Aaron Shafovaloff
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13 years ago @ Mormon Coffee - One argument that I no... · 0 replies · +1 points
13 years ago @ Mormon Coffee - One argument that I no... · 3 replies · +3 points
Also, notice that I made zero appeal in my original post to the idea of something being "official" doctrine. I don't buy the idea that evangelical engagement of Mormonism has to be limited to that which is considered "official." I have a forthcoming blog post on my reasoning for this. For now you can read my related article on the matter:
Grace and peace,
13 years ago @ Mormon Coffee - The Christ of Mormonis... · 0 replies · +2 points
13 years ago @ Mormon Coffee - Do you want to know th... · 2 replies · +5 points
"I asked a family member once - if the church is false, would you want to know? He answered only after i die."
That is chilling.
Love you brother, in Jesus,
13 years ago @ Mormon Coffee - Do you want to know th... · 1 reply · +2 points
14 years ago @ Mormon Coffee - Do you want to know th... · 6 replies · +5 points
"Mormonism has a lot of truth in it, and it has some beautiful and moral things about it that reflect many attributes of Jesus. It provides a lot of meaning and structure, hope and direction."
... I was not spending with ultimacy. Rather, for Mormons this is still the common way they experience and know their religion. And when standing on the precipice of uncertainty, not convinced that they should be so committed to pursuing truth when it might mean having to reject Mormonism, the good they see in their religion feels real to them. I want them to consider the good they have in their religion, and yet ask themselves frankly if they think such good (as they know it) is enough to justify turning down a high-stakes search for truth. To ask themselves if they find Jesus more precious than all the preciousness they have known in Mormonism.
When a person finds Jesus, everything else becomes as rubbish. The precious half-truths, known once as full-truths, become better known as filthy lies. Or even in some cases, are rightly seen as shadowy stepping stones that God ordained for the way to help a person along. But I think it's important for us to look Mormons in the eye and acknowledge that they really have known good in their religion. I think that kind of honest admission puts us on a much better ground to more directly and starkly address the lies and evil Mormonism plagues people with. Knowing how precious a person's treasure is to them puts us on a better ground to essentially say, "Even so, there is greater treasure in Jesus."
Ultimately, for hope and direction and meaning and structure and beauty and morality and comprehensive truth and Truth himself, one must come to the real Jesus.
14 years ago @ Mormon Coffee - God Never Sinned Featu... · 1 reply · +2 points
That'd be like winning the Super Bowl, and then in your after-game speech saying, "I have always been a Super Bowl champion, from all eternity to all eternity... And now I'm going to Disney Land."
14 years ago @ Mormon Coffee - Whoops. · 1 reply · +1 points
14 years ago @ Mormon Coffee - I Agree With Moroni 8:... · 2 replies · +6 points
“The only way to reconcile the 1844 Joseph Smith with the 1830 Joseph Smith is if the definition of ‘unchangeable’ has changed.” (Keith Walker)
14 years ago @ Mormon Coffee - Mormonism's Grinch and... · 0 replies · +1 points
"A man or woman of marriageable age who has never had sexual intercourse. In the scriptures, a virgin may represent someone who is morally clean (Rev. 14:4)."
Mormons in general seem to already understand that the New Testament concept of "virgin" usually entails someone not yet having had sexual intercourse. Even Pratt & McConkie's attempt at redefinition (not having had sex with a mortal man) betrays this underlying assumption.