


76 comments posted · 3 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ Cameron Kopas - Updating Linuxwacom (d... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks I'll give it a try!

13 years ago @ Cameron Kopas - OpenSolaris (2008.05) ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yeah that key combination is the same on the x61t, it seems to work by default in almost every linux distro, but I hate scrolling through "bluetooth & wifi on" "wifi off bluetooth on" "wifi & bluetooth off" "wifi on bluetooth off" just to get there, since I loose wifi connection.

13 years ago @ Cameron Kopas - Flower Screenlet Theming · 0 replies · +1 points

No i never did make the zombie flower, I quit using screenlets when I switched to Arch Linux and a more streamlined desktop. Good to know its so easy to change the menu options in the python file, I dont know how I overlooked that, thanks!

13 years ago @ Cameron Kopas - Ubuntu Setup Guide Par... · 0 replies · +1 points

I am actually using wordpress, since there is nothing too sensitive on here, I wouldn't die if it got hacked, but I've never had problems with wordpress installs that are kept up to date and configured properly.

14 years ago @ aliencam dot net blog. - Ubuntu 8.10 X61t Table... · 2 replies · +1 points

Great! glad to know it still works, I'm downloading the update right now, and I was a little worried when I saw "wacom-tools" was going to be removed during the upgrade.

14 years ago @ aliencam dot net blog. - Installing Ubuntu 9.10... · 0 replies · +1 points

When I press the "toolbox" button on the tablet, xev gives me:

FocusOut event, serial 36, synthetic NO, window 0x4400001,
mode NotifyGrab, detail NotifyAncestor

FocusIn event, serial 36, synthetic NO, window 0x4400001,
mode NotifyUngrab, detail NotifyAncestor

KeymapNotify event, serial 36, synthetic NO, window 0x0,
keys: 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

but the ctrl-alt-del button doesn't give me anything.

thinkwiki might be able to help, its page on the tablet hardware buttons is a little sparse though.

15 years ago @ aliencam dot net blog. - Installing Ubuntu 9.10... · 0 replies · +1 points

I get about 3 hours in 9.10, which is kind of upsetting, because I got 7+ hours in 8.10... I haven't done any battery tweaking yet, I might have to get on that. Firefox, flash (npviewer.bin) and banshee are my main battery killers. are you using powertop?

15 years ago @ aliencam dot net blog. - Ubuntu 9.04 Setup Guide · 0 replies · +1 points

you need to (in wacomcpl), go to stylus > tool buttons > then set "button 2" to "right" and "button 3" to middle. to get wacomcpl working, follow this:

15 years ago @ aliencam dot net blog. - Ubuntu Setup Guide VII... · 0 replies · +1 points

Do you have a thinkpad convertible tablet? The only reason I can think of that nothing would come back from "xsetwacom list" is if the tablet somehow isn't plugged in. In the x60/61/200 tablets, the tablet is wired in as USB (x60 might be serial), so you shouldn't be able to unplug it...

15 years ago @ aliencam dot net blog. - Thinkpad Middle Mouse ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Another reason that there isn't much demand for these kind of simple configurations is that most linux users can figure out things like this, through google or some other means, even if they aren't programmers. I certainly do not claim to be a programmer, the most I can do is HTML and some BASH scripting. Most of what I post here is compiled from pieces I found on other websites (thats why I post a "sources" at the end usually).

because windows and OSX aren't free, the companies that make them can afford to hire artists, and "normal people" to see how things could be easier. Linux is rarely sponsored by a commercial company, and most of it's developers are volunteers. It is much harder to get these people who aren't inherently interested in something like Linux (artists, design people, etc) to volunteer their time and efforts.