


118 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ GeekTyrant - GeekTyrant - News - Bu... · 1 reply · +1 points

Those 99 cent double cheeseburgers are a killer deal! But they don't compare to the melt-in-your-mouth McD's cheeseburgers, even if they aren't as big. But yeah, what happened to their fries??? They used to be like happiness in a box... (not to be confused with a Happy Leal)

14 years ago @ GeekTyrant - GeekTyrant - News - I... · 0 replies · +1 points

Venkman calling this poster "very movie posterish" is a nice way of saying this poster is terrible!!!! Doryen is totally right. There was more composition on the table I emptied my bag of Chinese take-out onto last night.

And what is with that random stock explosion they use at the center of it??? What early 90's movie did they steal that from?!

14 years ago @ GeekTyrant - GeekTyrant - News - Wh... · 1 reply · +1 points

We are on this story because we have to play catch up after the weekends... we're an all volunteer staff, and we like the couple of days when we're not pulling double duty. But during the week we try to stay on the pulse of things.

14 years ago @ GeekTyrant - GeekTyrant - News - TH... · 0 replies · +1 points

They announced that the script for the sequel was finished back in August. But no new info has been given since then as far as I know. Here's the last we heard in August...


14 years ago @ GeekTyrant - GeekTyrant - News - Sa... · 0 replies · +1 points

I think I'd first have to be considered a journalist (I'm a critic, for a site with the words Geek and Tyrant in the name), before I can be accused of irresponsible journalism. Do you harass high-school students for not nailing every three pointer during P.E???

Furthermore, Cameron is definitely A (as in one of) frontrunner. He's not THE (the one and only) frontrunner. I didn't say he's the odds on favorite. I didn't say, "this guy is gonna win, call your bookies."

Bigelow and The Hurt Locker are definitely getting the recognition they deserve, and they could be CONSIDERED by MANY as A frontrunner in their categories. But what anyone says is a prediction at this point, an opinion based on facts, but an opinion nonetheless, however you cut.

14 years ago @ GeekTyrant - GeekTyrant - News - Mu... · 0 replies · +2 points

Sorry, I should change the title of the post to this instead...

Maybe Watch: One Minute of Artificially Created Japanese Guys Touching Swords in an Aggressive Manner

How about Folgers Coffee change their tag line to...

"Possibly an enjoyable part of waking up is Folgers in your cup."


14 years ago @ GeekTyrant - GeekTyrant - News - 30... · 0 replies · +1 points

You guys are probably right, I was looking for the scratch, I guess it's there??? The quality of the vid isn't great. But if you say it;s there, I trust you.

I guess they'd let Whiplash wear a shirt if he had one, which we all see in the Monaco scene, he doesn't. There are other holding cells, and people everywhere are being questioned, and photographed. So there was definitely and incident.

My thinking was that Whiplash gets caught on purpose before the race, knowing that Stark already knows him, and will want to see him when caught. Or Stark doesn't know who he is, and Whiplash knows Stark will want to confront whoever is after him. This will let the villain deliver his, "I'm gonna get you because..." speech.

If S.H.I.E.L.D stops Whiplash at Monaco, (who else has the man power to stop him?) wouldn't they be holding him, not what looks to be Interpol?

Those are just my thoughts and guesses, but likely, like you guys said, this takes place afterwards.

15 years ago @ GeekTyrant - GeekTyrant - News - 2... · 0 replies · +1 points

No word on that yet. The only known cast member as of now is Jonah Hill.

15 years ago @ GeekTyrant - GeekTyrant - News - B... · 0 replies · +1 points

Ok, sorry. Shoot, what was I thinking?!

There's a quick fix for this:
Replace the setting of an ATM with a Phonebooth.
Replace Matthew Perry with Colin Ferrell.
And replace the title of Friends... with Phonebooth.

Masculinity restored... phew!

15 years ago @ GeekTyrant - GeekTyrant - News - ... · 1 reply · +1 points

I said it right in the post!

"Marc Webb's name alone seems to have already predestined him to take on the Spider-man franchise."