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6 years ago @ Equality on Trial - BREAKING: Justice Kenn... · 0 replies · +1 points

IMO, the first court to truly change is the 7th circuit, where Democratic and moderate Republican judges(Terrance Evans,Ann Williams and Richard Posner) have all been replaced by far right Republican hacks.
Yes Trump has put three judges on the 11th Circuit but if you read the fine print on them, you'll see that Frank Hull(who was a woman) and Julie Carnes were NOT judges Clinton or Obama wanted but had to put on the courts either because Republicans controlled the Senate(Frank Hull with Clinton) or because Patrick Leahy was an idiot(Julie Carnes with Obama) and forced Obama to accept her as part of a package deal to get Jill Pryor on the 11th Circuit.
Kevin Newson was replacing a G.W. far right judge so no change there.
The only loss here is like elsewhere(the 5th and 6th) we lost a chance to turn a conservative court into a moderate one.
The 3rd,7th and 9th Circuits will be where the true damage is done.

6 years ago @ Equality on Trial - BREAKING: Justice Kenn... · 0 replies · +2 points

They have $$$ and also think that they are sooo special that they'll be immune from a rollback of our rights.

6 years ago @ Equality on Trial - BREAKING: Justice Kenn... · 1 reply · +3 points

The question now isn't if our rights will be rolled back but how much?

6 years ago @ Equality on Trial - BREAKING: Supreme Cour... · 1 reply · +1 points

I know some folks are downplaying this but I simply don't see how any anti-LGBT discrimination laws can survive if the people who refuse to follow them claim it's art etc.

6 years ago @ Equality on Trial - Open thread and news r... · 0 replies · +3 points

May this trend continue!

6 years ago @ Equality on Trial - Open thread and news r... · 17 replies · +5 points
I know it's not polite to speak ill of the dead, especially of a civil rights hero but IMO, Reinhardt (and Ginsburg I fear) were foolish in not stepping down when they had a chance.
Reinhart's replacement would have been easily confirmed while Democrats still had control of the Senate and you can be sure whomever Pence and Leonard Leo come up with to replace him now, he/she will be a vicious anti-LGBT hack.
I get wanting to stay on as long as you can for fear your replacement won't be as liberal but sometimes you can lose sight of the greater good.
I dread what will become of the 9th Circuit soon, I truly do.

6 years ago @ Equality on Trial - Open thread · 1 reply · +6 points

Wow, color me surprised.
Congrats to Costa Rica!
P.S. Sorry about your like count.
Accidentally hit the down vote and it won't let me undo it:(

6 years ago @ Equality on Trial - Open thread · 0 replies · +3 points

He will finish what W started.

6 years ago @ Equality on Trial - Open thread · 2 replies · +8 points

Of all the people Trump will get to replace, this one sickens me the most, especially since unlike some of the other judges, this will be a conservative replacing a liberal, akin to Marshal/Thomas.

6 years ago @ Equality on Trial - Open thread 3/22 UPDAT... · 0 replies · +3 points

Jeff Landry has a gay brother too.
Makes him all the more vile.