · 0 replies · +92 points

Syabas Major...Rezeki Allah swt yang tentukan...tawakkal tu allallah...Tuan telah menegakkan kebenaran dan usah risau kerana semua penegak kebenaran semenjak dari zaman Nabi Adam AS sehingga ke hari ini semuanya melalui ujiannya yang tersendiri...malah ada yang kepalanya digergaji, ada yang dibakar hidup2...tidak sedikit juga dibunuh dan diseksa...Berserah kepada Allah swt mohon Allah swt tetapkan kita dijalannya dan usah kita terpedaya dengan nikmat dunia yang sedikit ini....Janji Allah swt bahawa kehidupan sebenarnya adalah di SANA yang penuh nikmat bagi mereka yang bertaqwa dan penegak kebenaran...Allah swt sesekali tidak memungkiri janji...

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Sex blogger, activist ... · 0 replies · +8 points

The stupid department hope that these people would come forward to surrender the passports and with such they could arrest them. I don;t think these peoples are that stupid. The passports were revoked anyway so by now they are useless documents. So much resources wasted by the Government for just these 2 peoples.

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Let’s have a &ls... · 0 replies · +9 points

It's a reflection of a frustration by a senior Malaysian who had been running the country over the way the country being governed today. We are heading to the doomed, seriously..

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Where are DAP, PAS dur... · 0 replies · +1 points

When thousands of people from PR came to support Anwar, Utusan shall say that these people are causing chaos and make other people life difficult, but when people don't attend but still give the full support, Utusan said Anwar has lost the support. Any which way to Utusan and UMNO, Anwar is the pain to them who was once their idol.

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Anwar and Saiful had a... · 0 replies · +21 points

Of course saiful is not worried because he is not going to jail either way but not Anwar...

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Tuduhan kena beli: 2 A... · 0 replies · -18 points

Apabila dikatakan dibeli itu tidak bermaksud mereka ditawarkan wang ringgit. TGHH tidak pun menyebut yang mereka itu dirasuah. Dalam berbalas pantun kita selalu mendengar "membeli pantun dan menjual pantun"...ada wang ringgit ke yang terlibat disitu. Usahlah terus menghasut....

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Anwar nod for Azmin to... · 1 reply · +15 points

For those who are new in politics especially Malaysians politics,the Selangor MB saga is a good case study. If it is true that Azmin would be the MB then I would say that Azmin is a real and damn smart politician. Ever since 2008, he was eyeing for the post and he make himself clear in 2013. But he patiently worked himself out and gently ousted TSKI. He knew that PAS would not support DSWA and as well as the Royal but at the same time he managed to get PAS to support him. For him it doesn't matter if DSWA is the MB as he shall still be in control but not with TSKI. That is why he turned down when PAS proposed him. But at the same time he worked out with PAS to get his name proposed to the Sultan beside 2 others, PKR and PAS ADUN. While PAS ADUN shall face vote of no confidence if elected therefore shall not be accepted by the Sultan. The PKR ADUN is of no match to him in term PKR and DAP support. So finally he managed to outdo TSKI and DSWA. See that is the art of the politics and PR needs a politician like Azmin to protect Selangor from UMNO who is working at every opportunities non-stop to recapture Selangor. Only if you are a seasoned politician shall understand the game Azmin and PAS have been playing. End this episode and wait for the next.

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - How far back do we go ... · 0 replies · +19 points

In an uncivilized country like us, the power of the day would use anything that would secure and prolong their gripped. Wright or Wrong is secondary. But whatever it is they are the choice of the people and it reflect the level of intelligence of its people.

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - My day in court with A... · 0 replies · +24 points

Your are expecting too much with the present BN leaderships. Among the reasons why we need the government changed.

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Selagi sejarah Merdeka... · 0 replies · +21 points

Setiap tahun sambutan kemerdekaan yang mereka tonjolkan hanyalah UMNO sebagai satu-satu nya Pejuang Kemerdekaan. Bukankah ianya bermaksud mempolitikkan sambutan Kemerdekaan bukan untuk kepentingan rakyat tetapi parti memerintah. Sedangkan fakta sejarah menunjukkan pelbagai pihak, orang persorangan dan juga organisasi yang memperjuangkan kemerdekaan semenjak dari tahun 40an lagi. UMNO hadir pun sudah kemudian tapi tidak dinafikan usaha mereka.Sepatut nya hari Kemerdekaan harus di tonjolkan jasa-jasa semua pihak tidak kira apa fahaman politik dan warna kulit. Itu sebab setiap kali sambutan hari kemerdekaan ramai dikalangan rakyat yang tidak begitu peduli sehingga nak pasang bendera pun tak ada sambutan. Ini lah antara transformasi yang harus dibuat oleh Pemerintah.