


3 comments posted · 5 followers · following 0

9 years ago @ Daily - Editorial: Ban cars in... · 0 replies · -6 points

You think you're joking, but this sounds like a great idea to me.

9 years ago @ Daily - Penmanship matters: 1,... · 4 replies · +6 points

What?! My signature *is* just a scrawl like you'd do on a grocery store touch pad. They'd better not throw out my ballot because I sign with a couple of loops.

9 years ago @ Daily - Lyons residents oppose... · 0 replies · 0 points

I think a vote is a good idea. If the residents of Lyons want to give up their parkland for a housing development, they will vote "yes" and the proposal can move forward. But it may be the case here that a few interested/profit-minded parties are trying to use the flood as an excuse to grab a city park and develop it. I have heard as much, and seen that they are calling everyone who objects "anti-flood-victim." It is good to have some extra hurdles in place, such as a public vote and possibly an external review board, to make sure that everyone agrees and everything is above board before we do something permanent, losing open space that can never be replaced.