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9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Players must give reas... · 2 replies · +2 points


Wycliffe 'Dave' Cameron President
Hon. Emmanuel Nanthan Vice President
Joel Garner
Bill Heaven
Dr. Allen Sammy
Julian Charles
Anand Sanasie
Michael Muirhead CEO/Ex-officio
Barry Thomas CFO/Ex-officio
Verlyn Faustin Secretary to the Executive Committee


Sir Dennis Byron Chairman
Her Excellency, Ambassador Menissa Rambally
Whycliffe 'Dave' Cameron President
Verlyn Faustin Corporate Secretary

Justice Adrian Saunders Chairman
Madame Justice Desiree Bernard
Dr. Lloyd Barnett
Desmond Haynes
Courtney Walsh
Verlyn Faustin Corporate Secretary

Julian Charles Chairman
Joel Garner MBE
Nehemiah Perry
Lyndel Wright
Courtney Walsh
Wavell Hinds WIPA Representative
Cecil Fletcher WICUA Representative
Richard Pybus Director of Cricket
To Be Confirmed West Indies Men's Head Coach
Clive Lloyd Chairman of Selection Committee
Hon. Emmanuel Nanthan Vice President
Michael Muirhead CEO/Ex-officio

Elson Crick Chairman
Colin Barnettt
Milton Henry
Nicole Antonio-Gadson
Michael Muirhead CEO/Ex-officio
Simone Davis Manager, Human Resources/Ex-officio


Enoch Lewis Chairman
Whycliffe 'Dave' Cameron President
Jennifer Nero
Anand Kalladeen
Patricia Greenide
Michael Muirhead CEO/Ex-officio
Barry Thomas CFO/Ex-officio

Baldath Mahabir Chairman
Whycliffe 'Dave' Cameron President
Hon. Emmanuel Nanthan Vice President
Clive Lloyd
Hon. Richard 'Ricky' Skerritt
Calvin Hope
Roopchan Chadeesingh
Dennis Harris
Imtiaz Rahaman
Michael Muirhead CEO/Ex-officio
Verlyn Faustin Corporate Secretary/Ex-officio
Nelecia Yeates Manager, Commercial/Ex-officio


Clive Lloyd Chairman
Eldine Baptiste
Courtney Browne
Courtney Walsh
Stuart Williams Alternate selector
Lockhart Sebastien Alternate selector

Enoch LewisChairman (& Chairman of Finance Committee)
Julian CharlesChairman of Cricket Committee
Baldath MahabirChairman of Marketing and Business Development Committee
Michael MuirheadCEO
Richard PybusDirector of Cricket

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Players must give reas... · 0 replies · +2 points

They was robbing 15 Senior players not to pay lesser Regionals(they not playing till later) but to pay these people! Yes! the WICB have more non-cricketers than the cricketers actively making the money!

WICB Board of Directors & Staff

Whycliffe 'Dave' Cameron President
Hon. Ambassador Emmanuel Nanthan Vice President
Joel Garner MBE Member Director
Deighton Smith Member Director
Anand Sanasie Member Director
Anand Kalladeen Member Director
Wilford 'Billy' Heaven Member Director
Dr. Donovan Bennett Member Director
Enoch Lewis Member Director
Baldath Mahabir Member Director
Azim Bassarath Member Director
Julian Charles Member Director
Elson Crick Member Director
Hon. Richard 'Ricky' Skerritt Non-member Director (CARICOM nominee)
Clifford Reis Non-member Director
Jennifer Nero Non-member Director
Don Wehby Non-member Director


Michael Muirhead Chief Executive Officer
Richard Pybus Director of Cricket
Barry Thomas Chief Financial Officer
Verlyn Faustin Corporate Secretary
Alanna Medford In House Attorney
Roland Holder Manager, Cricket Operations
Imran Khan Manager, Marketing & Communications
Simone Davis Manager, Corporate Services
Nelecia Yeates Manager, Commercial
Joy-Neta Martin Manager, Finance
Asst Commissioner (Ret) Paul Slowe Manager, Security
Ayana Cooper Senior Player Relations Officer
Adriel Richard Senior Communications Officer
Philip Spooner Corporate Communications Officer
Michael Douglas Information Technology Officer
Josina Luke Project Officer - Women's Cricket
Joset Jacobs Project Officer - Cricket Operations
Rawl Lewis Project Officer - Cricket Operations
KJ Singh Senior Project Officer - Schools Cricket
Fawwaz Baksh Senior Project Officer - Development/Club Cricket
Anjanette Poujade-Wiltshire Project Officer - Events
Jonee Charles Marketing and Promotions Officer
Pooja Karachiwala Finance Officer
Jewel Maynard Project Officer - Sponsorship
Alan Marsh Travel Officer
Esther Emile-Charles Administrative Officer
Hyacinth Joseph-Lewis Administrative Officer
Bridget Merchant Data Entry/Accounts Clerk
Polly Wetherill Administrative Officer
Kenneth Joseph Administrative Assistant
Jell Webson Receptionist
Miles Brown Driver


