
11 comments posted · 2 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - The 9/12 · 1 reply · +3 points

While there are people out there that probably think you must have GOD in order to be apart of this, that is a mistake. I am a christian, and while I believe personally it is wrong to take GOD out of government, it is also wrong to exclude people without the same belief. The refrence I hear made so many times with Glenn, is you need a sence of 'spirit'. Whether that is God, Buddha, the Trees, or even America. I believe what makes this country so great is that we can actually live all together, with freedoms and independince especially when it comes to religion. We have seen what it looks like when one dictator decides what you 'believe' or don't 'believe'.

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - The 9/12 · 0 replies · +4 points

We are able to make a difference in our world by what kind of example we lead. We must lead our family, friends, and nation is counting on us to make the right decisions and to hold ourselves accountable.

Thank you for taking time and reading this. My hope in writing this is in no means supporting or not supporting a politician or party. I am simply trying to inform and remind people on WHO the "We the People" is. We do have power! More power then the people we elect, no matter how much money they have or we have.

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - The 9/12 · 0 replies · +3 points

I challenge you once more. Invite and organize a town hall meeting with your congressman/congresswoman and ask them the tough questions, find out where they stand. I don't care if they are Democrat or Republican. Do they share your values and principals?


Research the senator or Representative from your state and district and vote them out of office if you would not trust them to babysit your kids for a weekend. Have they any DUI's? Have they punched their wives? Have they been convicted or charged in any crimes? How Ethical are they? You will be surprised on what you can find in just one hour on the Internet, all it takes usually is google and a name.

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - The 9/12 · 0 replies · +3 points

7. Do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America
A. Again, well, Thank you. This finishes the original sentence, (We the People of the United States....do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. WE the people MUST decide if we ORDAIN and ESTABLISH this Constitution for the United States of America as well.
~The politicians in Washington D.C. has been on the attack against our Constitution. We the people must take a stand again, against the criminals in our capital, and once again ORDAIN and ESTABLISH this constitution for the United States of America.

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - The 9/12 · 0 replies · +3 points

6. And secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity

A. First, Thank You!! We all need to thank our forefather's. The United States Constitution was designed to make sure we had our Liberty, and the Blessings for our Liberty, for them, and for their children, and theirs and theirs all the way to us, and we shall pass it on to our children make no mistake! America was blessed with Liberty.

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - The 9/12 · 0 replies · +2 points

5. Promote the general welfare.
a. We, as a nation, is rich. Our spoils are plenty, whether it was 1776, or 2009, our Nation has plenty to be thankful for. It is for this reason, that we must ensure everyone, has the 3 basic essentials.
1. FOOD~ without food, we die.
2. WATER~ Well, same as number one
3. Clothing~ Well, in our society
b. We must realize that the old saying....Teach a man to fish, is probably the best sayings to go with this and should have such a weight. Instead, we have allowed our politicians use our generosity and God given Right, to pervert a system that was intended to help our citizens build a stronger nation, instead, our senators used this and our guilt, to make us weaker, and more dependent on our politicians.

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - The 9/12 · 0 replies · +2 points

4. Provide for the common defense.

a. This is one of the most important areas in our constitution, The number one job of us is keeping our land safe, if we do not, others will want to take her. We must ensure we always have the right to bare arms! It is our number 1 defense. Governments can be toppled, Americans can not.

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - The 9/12 · 0 replies · +2 points

4. Insure Domestic Tranquility.

a. We must ensure the natural resources of our great nation! We must be resourceful and conservative with our natural resources, no matter how much we have, I do not mean do not use them, I am saying use them wisely. Our children and our children’s children needs to know how Beautiful America is, Show it to them, go on Nature walks, leave her just as beautiful as she was when you got here.
b. Keep your home safe. Whether it is the national guard, your local police, or your home; your everyone has the right to a safe life. It is our local community's responsibility to keep each other safe, whether that is safeguarding our 2nd amendment, or employing officers to keep the peace.

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - The 9/12 · 0 replies · +2 points

3. Establish Justice

a. Justice for all, so that one might not be cheated, and if they are cheated, they must see justice. We as people, not the government decide what justice is needed. The crooks and drunks in congress has hijacked justice and uses justice politically, It was never attended for one man to pay for another mans crimes. Each situation is different.

b. It ultimately relies on us, the American People to ensure that everyone is accountable for their actions, if a hero is a hero, we must ensure they are respected and rewarded, that’s justice too, there as, if a criminal is a criminal, we must ensure that they are punished, according to law, and justice is served.

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - The 9/12 · 0 replies · +2 points

1. We the people of the United States

a. I would like to first point out who the “people” are not. They are not big corporations, they are not Big Oil, they are not the banks, News, congress, governors, mayors, police, military, presidents, or parties.

b. Next, I would like to point out who the “people” are. They are You, your neighbor, your kids, your mom and dad, they are the people who go to church, they are the people who are in jail, they are our cousins, they are our teachers, our co-workers, friends and enemy’s.

2. In Order to form a more perfect Union

a. Our Founding Fathers envisioned a perfect union where the people controlled government, instead the government controlling the people.

b. The Union is All Parts of the United States of America, the union between government, and the people that govern. A more perfect Union, means that WE must always strive for perfection, as a union.