Matt Batt

Matt Batt


1 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

15 years ago @ danny brown - communit... - The Thing About Blog C... · 0 replies · +2 points

I am privileged to be typing in this comment box right now:). Seriously, you bring up a very good point about "constructive criticism" and what qualifies as such. I view social media and conversations on blogs no different than I do in real-life. I offer the same type of feedback here as I would face-to-face. Often I think others feel like they have a shield of defense with this being virtual in nature and often lash out much more than they would ever think of doing in-person.

As a result, my advice to everyone is to 1) be yourself above all else and 2) ask yourself if what you're typing you would feel comfortable saying to this person and group in-person. Or as David Armano said in a presentation last week, "social media will amplify your personality. If you're a jerk in real'll be a huge jerk within social media" true.