


25 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ KVAL - Eugene, OR - \'It may be cheaper fo... · 0 replies · +3 points

Par for the course. Just another company trying to profit off of made up government money. The students will borrow the cash, pay the fees, have less money to spend and a mountain of debt at the end of college. Sounds like sponsored money laundering by these card distributers to me.

12 years ago @ KVAL - Eugene, OR - \'Drinking, urinating\... · 0 replies · +2 points

What the hell did they expect? Candles and popporui?

12 years ago @ KVAL - Eugene, OR - Fenway West: Drain\'s ... · 0 replies · -3 points

*blank stare* wow. duuuuur

12 years ago @ KVAL - Eugene, OR - KONY activists \'cover... · 0 replies · +10 points

KONY is DEAD. Ok? Get it? Uganda has moved on. Kony is a way to gain support for ground troops in Africa under the guise of "helping the children." Another boogieman just like Bin Laden. "Oh no! Kony is in Arizona, send troops there and strip everyone's rights!!!"

12 years ago @ KVAL - Eugene, OR - ESPN on Ducks: "About ... · 0 replies · -1 points

haha say it ain't so!! Not the wholesome football team!!! They would never do anything wrong!!! Give me a break.

12 years ago @ KVAL - Eugene, OR - ESPN article highlight... · 1 reply · +10 points

No! Say it ain't so!!! I thought these players were as squeaky clean asClark Kent. Give me a break.

12 years ago @ KVAL - Eugene, OR - "I feel that I was mis... · 0 replies · +4 points

Just another government ripoff. If you are sick of the government ripping you off 24/7 check out infowars dot com.

12 years ago @ KVAL - Eugene, OR - Stowing a carry-on bag... · 1 reply · +9 points

Another stupid FEE. I can't believe this. I was recently in Asia and I flew Singapore Air. Two checked bags, carry on bag, and a personal item, no charge. Three meals and all the drinks I wanted, no charge. What the hell is wrong with airlines in America? It does not have to be this way! You can basically take a week long cruise for a flight anywhere and you get room and board, food and activity 24/7. I am so sick of getting scammed for basically every single thing I buy. To me, flying should be the cheapest way to go, it sucks so bad, you would think the prices would be lower.

12 years ago @ KVAL - Eugene, OR - What do you do when yo... · 0 replies · -2 points

I punch it

12 years ago @ KVAL - Eugene, OR - Paul, Santorum back in... · 0 replies · +3 points

Santorum is a joke. Ron Paul 2012!!!