47p96 comments posted · 111 followers · following 0
10 years ago @ Loveland Reporter-Herald - Loveland will increase... · 1 reply · +1 points
Steven D. Slott, DDS
10 years ago @ Loveland Reporter-Herald - Advisory group gives n... · 0 replies · +1 points
Consuming fluoridated water, on the other hand, does indeed provide benefit to the teeth, while causing no adverse effects. Demonstration of this occurs with the mild dental fluorosis which antifluoridationists dishonestly attempt to portray as being a major disorder. Mild dental fluorosis is a barely detectable effect which causes no adverse effect on cosmetics, form, function, or health of teeth. As Kumar, et al. have demonstrated mildly fluorosed teeth to be more decay resistant, a definite benefit, many consider this effect to not even be undesirable, much less adverse. Dental fluorosis can only occur systemically.
-------The Association Between Enamel Fluorosis and Dental Caries in U.S. Schoolchildren
Hiroko Iida, DDS, MPH and Jayanth V. Kumar, DDS, MPH
Additionally, fluoride from fluoridated water becomes incorporated into saliva which then provides a consistent bathing of the teeth in a low concentration of fluoride all during the day, a very effective means of decay prevention. Incorporation of fluoride into saliva occurs systemically.
"Fluoride works to control early dental caries in several ways. Fluoride concentrated in plaque and saliva inhibits the demineralization of sound enamel and enhances the remineralization (i.e., recovery) of demineralized enamel. As cariogenic bacteria metabolize carbohydrates and produce acid, fluoride is released from dental plaque in response to lowered pH at the tooth-plaque interface. The released fluoride and the fluoride present in saliva are then taken up, along with calcium and phosphate, by de-mineralized enamel to establish an improved enamel crystal structure. This improved structure is more acid resistant and contains more fluoride and less carbonate. Fluoride is more readily taken up by demineralized enamel than by sound enamel. Cycles of demineralization and remineralization continue throughout the lifetime of the tooth."
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Steven D. Slott, DDS
10 years ago @ Loveland Reporter-Herald - Advisory group gives n... · 0 replies · +1 points
Local officials cannot be expected to know everything about every issue. They must depend on the best available information, and recommendations from those most qualified to render appropriate ones. This Board did just that.
Steven D. Slott, DDS
10 years ago @ Water Online: Digital ... - Fluorination Up For De... · 0 replies · +1 points
I would like to see every antifluoridationist donate to fund the dental and medical treatment for those who suffer lifetimes of extreme pain, debilitation, development of serious medical conditions, loss of teeth, and life-threatening infection, directly resultant of preventible, untreated dental decay.
Antifluoridationists have no concept of the overwhelming nature of untreated dental disease in this country and most others. Water fluoridation is not in place of any other educational or preventive measure. It is in adfition to them. We need all the help we can get to combat this problem. If antifluoridationists do not feel obligated to donate, they could, at a bare minimum, seek to properly educate themselves on this issue, from legitimate sources of accurate information.
Steven D. Slott, DDS
10 years ago @ Water Online: Digital ... - Fluorination Up For De... · 0 replies · +1 points
Who exactly is this "everyone" whom you claim does not want fluoridated water? It is my understanding that the local water authorities in Loveland, CO., were presented, by antifluoridationists, with a 4 page letter from you, with all your usual misinformation and nonsense. After having had the correct information fully explained to them, by those who do indeed understand this issue, the Loveland authorities unamiously voted to resume fluoridation.
So, it seems as if your "everyone" is no one but uninformed antifluoridationists such as you.
Steven D. Slott, DDS
10 years ago @ Water Online: Digital ... - Fluorination Up For De... · 1 reply · +2 points
Those roots along with my ownership of the Packers, my team since birth, for obvious reasons.... via my one share of stock..... and yearly trek to Lambeau with my brother, give me a deep love of Wisconsin, and a deep sense of outrage when antifluoridationists such as is exampled in the comments here, drag their blatant misinformation, total disregard for truth, self-absorbed personal ideology, and dogmatic nonsense funneled straight from New York antifluoridationist factions, into Madison where they seek removal of one of the few, effective means of dental decay prevention available to hundreds of millions of our citizens nationwide. If anyone so desires to understand my motivations, they can google "Slott, nc missions of mercy".
