


67 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

11 years ago @ http://sweeterthanhone... - Farewell Sweeter than ... · 1 reply · +1 points

Hi Paula! Glad you are here :) We are in Western Maine, not far from the New Hampshire border. I love everything about this state - so blessed to call it home and raise our family here.

11 years ago @ http://sweeterthanhone... - Farewell Sweeter than ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks, Nikki! I will definitely let you know when my new blog is up :)

11 years ago @ http://sweeterthanhone... - Farewell Sweeter than ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hi Laura! I will definitely post here when I move :)

11 years ago @ http://sweeterthanhone... - Thrifty finds - this o... · 0 replies · +1 points

The lead paint makes me nervous too. Im going to see if I can find the same color paint this weekend. Thank you for stopping by Nikki :)

11 years ago @ http://sweeterthanhone... - Kitchen Makeover ~ Bef... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hi Cheryl! Thank you for your comment. I love gray and white together - the color we used is "Hot Stone" by Valspar. What I like best about the gray is the warmth it brings to the kitchen without it being too dark.Iplantoput colonial-black handles on the cabinets and drawers - I like the wrought iron look. I had planned to replace the evergreen countertops with butcher block, but was surprised at how nice it looked after everything was painted. Saves me money and I'll be able to wait on a good deal on butcher block down the road. Simple is key to me, and accent with things you really love :) Looking forward to hearing how your kitchen turns out. Many blessings to you!

11 years ago @ http://sweeterthanhone... - Kitchen Makeover ~ Bef... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thank you, Rebecca! I love that picture too :) That is my husband and his grandfather. We enjoyed brunch with my husband's grandparents that day. They are such a blessing and always encourage and minister to us when we get together. Thanks again for stopping by!

12 years ago @ http://sweeterthanhone... - Eek what a mess! (Kitc... · 0 replies · +1 points

Lindsey, thanks for the bleach tip! I'm definitely going to give that a try. I love the deep sink :)

12 years ago @ http://sweeterthanhone... - Keeping children conte... · 0 replies · +1 points

I agree, Suanna! Great tip :)

12 years ago @ http://sweeterthanhone... - Sweet-spirited Mama · 0 replies · +1 points

Nikki, thank you for your sweet comment. I'm still here :) Just been very busy getting ready to move into our new home! I'm excited to be back on here regularly within the next month. Thank you for your encouragement, you have blessed my day!

12 years ago @ http://sweeterthanhone... - Sweet-spirited Mama · 0 replies · +1 points

Hi Elisabeth! Thank you for your message :) I was saved about 2 years ago, and visited Messianic Keepers at Home after learning about the site through Home Shalom (homeshalom.blogspot.com) <---- I love this family. Thank you for sharing additional resources with me. My walk with the Lord has been one like no other and I'm continually learning something, and praying for wisdom. Please don't feel like you are intruding - I absolutely love when a believer shares something that has convicted them and they are passionate about! My prayer for wisdom never ceases. I stumble daily, but I want nothing more than to follow the Lord's will for my life. Please feel free to email me anytime too at sweeterthanhoneyblog@yahoo.com ANYTIME! Thank you again and I hope we can keep in touch :)

