


144 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ Big Journalism - Did Media Matters Coll... · 0 replies · +3 points

Well, duh!

12 years ago @ Big Government - Shock Photos: Candidat... · 0 replies · -1 points

I wonder. I wonder if all these 'followers' have a clue that they are about to quickly transform their world. I wonder if they realize that they are standing behind the idea of the new black panthers becoming their new 'police' force. So, to all the useful idiots protesting...whatever, let me introduce you to your new 911, fire and EMT responders. Of course, those of us that think independently thought of that long ago and have planned way ahead.
Oh, and don't forget that, the military was sent to another country to fight for your freedom to protest, and they will return to find that you and your friends sold your freedom for some free stuff. Now, what are the chances that any will re-enlist? You see, they no longer have anything to fight for now...well, except for us patriots.

12 years ago @ Big Government - All in the Family: Oba... · 1 reply · +11 points

What you taught me today, Mr. Obama, is that I can never trust your word, never depend on you to stand for all Americans 'rights' and that you truly hate the idea of freedom. As for your 'unions', I will not support or buy the product of any 'union' shop again. I will go without a product, but I will have my dignity.

12 years ago @ - Jesse Jackson Compares... · 0 replies · +1 points

Well, 'reverend', it's time to write that all important letter to your children and grandchildren...and, all of the children of the 'parents' who listen to your sermons. Be sure to tell them what it felt like to be free, and how you lived as a free man, yet hollered 'racism' at every turn. Tell them what it felt like to follow a dream, doing something you were passionate about rather than whatever your new government 'slave owners' tell you to do. Tell them what it was like to get in your car and drive anywhere you wanted. Tell them what it was like to stand up and say whatever you wanted to say because you once had freedom of speech. Tell them what it was like to go to a grocery store and buy anything you wanted. Tell them what it was like when there was a two party system in America. And, be sure to tell them 'reverend' why they can never stand and speak from their hearts without fear of being murdered. Tell them how you considered your life and all it's richness more important than theirs. It'll be your you sold your grandchildren into communistic slavery. I'm sure they'll be proud...

12 years ago @ Big Government - Obama Declares He's 'P... · 0 replies · +18 points

It saddens me that policemen and firemen are connected with the communist 'leader', who has now threatened violence toward any other party. Supporting their programs just got harder for the American people.

12 years ago @ Big Government - Obama Declares He's 'P... · 0 replies · +27 points

And, to think that the Tea Party was demeaned and laughed at for calling Mr. Obama a socialist. Now, in a matter of a few minutes, we discover tht he isn't a socialist at all...he's a Communist. The other thing he taught the American people is that he has no intention of protecting them from the threats of his 'party'.
Since actual Democrats aren't stepping forward to say anything, we can only assun that the entire Democratic party is Communist. It makes the 2012 elections very simple for Independents like me.
You can't have Communism and freedom together. It has never worked in any country in the history of the world. So, the 2012 elections have become well defined. Communism or Freedom. I've made my choice...have you?

12 years ago @ Big Government - Gwen Ifill Includes Ha... · 0 replies · +2 points

Mr. Wise, the worst 'racial' discontent isn't in the heart of America, but in the classrooms of the 'elite' professors. No one has ever asked us 'non doctorates' about 'racism'...for a good reason. It would make you look stupid.
Your 'let's sit down and discuss____', is the same ploy used back in the sixties by all of you younger, drug-induced hippie freaks that constantly held up the peace sign - then blew up a few buildings on the weekends.
You want to know how little racism exists by the heart of America? Go and ask the people, who marry interracially every day, those who work together harmoniously and socialize on the weekends, and those who spend time among different races all day, every day and enjoy it.
You want to overcome racism? Round up all of the KKK and all of the new black pathers, along with hundreds of preachers and teachers, who teach children how to be a hateful racist shortly after they are born. Take them to an island somewhere and do your study there...a long, long study.

12 years ago @ - Despicable Maxine Wate... · 0 replies · +4 points

Remember the good old days, when Democrats were still Democrats, and Republicans were still Republicans? There were civilized debates between the parties, then they all went out for a drink.
Today, Maxine Waters is the epitome of the decline in ethics, common sense and truth.
Ms. Waters, the Tea Party represents individuals from all parties who are tired of your lies, failure to report, failure to take responsibility, failure to communicate and failure to represent. The Tea Party was formed when an arrogant, completely partisan group of Progressives shoved a health care bill down the throats of all Americans, rather than dealing with the "22%", who needed help. Now, you have the audacity to say that Republicans are 'partisan'?
As for you, Ms. Waters, you are angry, accusatory, hateful, unsmiling and,obviously, haven't a clue what your contituency actually wants. The The difference between the Tea Party and you, Madam? They read the Health Care bill, which immediately puts them one step ahead of you.

12 years ago @ - Allen West on Wasserma... · 0 replies · +3 points

I don't understand. Ms Shultz has called the American people horrible names like 'racist', 'terrorist', 'un-American', etc. for several years now. But somehow 'Debbie is not smart' becomes a 'story'?
Here are the facts, Ms. Schultz. I am an Independent, who has been verbally abused by you. You raced to the microphone to blame me for the tragic shooting of a Congresswoman. You continuously call the Tea Party people horrible names, and all they've done is, beg you and your friends in Washington to be fiscally responsible You hate the wealthy, jet owners, Banks, Oil Co.'s and the non-Democrats. Now, you blame the 'downgrade' of our nation on a small group of individuals, who warned you two years ago that this would happen.
So, when Mr. West spoke those four words, he was simply being honest. I'll speak for myself. Your comments over the past few years have hurt, demonized and shocked me, along with driving me as far away from your party as I can get. I will not for vote for an irresponsible bully. You aren't very smart, Debbie.

13 years ago @ - Gutfeld: Why McCotter... · 1 reply · +1 points

The days of the smooth talking, handsome/pretty candidates are over. Most Americans are well read, see what's going on and want someone in the White House who; 1) Has morals, 2) Has balanced a checkbook before, 3) Doesn't cower when confronted by the enemy, 4) Realizes fully that the Fed, Mr. Bernanke, Mr. Soros, the United Nations and many current elected officials WANT this Republic to fail, and 5) becomes Clint Eastwood when speaking to the enemy...quiet warning, then instant reaction to said disregarded warning.
Very simply, the American people are tired of 'suave'. They consistantly talk the talk, but never walk the walk, which means they have nothing to offer the American people.
Hollywood died a long time ago, We no longer have celebrities with grace and class...they now have filthy mouths and mug shots. Now, the idea of 'Camelot' in the White House is dead. There was once a powerful presence with the trust of the People who inhabited our number one it is just someone to apologize for and stifle the economy of this nation until they get their true wish of a mediocre, socialistic banana republic. Yep. Suave is definitely a thing of the past.