Look at the valid, peer-reviewed science, Madison, from legitimate, respected, and authoritative sources. Resist the attempts by antifluoridationists to steer you to filtered and edited "information" on their biased little websites, question why they avoid like the plague, legitimate sources such as the CDC, the EPA, the ADA, the World Health Organization, the National Sanitary Foundation, and the American Academy of Pediatrics....and demand that they provide valid evidence of support for the absurd, unsubstantiated claims they so freely regurgitate.
Water fluoridation simply prevents dental decay, with no proven adverse effects in its entire 69 year history.
Steven D. Slott, DDS
10 years ago @ Water Online: Digital ... - Fluorination Up For De... · 0 replies · +1 points
As you well know, your comment is nothing but unadulterated hogwash, typical of the junk you constantly spew all over the internet. If you really want to get into Hirzy's fiascos with the EPA, and the vote, 15 years ago, of the now defunk little EPA employee union of comprised of 1500 out of 20,000 EPA employees, I will gladly do so. But, in the meantime, just suffice it to say that the vote of the few members who were in attendance at that meeting a decade and a half ago, did not speak for the EPA. They simply voted to support the antifluoridationist activities of their then leader, William Hirzy, who is the current paid lobbyist for the New York antifluoridationist faction, "FAN". Hirzy was totally rebuked by the EPA last year for his now infamous petition based on data which, when corrected for his 70-fold math error, demonstrated the exact opposite of what he had claimed.
As far as your ridiculous conspiracy nonsense, let's really "follow the money", to see who, indeed, actually does profit from keeping this issue alive:
1. Paul Connett, the Director of the antifluoridationist group, Fluoride Action Network (FAN), long time antifluoridationist zealot- Paul's non peer-reviewed book, which he pushes at every conceivable opportunity, sells for $25 per copy. Paul claims that he donates all royalties he receives from his book sales, to his non-profit group, FAN. Given that FAN presumably pays all or part of Paul's fluoride chasing trips all over the United Stated, to New Zealand, Australia, Europe, and anywhere else he chooses to visit, this "donation" would seem to be little more than a tax strategy.
Additionally, both Paul and his wife receive monthly payments of $1,000 each from the umbrella organization under which FAN operates.
2. William Hirzy- the long time antifluoridationist, and close Connett affiliate, Hirzy, is the paid lobbyist for Connett's group, FAN.
3. Attorney James Deal- close Connett affiliate, and donor to FAN, Deal, maintains a website devoted soley to attempts at stirring up class-action lawsuits against fluoridation, from which he would presumably profit in the delusionary dream that he would ever succeed.
4. Alex Jones- Connett affiliate, and syndicated, controversial radio host, Jones, of "Infowars" infamy, is now pushing, for $39.95 a solution called "FluorideShield"
According to Jones' website:
"Introducing Fluoride Shield™, an Infowars Life exclusive blend of key herbs and ingredients specifically infused within the formula to help support the elimination of toxic forms of fluoride and other dangerous compounds like mercury, chlorine, and bromine from within the body."
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5. Whatever may be paid to Connett's son, Michael, for his "services" to FAN as well as to any other Connett family members and/or friends.
As FAN operates under the umbrella of another non-profit organization, the FAN financials lack the transparency as would normally be expected of any such non-profit organization dependent on public donations, and exempt from federal income taxes.
Steven D. Slott, DDS
10 years ago @ Water Online: Digital ... - Fluorination Up For De... · 1 reply · +4 points
Googling "fluoride dangers" will steer readers to dubious websites such as "Mercola", and "fluoridealert", the website of the New York antifluoridationist faction, "FAN". For iIntelligent readers who truly seek accurate information on this public health initiative, the websites of the CDC, the EPA, the ADA, the World Health Organization, the National Sanitary Foundation, and the American Academy of Pediatrics, each has a wealth of accurate, authoritative information on fluoride, readily available to anyone.
