


17 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ KCRG - LIVE COVERAGE: Cedric ... · 0 replies · +2 points

Why is this getting so much publicity? This is being treated like Cedar Rapids' version of the OJ trial. The thing happened about 3 years ago, by someone on the Iowa football team that I don't know if he even played a down and was kicked off the team. Does KCRG do this for every trial?

14 years ago @ KCRG - Study Finds Home Hawke... · 1 reply · +3 points

Who is they? This is an estimation for businesses-- hotels, restaurants, bars, etc, not the school or football team.

14 years ago @ GazetteOnline.com - Wegher remains absent · 5 replies · +1 points

I wish I could agree with you on your optomism, but if the Hawks have taught me anything the past few years it's that they can have trouble with some of the least talented opponents-- see Arkansas State. Maybe it is due to the fact that they "turn off the gas" when they are only up by 2 TD's-- who knows.

Getting back to the original post, I too am not counting on Wegher, I have no idea why he is not there, but it really is not my business. He's not there so he's not an option-- enough said. I think we will see A-Rob first then I would not be surprised to see someone other than Paki-- Rogers maybe?

14 years ago @ KCRG - Iowa\'s Johnson-Koulia... · 0 replies · +3 points

I look forward to reading what he has to say-- I won't read tweets, but I am sure the media will relay them. I really have no idea what is going through DJK's mind-- Agony, Disappointment, Anger, Gratitude, etc., but I hope he keeps his tweets professional and in a way that represents the University of Iowa, his teammates, coaching staff, student body and fans in a good manner.

14 years ago @ GazetteOnline.com - Wegher absent, status ... · 2 replies · -1 points

The rumors regarding this have gone beyond rediculous. I am sure we will find out more in the next day or two-- Ferentz can only avoid the elephant in the room for so long. If he continues to say no comment then it leads me to believe it is something he can't discuss for legal or ethical reasons. Either way, I hope everything turns out well for Brandon and he can rejoin his teammates ASAP.

14 years ago @ GazetteOnline.com - There are plenty of le... · 0 replies · +3 points

"Republicans were the party that deregulated Wall Street " Have you ever heard of the Glass–Steagall Act? The one created in 1933 in the wake of the Great Depression? The one that seperated investment and commercial banking, one of the root causes of the Great Depression? That repeal happened in 1999, during Bill Clinton's term, not W's.

14 years ago @ GazetteOnline.com - Ten Big Game Changers:... · 0 replies · +1 points

Not to be too harsh on the guy, but he didn't do squat against Iowa or Ohio State-- two of the better defenses out there. Everyone is going to take a hit when they face a good rushing defense, but his stats are night and day, 2 yards less per carry.

14 years ago @ GazetteOnline.com - Clayborn outtakes · 1 reply · +1 points

Good read. He seems to have his head on straight and outside of the one taxi incident has been a very good representative for the University-- I am sure had that incident happen again he would have handled it differently.

15 years ago @ KCRG - Hidden Federal Courtho... · 1 reply · +3 points

This reminds me of an episode from "Parks and Recreation". By the way, I don't think it is a picture of a lynching-- a lynching is an act done by a mob. I would imagine it was justice at the time carried out by the judicial system.

15 years ago @ GazetteOnline.com - Iowa to play Big Ten f... · 0 replies · +1 points

I prefer this and I would like to make it the Iowa/Minnesota game-- I like having that game the last game of the year even if it means going to Minneapolis in Decemeber in an outdoor stadium.