Richard 'Richie' Richardson Team Manager
To Be Confirmed Head Coach
Stuart Williams Assistant Coach
Christopher 'CJ' Clark Physiotherapist
Richard Berridge Video & Statistical Analyst
Hector Martinez-Charles Fitness Trainer
Virgil Browne Massage Therapist

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Players must give reas... · 1 reply · +2 points

Cameron should start clearing out his office, and tell Muirhead to do the same. Both of them have nothing to add to WI cricket. They got together with Hinds, being buddies at the Kingston Cricket Club, and conspired a 75% reduction in pay for WIPA members of the Senior Team. This money they claim would go to the regionals in the new Franchise-type system. is the same Regional teams except for 2 players. Instead of telling the Senior Team on September 19th, they (WICB/WIPA) chose to convey the sad tidings after the players were in India.

The players realised that they get 'ketch'. The ODI Captain of the team, supported by the other Captains, took charge and started dialogue to resolve the situation. They realised that Hinds pulled a fast one on them, and called for his head. Hinds refused to go but recommended not signing the MOU. The Players appealed to Cameron. He was not talking to them, but only to the Player Rep.

So there we have the TWO BAD MOVES that precipitated the players action of .....You screwing us over, but you not talking to us even after we begging. Well screw you!

More BAD MOVES by Cameron..........
"With signs of West Indies unrest obvious even before the first match, officials from the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) suggested that he flew over as a matter of urgency to quell the agitation. He refused, saying negotiations between him and Wavell Hinds, the president and chief executive of the West Indies Players’ Association, had been completed to mutual satisfaction." (Telegraph,UK)

So, you refuse to heed advice from the BCCI to end the Players worries. You also refused to communicate with the BCCI Secretary RE averting Player action in a timely manner that showed dedication and concern. That is all documented. The BBCI quite rightly did all they could to save the tour. They opted to NOT BLAME the players and instead blamed the WICB which they called ARROGANT. The BCCI concluded that the wage negotiations was non-transparent. The WICB trolls talking about pride and shame but will not place the blame where it belongs. Nobody on earth sh8s ice-cream! Certainly not Jamaicans Cameron, Muirhead, Hinds and others!

Now, WICB have they PR people everywhere trying to blame the players. They telling the players to take the pay cut because it going to help other lesser Regionals. So Tell we that before the tour. Then you would have those lesser Regionals as your Senior Team. The WICB PR people saying you bring WI people to shame! Allyou have no pride! Did the WICB not have all the responsibility for what went wrong? Why did Cameron not pick up a phone and talk to the players? The truth is he couldn't face the players after trying a fast one. The PR people talking about millionaires on the side....Smith, Pollard, Bravo, Sammy. Allyou jealous? If not, do like them! The PR people saying we hate Yardies because we point out that all the culprits are Jamaicans.

The truth is that over the years, the top honchos at the WICB sucked the coffers dry. After Hunte and Hillaire came Cameron and Muirhead. The northern islands took turns at this. Remember the bajan exodus as selectors and coach were fired? WICB is a feeding trough for them. But.....EPMG says that they were over $5 million in the RED. The Telegraph says that they were going to approach the ICC for a loan. While EPMG could give any kind of audit report money could buy, just how in hell could they be broke? How could WICB be broke and the Directors and head honchos still have wukk? How could they stay there and live high on overdraft? Gibson used to get $370,000 USD. Pybus was hired a a similar high figure. WICB is a TOP HEAVY organisation. So the WICB was broke but they not firing all those leeches in their organisation. They looking to rob the Senior Squad who putting down the work that brings the money in!

The WICB are clueless about money-making. Picking beatable teams might fill personal pockets but the public don't want to watch 3rd rated players! All electronic transmission monies will decline. Sponsorship will decline. You can't put the games in the small islands and in ohi oho, let the viewers see empty stands and expect them to keep viewing. You can't leave your biggest cricket stands in Trinidad, Guyana, Jamaica and Barbados unused. What's the use of telling these rasses anything now.

Let the BCCI take court action and end the misery of the current WICB. Cameron and others could save us more embarassment if the just GO!