In regard to unsubstantiated claims of various and sundry disorders sought to be attached to fluoridated water:
"lowered IQ'? No.
"Results. No significant differences in IQ because of fluoride exposure were noted. These findings held after adjusting for potential confounding variables, including sex, socioeconomic status, breastfeeding, and birth weight (as well as educational attainment for adult IQ outcomes).
Conclusions. These findings do not support the assertion that fluoride in the
context of CWF programs is neurotoxic. Associations between very high fluoride exposure and low IQ reported in previous studies may have been affected by confounding, particularly by urban or rural status."
---Community Water Fluoridation and Intelligence:
Prospective Study in New Zealand
Jonathan M. Broadbent, PhD, W. Murray Thomson, BSc, PhD, Sandhya Ramrakha, PhD, Terrie E. Moffitt, PhD, Jiaxu Zeng, PhD, Lyndie A. Foster Page, BSc, PhD, and Richie Poulton, PhD
(Am J Public Health. Published
online ahead of print May 15, 2014: e1–e5. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2013.301857)'
"fractured hips and bone cancer"? No.
"Overall, we found no association between chronic fluoride exposure and the occurrence of hip fracture. The risk estimates did not change in analyses restricted to only low-trauma osteoporotic hip fractures. Chronic fluoride exposure from drinking water does not seem to have any important effects on the risk of hip fracture, in the investigated exposure range."
-----Estimated Drinking Water Fluoride Exposure and Risk of Hip Fracture
A Cohort Study
P. Näsman, J. Ekstrand, F. Granath, A. Ekbom, C.M. Fored
Journal of Dental Research
Received April 19, 2013.
Revision received August 23, 2013.
Accepted August 30, 2013.
The findings from this study provide no evidence that higher levels of fluoride (whether natural or artificial) in drinking water in GB lead to greater risk of either osteosarcoma or Ewing sarcoma."
------Int J Epidemiol. 2014 Jan 14. [Epub ahead of print]
Is fluoride a risk factor for bone cancer? Small area analysis of osteosarcoma and Ewing sarcoma diagnosed among 0-49-year-olds in Great Britain, 1980-2005.
Blakey K, Feltbower RG, Parslow RC, James PW, Gómez Pozo B, Stiller C, Vincent TJ, Norman P, McKinney PA, Murphy MF, Craft AW, McNally RJ.
"Thyroid"? No.
"The available medical and scientific evidence suggests an absence of an association between water fluoridation and thyroid disorders.
Many major reviews of the relevant scientific literature around the world support this conclusion. Of particular importance are:
* an exhaustive review conducted in 1976 by an expert scientific committee of the Royal College of Physicians of England;
* a systematic review in 2000 by the NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination at the University of York; and,
* a 2002 review by an international group of experts for the International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS), under the joint sponsorship of the World Health Organisation (WHO), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and the International Labour Organisation (ILO).
None has found any credible evidence of an association between water fluoridation and any disorder of the thyroid."
-------BRITISH FLUORIDATION SOCIETY STATEMENT (January 2006) on the absence of an association between water fluoridation and thyroid disorders.
This statement has been reviewed and endorsed by the British Thyroid Association (BTA); however, the BTA would recommend that appropriate monitoring of thyroid status should be considered in areas where fluoridation is introduced to enable an ongoing epidemiological evidence base for thyroid status with fluoridation to be created.
Steven D. Slott, DDS
10 years ago @ Loveland Reporter-Herald - Utilities Commission t... · 0 replies · +1 points
The only "sense of ethics" which is lacking is in those such as you who are too lazy to properly research the issue of water fluoridation, before seeking to deprive entire popularions the benefits of this initiative, by disseminating false and misleading information. You should attempt to clean up your own skewed "sense of ethics" before worrying about those of anyone else.
Steven D. Slott, DDS
10 years ago @ Loveland Reporter-Herald - Utilities Commission t... · 2 replies · +1 points
Steven D. Dlott, DDS