


60 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ wouldyoukindly.com - Win The Secret of Monk... · 0 replies · +1 points

Queen K. Rool.

DK anyone? :)

15 years ago @ Spawn Kill - Jackpot...? Sega Lotte... · 0 replies · +1 points

It has since been removed once it was discovered by some nosy, dirty, ruthless internet folk.

15 years ago @ Spawn Kill - Review: Science Papa · 0 replies · +1 points

I know, me too. I'm always scared of encountering shovelware, for $30 though it's definitely worth it especially for the parents who buy games for their kids and bring home the junk, I'd like them to know this is better than BBQ with Bill and George of the Jungle. T_T;

I want to pick up the DS game too to try it out, I didn't see it at the store we usually shop at together, waiting for them to have it in stock!

15 years ago @ Spawn Kill - Review: Bionic Commando · 2 replies · +1 points

You must have played blindfolded. Have you tried the multiplayer? I wanted to gouge my eyes out.

15 years ago @ Spawn Kill - ALT+F4: Zombies and Deals · 0 replies · +1 points

Still, though not scary the RE5 endboss makes me curious how in the world will RE6 be birthed? SPOILER............... New bad guy after 7 (main) games? I want to know how it'll be done and then how fans will react to a Wesker-less Evil.

15 years ago @ Spawn Kill - Guitar Hero 5: Rock An... · 0 replies · +1 points

I can definitely agree. When I see the new track lists there are a few songs that make my eyes shine and I'll emit a good "ooh" and "ahh" but when you skim the rest of the track list it usually won't appeal as much as the small handful that got your blood to pumping. Plus, like you said the songs that are in both games exhaust me and deter me from wanting both, which could be a big possibility for all gamers if this cross-track issue wasn't in our hands. Just license some more songs! Copycatting is shunned upon. But now that Rock Band's creators are allowing artists to add their own songs, I wonder how this will play out. I'm thinking Rock Band realizes there isn't much innovativeness that can be brought to the $60 disc each time around, so they're avoiding it altogether with a new system.

15 years ago @ Spawn Kill - Trauma Team: Behind th... · 1 reply · +1 points

You'll be missing out! I'm amped for this game. I agree on the forensics aspect, and had fun with it through Condemned as well, it's a fun thing I'd like to see explored in gaming better that I think a lot of people are interested in.

15 years ago @ Spawn Kill - New Screens for Fragil... · 0 replies · +1 points

I feel the same! It's absolutely stunning, artwork. I think Witch Hunter Robin started that damn hair strand bit. Though I really loved that anime.

15 years ago @ Spawn Kill - Review: Zombie Wranglers · 0 replies · +1 points

I'd also like to recommend NewEgg.com, they're new games are usually $5 less than standard retail price at launch. And free shipping ALWAYS.

15 years ago @ Spawn Kill - The Calling Announced ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I feel like just bookmarking this post instead of making a list of games I am looking forward to. You made it for me. Horror FTW! The genre is really surging suddenly. And about time. I can't wait to hear more about this title.