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Players must give reas... · 4 replies · +7 points

Samuels is a poor example to use in order to find out how deeply the players felt about their 75% wage cut!

From what I am reading on the Caribbean cricket blogs like THE RUM SHOP......Marlon Samuels is not a member of WIPA. His wages are directly negotiated by his Agent and WICB.

This means that the MOU didn't affect him. This is why he did not attend the team meetings. His business was fixed.

Yet, he makes it appear that he was being loyal to WICB/WIPA and to the spirit of cricket.

Talk there is that he's chooking up himself to be the new Captain if WICB makes it to the point where they can ban those who 'struck'. Talk is most players did support the action. MS Dhoni even tweeted support for the team.

So expect a divide and rule ploy. Expect a Scab team to be deployed. But, it seems that sponsors and advertisers are kicking hell. It does not look good at all for Cameron. Without star players, the scab team will not generate the level of revenue or interest in the game, especially against South Africa or Australia.

Poor Cameron! Arrogance was a grave mistake!

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - ICC can’t interv... · 0 replies · +2 points

From what I am reading on the Caribbean cricket blogs like THE RUM SHOP......Marlon Samuels is not a member of WIPA. His wages are directly negotiated by his Agent and WICB.

This means that the MOU didn't affect him. This is why he did not attend the team meetings. His business was fixed.

Yet, he makes it appear that he was being loyal to WICB/WIPA and to the spirit of cricket.

Talk there is that he's chooking up himself to be the new Captain if WICB makes it to the point where they can ban those who 'struck'. Talk is most players did support the action. MS Dhoni even tweeted support for the team.

So expect a divide and rule ploy. Expect a Scab team to be deployed. But, it seems that sponsors and advertisers are kicking hell. It does not look good at all for Cameron. Without star players, the scab team will not generate the level of revenue or interest in the game, especially against South Africa or Australia.

Poor Cameron! Arrogance was a grave mistake!

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - ICC can’t interv... · 0 replies · +5 points

TODAY'S STORY FROM THE TELEGRAPH (UK) by Derek Pringle hinting that Cameron must resign!

This can only be about the ego of a few men running West Indies cricket, a once great cricketing force now seemingly humbled once more by internecine strife.

There is simply no other logical explanation for why a debt‑ridden body like the West Indies Cricket Board, or the players that represent it on the field, would risk so much financially in the pursuit of so little.

For less than $1,000 (£625) per man in a row between the WICB and West Indies players over pay, the former is risking ruin for the foreseeable future, a ridiculous state of affairs when dialogue, and potential resolution, can be arranged within minutes on the phone.

Whycliffe ‘Dave’ Cameron is the WICB’s president, a businessman from Jamaica, and potentially the main villain of the piece as he had the power to keep the tour on track. Wherever the finger of accusation finally points, he will still be the first man to oversee a tour under the Future Tours Programme cancelled not by government instruction or security, but by his seemingly immoveable position over a little local difficulty with his players.

Cameron is an aggressive negotiator who does not take advice easily, judging from his unwavering stance over the players’ revolt during their now aborted tour of India.

With signs of West Indies unrest obvious even before the first match, officials from the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) suggested that he flew over as a matter of urgency to quell the agitation. He refused, saying negotiations between him and Wavell Hinds, the president and chief executive of the West Indies Players’ Association, had been completed to mutual satisfaction.

West Indies cricket has long been a parochial body full of island rivalries. Jamaicans both, Hinds and Cameron are also long-standing members of Kingston Cricket Club. That cosiness has yet to prove germane in the pay deal struck by them; though judging from reports that Dwayne Bravo, West Indies’ one-day captain, has insisted on Hinds’ immediate resignation from WIPA, some feel it is.

The players clearly believe they have been hoodwinked, something Cameron felt was the case when a more militant WIPA sprung a deal of its own a few years previously. On Oct 8 this year, a clearly happy Denesh Ramdin, the team’s wicketkeeper-batsman, tweeted that a 15 per cent pay increase had been negotiated across all three formats (the Test fee rising from $5,000 to $5,750). Fewer than 10 days later Ramdin’s tweets were about the relief of going home after the most stressful time of his life.

You can admire people who follow a point of principle through to the dogged end, and it could be argued that all three points of the West Indies’ ménage à trois, from the Board, players and WIPA, have a valid point in this row. Yet when the outcome threatens potential ruin, as it does now, the BCCI’s litigious and vengeful side has been roused, compromise must surely have been the sensible option.

