
122 comments posted · 2 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ Macleans.ca - One entirely optional ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Once you go Black, you don't go back . . .

14 years ago @ Macleans.ca - One entirely optional ... · 0 replies · +2 points

'You fill out the form, it'll help the government help you in your farming activities.'"

Somehow I don't think that message will play well in farming country.

14 years ago @ Macleans.ca - One entirely optional ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Shouldn't that be Bon Cop / Bad Cop?

14 years ago @ Macleans.ca - Dawna Friesen to ancho... · 0 replies · +1 points

I am the enemy. Just not GG yet.

14 years ago @ Macleans.ca - Driver error may be be... · 0 replies · +1 points

If you read the link, the report says that there were still issues with sticky accelerator pedals & floor mats that held the accelerator down. However, in the majority of the accidents blamed on these issues, the black box didn't record any breaking, but did record a sudden push on the accelerator.

I doubt the black box would know the difference between the accelerator sticking or being held down by a floor mat, but it still sounds like driver error was more common than mechanical failure.

However, my condolences to anyone who lost friends or family, regardless of the cause of the accident.

14 years ago @ Macleans.ca - Victims of Earl Jones ... · 0 replies · +1 points

A minimum standard of care should also include training employees properly, something the biggies in our country have a spotty record with.

In my experience, branch managers tend to be familiar with the banking activities of unusual clients, such as ones with large deposits, ones who bounce a lot of cheques, etc.

What I have issues with is "VIP treatment" for clients with large balances. I can live with the big boys not waiting in line with us peons or having a private room, but I couldn't get away with depositing cheques with shaky endorsements.

Mind you, I still think the lack of due diligence is 95% on the investors' part.. Just goes to prove that money can't buy smarts.

14 years ago @ Macleans.ca - The immaculate concept... · 0 replies · +2 points

One would hope such legislation would never make it through the Senate. Even a Senate which contains Mr. Rock`n`Roll, Doug Finley.

14 years ago @ Macleans.ca - The immaculate concept... · 0 replies · -1 points

Anyone else see the irony in Chet`s misspelling of "academy"´?

You forgot the suburban fiscally conservative social liberals who believe in small government and big flat-screens.

OB, I suspect your negative score results from your use of words with too many sill-a-bulls. People fear what they don`t understand.

14 years ago @ Macleans.ca - The immaculate concept... · 0 replies · +4 points

I do the laundry in our house. It`s not feminism, it`s just that my wife shrinks my dress shirts.

14 years ago @ Macleans.ca - The immaculate concept... · 0 replies · +2 points

While reading that particular comment thread, I thought I had accidentally linked over to the slow news day item about the link between Viagra & STD`s in seniors from last week.

At any rate, we`ll probably soon return to the age-old Canadian tradition of not knowing who our GG is, unless one is studying for a Citizenship exam.