


8 comments posted · 2 followers · following 0

15 years ago @ Real Life, Virtual World - Upcoming Series: Learn... · 0 replies · +1 points

Cooking at home while not using convenience foods can be a tough habit to get in to, but once you do it's actually kind of fun. I'll be doing some specific recipes etc a bit later on in the series...

As for your lunch dilemma, it sounds like you could use a meal sized Thermos. In the morning you fill it with hot water to warm it up; in the meantime you heat up something like soup, stew, paella, etc. Dump the water out of the Thermos and put your hot food inside. Seal it up, and it should stay hot until lunch time. Similarly, a lunch bag with an ice pack in the bottom will keep salads, drinks, yogurt, etc all cool until you want them during the day.

16 years ago @ Real Life, Virtual World - Action Does Not Equate... · 0 replies · +1 points

WoH, this gent seemed very much in a hurry, so my impression is he would have done the same thing regardless of how many people were on the corner with him. And the same principle definitely applies to application development. A week of discussing and reviewing requirements can shave a month or more off of development time (at least, that's been my experience).

16 years ago @ Real Life, Virtual World - My Short Stint As A Wo... · 0 replies · +1 points

Had I continued to work sans office, I was going to start working from off-site locations in shifts. For example: go to Panera, have breakfast, and work four hours. Go eat some lunch somewhere and then go to Whole Foods, buy some coffee, and work from their dining room another four hours. Or even half days: morning at home, afternoon in the library. It's not something I'd do every day, but it would make for a nice change of pace.

16 years ago @ Real Life, Virtual World - My Short Stint As A Wo... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yeah, our home 'office' suffers a very similar problem: it became the junk room. Had I continued to work from home I would have cleaned it up and made it usable, but now I find I'm strangely lacking the motivation to do so...

16 years ago @ Real Life, Virtual World - 25 Things About Me You... · 0 replies · +1 points

Nah, not amazing. Just someone who's lived a lot of life in a fewer number of years than normal. But yes, we and our partners in crime ought to grab dinner sometime. It's not like there's a shortage of restaurants around here...

16 years ago @ Real Life, Virtual World - 25 Things About Me You... · 2 replies · +2 points

Holy cow, it's my seester! Christina, I love you too, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't get a little teary eyed writing this up.

Since you're here I'm going to ask everyone to say hello to you, and I'll add #26: my sister and I didn't get along well at all as children. We tried to hurt each other on purpose, a lot. My mom got tired of it so she stood us up in the living room and told us to at least punch each other in front of her. Neither one of us could do it, and things have been getting better ever since =)

16 years ago @ Real Life, Virtual World - 25 Things About Me You... · 0 replies · +2 points

Thanks, all... It pretty much is a biography, but it's scary reading over it and realizing just how much isn't there.

16 years ago @ Real Life, Virtual World - Taking Intense Debate ... · 0 replies · +1 points

WoH, I believe Intense Debate offers built in capability to bring FriendFeed comments into the blog comments (though Bwana or another long time ID user might be better able to clarify). Either way, I know that Disqus currently does not offer that type of feature which could easily be a deciding factor for some users.