


366 comments posted · 6 followers · following 0

8 years ago @ Beach City Bugle - Message Received - Epi... · 1 reply · +5 points


8 years ago @ Beach City Bugle - Too Far - Episode Disc... · 2 replies · +3 points

Yeah, I thought about that too, but I just kinda...didn't feel that one.

Well, whatever people decide to call it, it's gonna sail full force now.

8 years ago @ Beach City Bugle - Too Far - Episode Disc... · 4 replies · +4 points


I liked this episode, but I have a bad feeling...

I can hear the sound of a ship moving at a terryfing speed...

The ship goes by the name of "Perimethyst".

8 years ago @ Beach City Bugle - Too Far - Episode Disc... · 0 replies · +5 points

If Peridot rebuilt her extensions with Chinese tech, they wouldn't last 2 episodes.

8 years ago @ Beach City Bugle - Drawing Things Out #102 · 0 replies · +1 points

If I had to guess, the people behind Garnet are the force-fused gem things trying to split from each other.

8 years ago @ Beach City Bugle - Go Vote For Cookie Cat! · 0 replies · +2 points

The thing is, if both Cookie Cat and Greedy Milk get to the finals, I will be very conflicted in my decision, since I also like Warframe. I might just abstain from voting if it comes to that.

8 years ago @ Beach City Bugle - Story: Tourmaline (Upd... · 0 replies · +3 points

I kept close track of this story since it was first featured here, and I finished reading it today. Very good story, great characterization and I liked the ending. I'd recommend it.

8 years ago @ Beach City Bugle - Comic: Halloween / Swe... · 0 replies · +2 points

#3 My two absolute favorite things are these momswapped episode comics and the Jamieswapped ones.

8 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Drawfriend Stuff #1615... · 0 replies · +3 points

Unless you were exaggerating to make a point, you have some anger issues you might wanna sort out if you reacted that violently to such a harmless remark.

8 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Drawfriend Stuff #1615... · 0 replies · +8 points

It says "no porn". That's all I could find about the subject. #22 ain't porn. Not even close to it.