The BCCI has decided to sue the WICB for $65 million (£40 million) in lost revenues due to the cancellation, a fairly pointless threat given the WICB was $5.6 million in debt this time last year. Also, the five‑match one-day tour soon to be undertaken by Sri Lanka will mitigate a large proportion of the financial losses, though not the loss of face.

Far more telling will be India’s tit-for-tat refusal to tour West Indies in 2016, a tour upon which at least 30 per cent of the value of West Indies broadcasting rights is predicated. The West Indies need India and England to tour regularly to boost the value of any rights, which is what makes Cameron’s refusal to sort out the recent mess, and his stoking India’s ire in the process, so utterly bewildering.

What adds to the puzzlement is that Cameron was thought to be about to apply to the ICC for a loan. How better to persuade them than to cancel an FTP tour upon which their Test Championship is based?

The consequences, not least the assurances all countries will now seek before allowing West Indies to tour, are massive. With all goodwill stripped away it is difficult to see how West Indies will be forgiven unless Cameron resigns forthwith, removing himself before the stain on the region’s reputation becomes immoveable.

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - ICC can’t interv... · 0 replies · +7 points

These were the charges against Samuels........

Samuels was guilty of violating the ICC Rules of Conduct 4 ix in that he “received money, benefit or other reward which could bring him or the game of cricket into disrepute.”

The Committee dismissed a second charge that “Mr. Samuels engaged in conduct which, in the opinion of the Executive Board, relates directly or indirectly to the Rules of Conduct i.e. (i) to (xiii) and is prejudicial to the interests of the game of cricket.”

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - ICC can’t interv... · 2 replies · +9 points

That particular Yardie already made a total ass of himself in fron the whole world.....

"West Indies cricketer Marlon Samuels has been found liable of one of the two bribery charges and faces a two year ban from international cricket.

The WICB found sufficient evidence to charge Samuels for allegedly passing on team information to Indian bookie Mukesh Kochar during the first ODI between the West Indies and India in Nagpur on January 21 last year, Radio Jamaica reported.

The West Indies all rounder now faces a two year ban from International cricket, the report said.

The hearing was conducted by the West Indies Cricket Board's (WICB) Code of Ethics and Disciplinary Committee. It was chaired by former acting Chief justice of eastern Caribbean, Adrian Saunders and also had players like Courtney Walsh and Richie Richardson as members."

Decent Trinis know that! And you just playing mind-games with principles!

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - ICC can’t interv... · 0 replies · +7 points

Sorry to hear about your attention span problem. You should really try Gingko Biloba. I do. I hope you don't have ADD and ADDHD which look like we really wasting time responding to your posts!

I read through every post I respond to, just to make sure I grasp what the other person is getting at.
Then I throw lash!

You must try that method so you will attack the writing NOT THE WRITER. Lorn that so you won't low-rate other people, especially if you operate by 'yardie solidarity' and feel other people chuppid!

'Could have worked something out' never happened. Did the news not get to you? So NOW you know, and the WICB is up sh8 street, you still support them? Did you see Holdings letter and the BCCI timeline of the crucial lead-up to the 'strike'? If not, go check it before you blog. Keeping up to date is essential when you are blogging. Otherwise everybody else appear to be authors of 'The Great big book of everything'.

You support that 75% of the Senior players earnings be given to the 3rd rate regionals. For what?

What merit tata you writing about? All franchises are merit based.

Allyou have any brains at all? Lemme stop before you get tootoolbay!

PS....I do have a blog which has 20,000 page views. So don't feel I need your praises!

9 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - ICC can’t interv... · 1 reply · +11 points

Like another blogger said, the WICB couldn't run a parlour! They take big money for themselves and want to rob the senior team. But........they want to appear to be promoting cricket so they mortgage most of the wages of the Senior team to the 3rd rate regionals. The 2nd rate regionals are the 'A'-team.

You can't do that! Each tub have to sit on its own bottom. You practice and perform and get recognised and then get into the earning positions that the Seniors are in now. I have known cricketers who worked at other jobs and played cricket too. Then they could become full-time cricketers.WICB rachifee in evidence!

Where the money gone? There have been about 6 tours in the last 2 years. CPL pays for their T20 rights plus they have said they would pay the WICB to help develop WI cricket? This is where HALL comes in! You only putting matches in the small islands and you now complaining about money? You don't know how to make money? What you doing there then?

This is how India's BCCI does it........................................................................

"The BCCI’s revenue is primarily generated through broadcast sponsorship, series-title sponsorship, team-title sponsorship, apparel sponsorship, minor share of advertising from host broadcaster, gate receipts and in-stadia advertising."

Now put some more matches in the smallislands so you get broke and disappear from existence!