


15 comments posted · 4 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ The British National P... - New European Nationali... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hurry up and join BNP- This will be a kick in the teeth for the Media who smugly announced the BNP was unable to find a bloc to join. This is an important issue, as extra funding, publicity and influence will be available to members of a voting bloc.
And what would be really good is if one of the parties currently aligned with the Tories, snubs them and joins this new block, as neither the Latvian National Independence Movement or the Polish Law and Justice Party are Conservatives. If there is a Nationalist bloc created then I would hope all parties will join and make it strong. Together we have a voice!!!

14 years ago @ The British National P... - Israeli Interior Minis... · 0 replies · +1 points

Are they allowed to have a "Jewish Identity"? Surely this would not be recognised by the left in this country as it became clear on QT that any idea of a British Identity was abhorrent to them. The Internationalist / Multiculturalists do not want seperate identities. That is a clear fact.

14 years ago @ The British National P... - Cllr Golding Fights Ba... · 0 replies · +3 points

Yes, its a free paper that nobody would ever think of purchasing. It mainly carries crime stories or stories celebrating ethnic events such as Divali. My wife usually uses our copy to line the cats litter tray. Its just the right width and thickness - no real other purpose, certainly not meaningful news!!

14 years ago @ The British National P... - Epping Forest BNP Cele... · 1 reply · +11 points

Excellent grass roots activity and should be repeated in other areas when the controlled media and local authorities are caught proporgating smears against the party by association without any evidence. Keep up the pressure guys!

14 years ago @ The British National P... - BNP Has “Significant... · 1 reply · +5 points

Good news and a positive step, but overshadowed for me by the action of the Equality nazis and the Equality bill pushed through by the LibLabCon party.
Our response should be strong - not a total cave-in, Nick, and should satisfy the majority in the party who joined because of its pro British cultural stance and its protection of the indigenous peoples of this country. We must be strong and not surrender everything and show these unelected extremists that we will not be cowed by them and will exist in spite of them.
We are relying on the leadership to promote a solution that will gain the support of those of us who are nationalists, rather than Tory wets.

15 years ago @ The British National P... - Dirty Tricks against B... · 0 replies · +3 points

I wonder how many of the general public are aware of any or some of the following that are being used right now?

1. Removal of any mention of Asylum seeker stories over the next 2 weeks.
2. Stories of immigrants returning home - in todays Mail!!!
3. Hoax polls showing UKIP scoring highly
4. General boosting of UKIPs profile (after 4 years of nothing)
5. Media lies - many more people see the original article than any retraction.
6. Union intervention in the media and TV
7. Fake party set up by the union to syphon votes of labour voters
8. Mention of Nazi wherever possible when mentioning the BNP (3 examples in the NOTW last week)
9. Obamas online campaign team, leading a virtual anti BNP campaign.
10. The odious Searchlight of convicted burglar Gable with its tentacles into all the above organisations.

15 years ago @ The British National P... - Discredited Old Gang p... · 2 replies · +5 points

I wonder how many of the general public are aware of any or some of the following that are being used right now?

1. Removal of any mention of Asylum seeker stories over the next 2 weeks.
2. Stories of immigrants returning home - in todays Mail!!!
3. Hoax polls showing UKIP scoring highly
4. General boosting of UKIPs profile (after 4 years of nothing)
5. Media lies - many more people see the original article than any retraction.
6. Union intervention in the media and TV
7. Fake party set up by the union to syphon votes of labour voters
8. Mention of Nazi wherever possible when mentioning the BNP (3 examples in the NOTW last week)
9. Obamas online campaign team, leading a virtual anti BNP campaign.
10. The odious Searchlight of convicted burglar Gable with its tentacles into all the above organisations.

15 years ago @ The British National P... - The Disgrace Spreads: ... · 0 replies · +9 points

If this wasn't so serious i'd find it funny in a stereotypical way. The Labour MPs claiming for home decorations, light bulbs and clothes,amonst other things, whilst the Tories claim for cleaning a moat, and swimming pools - talk about class divide. Typical of Tory boy Cameron to try to make some headlines from this shameful abuse of the system by making them pay it back - well surely someone in the party should have noticed this before the press got hold of it - but then what should we expect if those who manipulate the system set the rules themselves.

15 years ago @ The British National P... - The Price We Pay for D... · 0 replies · +2 points

Unlike other countries, including France and Germany, it is a fact that our manufacturing base has been deliberately undermined over the last twenty years of Lab Con government. This will make it harder to reduce this deficit as we cannot just rely on the service and financial sectors - we need all three in the mix and we just haven't got this anymore. The demise of manufacturing in this country, combined with the fact that many of our companies have been bought by overseas raiders that do not pay corporation tax to this country only compounds the problem we will have for years to come.

15 years ago @ The British National P... - Tory London Mayor&rsqu... · 0 replies · +1 points

Once a Tory buffoon, always a Tory buffoon. We cannot hope for such great publicity as to why the LibLabCon are enemies of the people and are only interested in serving minority needs.
It does not matter which party they are from, once in power they act the same. It seems only the BNP offers a real difference.